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I remember when I entered middle school for the first time. I was a very anxious child. When I became
stressed I would cry. I cried once a week. When I was in the sixth grade, I met my social studies teacher, Miss
Lovatt. Miss Lovatt was a very challenging teacher. Many of the things she taught were difficult, but I always loved
the hands- on projects that we did. For example, when we were learning about bands, tribes, and chiefdoms, she
had us go out into the woods and create our own society from scratch. Our class created a fire ring, little huts, and
other creative objects. The hands-on projects were always the best parts of social studies. 
I was a very lonely child. I had no one to talk to. On the 2008 election night, my school had an election party.
There was one girl who I thought was my friend. She and I both had totally different opinions and could not agree
on anything. On election night, we got into a major fight. I began to cry because this was our first fight we ever
had. She left me in the restroom by myself crying. I was miserable and I was alone. A student walked into the
restroom and asked me what was wrong, and I told her what had just happened, and so she left to get Miss

A couple of minutes later, Miss Lovatt came in. I told all about the big fight from beginning to end. Miss Lovatt
gave me advice on how to handle it. Ever since that day, I have been going to Miss Lovatt for advice. Whenever I
need help or advice I always know who to go to. 
I’m now an 8th grader. Miss Lovatt is no longer my teacher, but I still see her. I still talk to her for advice and also
for help. Miss Lovatt and I have become really good friends. She still helps me in any way she can. For example,
my good friend, who happens to be a boy, and I were at one point being embarrassed a lot. The girl who I got into
a major fight with on election night started spreading rumors about my friend and I dating. We were not dating.
We were just friends. Each day we were being embarrassed by other students. I was miserable and embarrassed. I
felt as if it would never end. One day I talked to Miss Lovatt about what was going on. Even though she is no
longer my teacher, she ended up talking to that student. She had to talk to her twice until it would stop and it
finally did. 

Also in the summers, I attend camp held at my school. Miss Lovatt works as a counselor there. I was planning
to become a counselor in training. In order to do that I had to go on a camp retreat. Miss Lovatt was one of the
chaperones, and she put me in her room so she could watch me since I have some medical issues. When she did
that for me, I felt very special and cared about. 
I am very thankful for what Ms. Lovatt has done for me. I don’t know where I would be without her. Miss Lovatt
will always be a friend to me. When my friendship ended with the girl who I got in a fight with on election night, I
thought it was my fault, but Miss Lovatt made me realize that it wasn’t. Miss Lovatt explained that it was what she
did to me. All of the nasty things that girl did to me led to the end of my friendship with her, but Miss Lovatt and I
are still very close. She will always be in my life. To me she is a friend and a teacher. Miss Lovatt has helped to
shape my life.

I could feel the excitement rising in me as I held the beautifully wrapped present in my hands. I fumbled with the
string and then, unable to contain my curiosity may longer, I ripped it open. It was a sleek, brand new laptop. I had
scored straight As for my O level examination and this was my reward. I had always envied my friends who were
exchanging news about 'chat rooms', 'instant messaging' and e-mailing', all of which I knew nothing about. Now I
was going to find out.

It started out simply enough. I was searching for some information online when I stumbled upon a social
networking site. Soon I became glued to my new-found electronic friend. I began to spend more and more time on
YouTube and became enslaved by Facebook and Twitter. I had never imagined that the day would come when I
would be transfixed by the glowing screen before me. Whenever I was not glued to these social networking sites, I
would be going through gossip or fashion websites.

As time passed, I realized that I was hooked on the Internet. During weekends, when I had more time on my hands,
I could easily spend a few hours on my laptop. It came to a point where I chose to lock myself in my room, refusing
to come out and take part in family discussions. I preferred to stay connected to the people I befriended in
cyberspace although I had never met them. Soon I was spending the wee hours of the morning glued to the
Internet. sleep was relegated to scattered naps and my grades at school also began deteriorating.

It was about this time that my parents started voicing their disapproval. It became obvious to them that I was
spending too much time on the Internet. I was asked to tone down my usage of the Internet. Yet, however hard I
tried. I was unable to pull myself away, unable to terminate my chat sessions and unable to concentrate on my
lessons. I was desperate for just another click, just another look at my e-mail or message board. Then one day, my
father took away my laptop. I sputtered and fumed but to no avail. Dad had made up his mind. Over time, I
realized that Dad and Mum had always wanted the best for me. That was when I decided to take the big step -- to
conquer my internet addiction. Quitting was harder than I expected. But with  dogged determination I knew that I
would be able to do it. I promised my parents that I would turn over a new leaf.
The house was very quiet and it was raining cats and dogs. Lightning was streaking acroos the sky repeatedly and thunder booming over
my head. It felt like the sky gods were in a bit of a temper that day. My parents had gone out since evening. My brother was at the
movies with his friends. I relished this time alone and decided to make the best of it.

I went to the kitchen and made some popcorn and a mug of hot chocolate. When the popcorn was done, I headed into the
living room and plonked myself on the sofa. I switched on the television and selected an adrenaline packed movie. Soon, I was thrown
into the world of spies and the heroes. Suddenly, there was a clap of thunder and the house was swathed in darkness. The electricity
must have been cut off. I made my way slowly to the bookshelf and rummaged round for a torchlight. Having found it, I switched it on
and made my way to the fuse box.

I flickedthe switch on and off. No lights. I repeated my actions. Still no lights. I peered out of the window and looked around
the area. All the houses in the immediate vicinity were dark. In some houses, candles and torchlights could be seen flickering as the
owners walked about. That’s it then., no television for me. There was nothing else for me to do but to go into my room. Luckily, I
discovered that my iPadwas fully charged and I could play some games on it.

Some time went by and I suddenly heard a creak in the kitchen. I felt the hairs on my arm stand. I summoned

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