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Ruth has never been to school. Voice your opinion on educating

children at home. Share your experience if any.
Hello Sara,

Thanks for your letter – I always like to hear you.

How are you on the distance learning? One more month and I will hate it! But I
chatted with my internet friend, who never been to school! She is Ruth. I meet her
in anonym chat. Ruth`s mother teaches her writing, maths, reading, science and
history. Sometimes she watched video conferences in YouTube. But it isn`t home

I have one more friend, who didn`t go to school. He studies at home because he has
a younger brother who is 1 year old and their mother are very afraid of the virus.
He meets with his school teachers in ZOOM and they explain all school lessons! I
think, this is really home schooling.

As i said I'm tired of sitting at home. It is very bored! I`d like to meet every day
with my schoolmates, talked to teachers etc. And I wouldn't call home schooling
great. I think it is wrong. If I learned at home, I wouldn't have enough

What is your opinion? Write me soon!

Best wishes

Hello Sara,
Opening remarks: 1) How are you? How are you doing? How are things? I hope you’re well/fine.
2) Thanks for your letter. It was good/great to hear from you.
3) Sorry, I haven’t written/replied for so long, but. Sorry, I haven’t been in touch for so long, but.
4) I’m writing to tell you.. My latest news is…

Выбери по одной фразе из каждого пункта!!! И у тебя будет готовое

вступление для каждого письма. Практически ОДИНАКОВОЕ!!!! Таким
образом ты уже наберешь 4 фразы!!!!
Thanks for your letter – I always like to hear you.
LINKER To begin with, how are you on the distance learning? One more month
and I will hate it! But I chatted with my internet friend, who has never been to
school! She is Ruth. I meet met her in an anonym chat. Ruth`s mother teaches
her writing, maths, reading, science and history. Sometimes she
watched WATCHES video conferences in YouTube. But it isn`t home schooling!
LINKER Then, I have one more friend, who didn`t doesn’t go to school. He studies
at home because he has a younger brother who is 1 year old and their mother are is
very afraid of the virus. He meets with his school teachers in ZOOM and they
explain him all school lessons! I think, this is really home schooling.
LINKER To conclude, and as I’ve said I'm tired of sitting at home. It is very
bored boring! I`d like to meet every day with my schoolmates, talked to teachers etc every day.
And I wouldn't call SAY that home schooling IS great. I think it is wrong. If I learned at
home, I wouldn't have enough communication. Здесь уместно использовать фразы из
РЕКОМЕНДАЦИЙ: Giving your opinion: In my opinion… To my mind… Personally I (don’t) think… I
definitely think… It’s (not) fair that… (You’re) completely right. I (don’t) feel sorry for (them). In that
situation, I would (wouldn’t)… I (don’t) think it is suitable because.

What is your opinion? Write me soon! Как и для вступления,

используй фразы для концовки. Это и плюс к лексике, и плюс к структуре, и плюс к
необходимому количеству фраз!!!!
Closing remarks: 1) Well, I think that’s everything / all my news. So that’s my news.
2) I hope all is well with you.
3) By for now.
4) I’ve got to go now because… Well, I’d better go now as…
5) Write back soon! Take care and keep in touch. Drop me a letter when you can. Hope to hear from you

Best wishes

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