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Virtual Assistance is a growing industry. We will be giving you tips on how to be the best VA-rsion
of yourself, so your current and future clients will be begging you to invoice them. Read until the
end to uncover the qualities and skills you’ll want in your back pocket so that you have everything
you need to land your dream client and deliver a world class experience.
Being a successful VA isn’t just about answering emails and setting appointments. You’ll probably
do those too, but if those are all the skills that you have to offer, you're not going to be that
person's VA for too long. To be a successful VA, you need to communicate with your clients
effectively. Unfortunately, a lot of VA’s out there are falling short on that.
Communication skills for a VA is a must. It’s not enough
that you know how to do basic administrative tasks, it’s
more important that you know how to properly communicate
with their customers or other team members. Expressing
yourself professionally, wisely, and kindly with proper
grammar and spelling is a reasonable expectation for any
VA. Moreover, regularly reporting your progress to your
client to ensure trust and to meet their expectations is also
a quality of a highly sought-after VA. Don’t make them
guess if you're doing what you're supposed to be doing.
You're supposed to be making their lives easier after all.

Most of the time a client hires a VA because they feel
disorganized and they can’t seem to keep track of all of
the different things that need to be done. A Virtual
Assistant plays a really important role in being able to
keep clients organized and on top of all the different
tasks that are showing up on their project system or in
their email. If you are not an organized VA, you will drop
the ball and will likely frustrate your clients.
As a VA, you must always be reliable enough for your client to
almost be dependent on you. The reason why a client needs a VA
is they need someone they can trust and depend on. If you are
reliable, it will result in a long-term relationship for you and your
client. The more you make yourself valuable, the harder it is for
them to let you go. It will be a win-win situation for both parties.

Being accurate makes your life easier. With all of
the things that a VA must do, accuracy makes
everything simple. Imagine a car that drives around
in circles? It’s never ending. Just like presenting a
task that beats around the bush. It will be too
complicated for your client to understand. You can
easily gain the trust of your client if you know what
you're doing. And they will trust you enough with
other tasks. This is one of the key ingredients on
how you can be a valuable addition to the team.
Many people use the word, but not many understand what
this important trait means. Integrity is being honest and
having strong moral uprightness. As a VA, you must always
keep your integrity even if the client is not checking up on
you from time to time. There are a lot of ways a client can
micromanage you, but if they know that you are someone
who could always be trusted then there’s no need for them
to check on you every minute. They know that you are doing
what needs to be done with great results.

Managing your time effectively as a VA is incredibly important. You’ll
likely be managing multiple things from multiple people at any given
time. So, get your systems in place to manage your phone and your
calendar. Make sure you’ve integrated with the client’s systems, as
well. So that you always follow through and exceed expectations.
Don’t be satisfied with just doing the minimum work, client’s
go crazy for VA’s who go above and beyond. It really doesn’t
have to involve a lot of extra effort on your part. Going above
and beyond on a project might mean turning multiple copies
of something. There’s so many different ways on how you
can go the extra mile.

You don’t have to know it all! But if you're going to be a successful
VA, you do need to be resourceful. You're going to get asked to do a
lot of things. Maybe some that you have never done before. It’s
your job to figure it out and find a solution. Use our best friend,
Google and YouTube, they’re free!
As a VA, you don’t have wait to be asked for something when
you know that it needs to be done. Your client needs you, it’s
why they hired you. Make sure you provide the value that you
know you can do and always be proactive when reaching out
to assist them.


Engaging with your client and being able to grow leads to a
healthy relationship. Being full of new ideas helps your
client clean out some plates on their shoulders. Growing as
a virtual assistant will boost your confidence and you will
be able to exceed the expectations of your client, thus,
helping their business grow.
These are the top 10 tips we can give out to you future VA’s to help you land your
dream job! Every day is always a brand-new opportunity to showcase your skills and
be the best VA-rsion of yourself in the virtual assistant world.

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