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Master in Mechanical Engineering

Introduction to Mechanical Design


Design of a tandem press line

servo blank feeder


Filipe Manuel Magalhães Monteiro (

Martim Gonçalo Guimarães Gomes (


Prof. António Guedes

Porto, 29th May 2023

Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder



The present report was prepared within the scope of the Introduction to Mechanical
Design course, with the objective of designing a servo blank feeder to equip a tandem press line
consisting of three identical presses.

In the first deliverable, the objective was the task clarification and conceptual design of
the project. Thorough research was conducted to understand the problem, and industry-standard
solutions for press line automation were explored. The functional structure and morphological
matrix were utilized to gain a comprehensive understanding of the problem. Additionally, design
specifications were established by analyzing constraints and studying similar equipment from
various companies.

The second deliverable focused on the embodiment design of the project. Building upon
the conclusions from the first deliverable, a prototype design was developed with the guidance of
the supervisor during class and independent work outside of class hours. The report presents the
current prototype design, along with justifications for each design decision.

Finally, the third deliverable involved creating a preliminary layout drawing. This task
aimed to visualize the arrangement and placement of the components in the system, providing an
initial layout for further development and implementation.

Throughout the course, the objectives included task clarification and conceptual design,
embodiment design, and the creation of a preliminary layout drawing. These deliverables
collectively contributed to the overall learning experience and achievement of the course

Filipe Monteiro & Martim Gomes 2

Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

Summary ................................................................................................................. 2

Contents .................................................................................................................. 3

List of Figures.......................................................................................................... 5

List of Tables ........................................................................................................... 7

1. Problem Contextualization ............................................................................... 8

1.1 Research on press line solutions......................................................................................... 9
1.1.1 Press feeding .................................................................................................................... 9 Coil feeding .................................................................................................................. 10 Blank feeding............................................................................................................... 10
1.1.2 Automatization between presses ............................................................................... 12
1.2 Patents ................................................................................................................................. 16
1.2.1 Patent Number: US 4487409 ..................................................................................... 16
1.2.2 Patent Number: US 7849995 B2 ................................................................................ 17
1.2.3 Patent Number: US 2007/0134082 A1 ..................................................................... 18
1.2.4 Patent Number: US 4475863 ..................................................................................... 19
1.3 Market solutions ................................................................................................................ 20
1.3.1 FLT ............................................................................................................................... 21
1.3.2 Strothmann ................................................................................................................ 22
1.3.3 AP&T ........................................................................................................................... 23
1.3.4 Güdel........................................................................................................................... 24

2. Conceptual Design ....................................................................................... 25

2.1 Initial Requirements ......................................................................................................... 25
2.2 Design Specification .......................................................................................................... 26
2.3 Functional Structure and Morphological Matrix ............................................................. 28
2.3.1 Functional Structure .................................................................................................. 28
2.3.2 Morphological Matrix ................................................................................................ 29

4. Movement transmission .............................................................................. 32

4.1 Fixing the servo blank feeder to the press ........................................................................ 32
4.2 Linear guides and carriages .............................................................................................. 34
4.3 Vertical movement ............................................................................................................ 36
4.3.1 Motor selection for vertical movement ..................................................................... 36
4.3.2 Vertical movement transmission .....................................................................................37
4.4 Horizontal movement ........................................................................................................ 41
4.4.1 Motor selection for horizontal movement ....................................................................... 41
4.4.2 Main horizontal movement ....................................................................................... 42
4.4.3 Telescopic horizontal movement .............................................................................. 45
4.4.4 Pulleys and belt selection .......................................................................................... 46 Telescopic movement pulley assembly .........................................................................47
4.5 Tooling mechanism ........................................................................................................... 50

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

References ............................................................................................................. 52

Annex A - Patent Number: US 4487409 ................................................................. 53

Annex B - Patent Number: US 7849995 B2 ............................................................ 54

Annex C - Patent Number: US 2007/0134082 A1 ................................................... 55

Annex D - Patent Number: US 4475863 ................................................................. 56

ANNEX E – Sizing and checking of the linear belt and pulleys. ............................. 57

ANNEX F – Checking of the gearbox for the horizontal motor .............................. 61

ANNEX G – Checking of the gearbox for the vertical motor .................................. 64

ANNEX H – Checking of the parallel key for the horizontal motor. ...................... 67

ANNEX I – Checking of the parallel key for the vertical motor. ............................ 68

ANNEX J – Shaft dimensioning ............................................................................. 69

ANNEX K – Checking of the ball bearings. ............................................................ 70

ANNEX L – Checking of the horizontal rack for the extreme working condition. . 72

ANNEX M – Checking of the vertical rack for the extreme working condition. ..... 73

ANNEX N – Shaft fatigue verification .................................................................... 74

ANNEX O – Checking of the linear guides for the extreme working condition. ..... 79

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

List of Figures

Figure 1 - Automated Tandem Mechanical Press Line Installed at OEM Group Company ........... 8
Figure 2 - Electric motor lamination blanking line (Schuler) .......................................................... 9
Figure 3 - Coil Feeding line ............................................................................................................... 10
Figure 4 - Sheet feeder mechanism (AP&T) ..................................................................................... 11
Figure 5 - Sheet destacker mechanism (AP&T) ............................................................................... 11
Figure 6 - Transfer press line configuration (JIER automation) .................................................... 12
Figure 7 - Tandem press line configuration (JIER automation) .................................................... 12
Figure 8 – Articulated Robot (BR Machinery Asia) ........................................................................ 13
Figure 9 – Tandem press line automated with articulated robots (Schuler) ................................. 13
Figure 10 - Swing arm feeder example (Schuler) ............................................................................. 14
Figure 11 - Interlinkage of presses with swing arm feeders ............................................................ 14
Figure 12 - servo blank feeder example – SpeedFeeder 20 (AP&T) ............................................... 15
Figure 13 - Interlinkage of presses with servo blank feeder and timing belt-driven carriages ..... 15
Figure 14 - Automatic feeding apparatus present in the invention ................................................ 16
Figure 15 - Partial view of 2 presses with a telescoping feeder removing a workpiece.................. 17
Figure 16 - Robot according to the invention between two workstations ...................................... 18
Figure 17 - Robot with a movable intermediate table ...................................................................... 18
Figure 18 - Side elevational view of a punch press having a transverse shuttle mount ................ 19
Figure 19 - Fragmentary view of the vertical lift ............................................................................. 20
Figure 20 - LGR (Linear Gantry Robot) manufactured by FLT ...................................................... 21
Figure 21 – LGR -1 (FLT) .................................................................................................................. 21
Figure 22 - LGR-5 (FLT) ................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 23 - Strothmann series 3/040 (Strothmann) ...................................................................... 22
Figure 24 - SpeedFeeder 130 T2 2-Axis (AP&T) ............................................................................. 23
Figure 25 - SpeedFeeder 130 T2 3-Axis (AP&T) ............................................................................. 23
Figure 26 - 2-Axis linear module - Type ZT (Güdel) ...................................................................... 24
Figure 27 - Press characteristics ...................................................................................................... 25
Figure 28 - Functional structure of a servo blank feeder ............................................................... 28
Figure 29 - Reference scheme of the concept designed .................................................................. 30
Figure 30 - Scheme of the work cycle ............................................................................................... 31
Figure 31 - Support part to be connected directly to the press ...................................................... 32
Figure 32 - a) Screw assembly used b) Section view of the screw assembly ................................. 33
Figure 33- a) Support plate fixated on the press b) Section view of the support plate fixated on the
press .................................................................................................................................................. 33
Figure 34 - Vertical axis carriag ....................................................................................................... 33
Figure 35- M16 screws positioning .................................................................................................. 34
Figure 36 - Linear rail guide (LLTHR 20-0164 P5 E0) .................................................................. 34
Figure 37 - Carriage (LLTHC 20 U T0 P5) .......................................................................................35
Figure 38 - Detail of the coupling zones created for both the linear guides and their carriages ..35
Figure 39- Configuration of the vertical displacement system, in the Motor Sizing Tool. ........... 36
Figure 40- Configuration of the vertical displacement system, in the Motor Sizing Tool ........... 36
Figure 41 - graphs of the displacement, speed, and acceleration of the vertical motor.................37
Figure 42 - Vertical rack and pinion .................................................................................................37
Figure 43 - Apex Dynamics design tool step 1) ............................................................................... 38
Figure 44 - Apex Dynamics design tool step 2) .............................................................................. 38
Figure 45 - Apex Dynamics design tool final step ........................................................................... 38
Figure 46 - Technical drawing of the chosen rack .......................................................................... 39
Figure 47 - Technical drawing of the chosen pinion ....................................................................... 40
Figure 48 - Configuration of the horizontal displacement system, in the Motor Sizing Tool ....... 41

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

Figure 49- Configuration of the horizontal displacement system, in the Motor Sizing Tool ........ 41
Figure 50 - graphs of the displacement, speed, and acceleration of the horizontal ..................... 42
Figure 51 - Motor positioning in the horizontal axis ...................................................................... 42
Figure 52 - Solution to decrease the active length of the shaft ...................................................... 43
Figure 53 - Support plate welded to the vertical axis ..................................................................... 43
Figure 54 - Positioning of the main horizontal axis rack and pinion ............................................ 44
Figure 55 - Positioning of the features in the horizontal axis ........................................................ 44
Figure 56 - BRECOflex tensioning clamps fixed on the horizontal carriage ................................. 46
Figure 57 - BRECOflex half clamps fixed on the telescopic carriage ............................................. 46
Figure 58 - Illustration of how pulleys and a belt are used to achieve telescopic movement ...... 46
Figure 59 - Designed shaft ................................................................................................................47
Figure 60 - SKF 16006 ball bearing ................................................................................................. 48
Figure 61 - Constructive recommendations of cover ...................................................................... 48
Figure 62 - Spacers ........................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 63 - Final pulley assembly .................................................................................................... 49
Figure 64 - Section view of the pulley assembly ............................................................................. 49
Figure 65 - Vacuum suction cup (02 45 10) .................................................................................... 50
Figure 66 - Chosen layout for suction cups placement .................................................................. 50
Figure 67 - Machined detail in the extremities of the steel tubes ................................................... 51
Figure 68 - Designed tooling system ................................................................................................ 51

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

List of Tables

Table 1 - Morphological matrix of a servo blank feeder ................................................................. 29

Table 2 -Work cycle of the blank feeder ........................................................................................... 31

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

1. Problem Contextualization

Automated forming techniques are increasingly being adopted in modern manufacturing,

with in-line and transfer tooling being among the most common methods. In-line tooling involves
aligning multiple presses in a tandem configuration, enabling efficient feeding of blanks or
transfer of parts between presses using swing arm feeders, servo blank feeders, and articulated
robots. The process may also involve the use of ancillary subsystems, such as destackers and
intermediate stations with turnover stations or longitudinal transport.

In contrast, transfer tooling and systems are commonly found in transfer presses,
featuring a set of bars that are assembled with alternative movements synchronized with the press
movement to move workpieces along the tools.

The project at hand involves developing a servo blank feeder to equip a tandem press line
consisting of three identical presses. The servo blank feeder will play a critical role in ensuring
efficient and reliable production of high-quality metal components by enabling precise control
over the feeding process, ensuring that the blanks are properly positioned and oriented for
optimal production outcomes.

Figure 1 - Automated Tandem Mechanical Press Line Installed at OEM Group Company

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

1.1 Research on press line solutions

In this section of the report, a concise overview of the processes involved in the metal
forming procedure is presented, from the initial coil state to the stage where it is made available
for handling by the solution implemented by the team. The metal forming process is a critical
aspect of the manufacturing industry, and a comprehensive understanding of the various stages
involved is essential for ensuring optimal production outcomes. Therefore, a detailed account of
the steps involved in the metal forming process is provided, including material selection, coil
handling, pre-processing, forming, and post-processing. Through this chapter, readers will gain
valuable insights into the metal forming process and the techniques utilized to achieve the desired
outcomes in industrial settings.

1.1.1 Press feeding

Feeding processes are crucial to the efficiency of press operations. Automatic systems,
such as coil and blank feeding, can dramatically enhance production line performance. In the coil
feeding process, depicted in Figure 1, raw material is prepared for the press line. While efficient,
it's not the only option; another alternative is blank feeding, which may provide more available
stamping capacity. However, it's important to consider that a transition from coil to blank format
can increase material costs by 10% and storage space by 30%. Yet, it offers the advantage of
allowing the use of progressive tools, thereby increasing flexibility. Typically, blank feeding is
preferred for short, changeable production runs, while coil feeding is favored for longer runs.
Thus, the careful selection and optimization of the feeding process, considering these factors, are
essential for maximizing productivity and minimizing waste.

Figure 2 - Electric motor lamination blanking line (Schuler)

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

2022/2023 Coil feeding

When the object of fabrication are small metal panels, the sheet material is directly
supplied from the unwinding line, or decoiler, into the press mechanism. The primary function of
the decoiler assembly is to methodically unfurl the coiled sheet, process it through a straightening
unit, and consistently feed the press to match the production cadence.

The quintessential components of a decoiler assembly include the decoiler itself, the sheet
straightener, sag control apparatus, and the electronic feeding roller. The sheet straightener
accepts the sheet from the decoiler, and through appropriately dimensioned rollers, applies a
calculated stretch to flatten it, ensuring the material does not return to its coiled state. Following
this, the straightened sheet proceeds to the sag control stage.

The feeding roller, under precise electronic control, positions the sheet obtained from the
sag control mechanism into the press with exceptional positional accuracy. This intricate process
significantly bolsters the production efficiency of small metal panels, ensuring a steady,
uninterrupted supply of sheet material to the press while maintaining consistent production

Figure 3 - Coil Feeding line Blank feeding

When dealing with stacked sheets of metal, sheet destacker mechanisms with integrated feeding
systems are deployed (Figures 4 and 5). These units operate in synchronization with the press
cycle. In situations with lower production rates, the unstacking and feeding of the sheets is carried
out directly by the feeder.

In scenarios involving higher production rates, once the sheet is separated, it is transferred onto
a conveyor system equipped with magnetic belts. This system transports the sheet from storage
to the coupling station of the press transfer system. The press transfer system is an automatic
assembly within the press line, used for transporting sheets in high cadence production situations,
specifically in presses utilizing progressive tools.

When unstacking and feeding are conducted by the feeder itself (with production rates between
10 and 12 pieces per minute), the feeder springs into action during the sheet exchange process in

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

the press. During the sheet separation process from the sheet storage, the sheet at the top of the
stack is transported via a vacuum system utilizing suction cups. This separation operation is
facilitated by permanent magnets, which allows the upper sheet to attach to the suction cups, and
through magnetic induction, the sheets are separated due to magnetic repulsion, thereby
preventing simultaneous transportation of multiple sheets. Some systems employ lateral air jets
to facilitate this separation.

In the case of non-magnetic materials, such as stainless steel and aluminum, transportation is
accomplished solely with the aid of vacuum systems. For unstacking and transportation
employing magnetic belts (high production rates), this equipment comprises one or two
pneumatic actuator units, supported by suction cups or magnets for unstacking. These introduce
the sheet onto the magnetic belt conveyor, completing the transportation process to the press
transfer system's reach.

Figure 4 - Sheet feeder mechanism (AP&T)

Figure 5 - Sheet destacker mechanism (AP&T)

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

1.1.2 Automatization between presses

Automated transportation of parts between presses and feeding is common in modern

press lines. When deciding how to automate a press line, two configurations are generally used:
tandem press lines and transfer press lines.

Transfer presses require all components to be nested in the die before the press cycles,
while in a tandem line, the press can cycle once the individual component is nested in the die or
respective "station." This report focuses on the tandem press line configuration.

Figure 6 - Transfer press line configuration (JIER automation)

Figure 7 - Tandem press line configuration (JIER automation)

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

The main systems used for transporting parts between presses in tandem press lines are
cartesian robots (swing arm feeders or servo blank feeder) and articulated robots, with selection
criteria based on factors such as displacement, production rate, and available space.

Figure 8 – Articulated Robot (BR Machinery Asia)

Articulated robot automation is a versatile solution for tasks in tandem press line
applications such as material handling, tool changing, and quality control. The robotic arm can
transfer sheets or blanks between presses and perform tasks such as changing press tools or
inspecting finished products for defects. The accuracy and consistency of robotic systems can
ensure a high level of quality in the finished product over long periods of time. However, the cost
of purchasing and maintaining robotic equipment and the complexity of the systems may require
specialized training and expertise to operate effectively. While promising for improving
manufacturing efficiency and quality, careful consideration of specific application needs is
necessary for the best outcomes.

Figure 9 – Tandem press line automated with articulated robots (Schuler)

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

Cartesian robots are electrically actuated and distinguish themselves by linear
displacements along the coordinated axes.

Figure 10 - Swing arm feeder example (Schuler)

The work a swing feeder performs is illustrated in Figure 10. [2] The manipulator located
at the back of the press removes the formed sheet that is ejected from the tool through the press
extractors, by means of suction cups, then transports it to the intermediate press station. From
here, the piece is turned if necessary and introduced into the press tool by the feeder of the next
press. Swing arm feeders have fixed motion curves, which make them perfect for use in reduced
distances between presses, for transporting medium-sized pieces and several pieces with similar
geometries, this equipment presents itself as a decent priced solution for applications where the
level of precision required isn’t of great concern.

Figure 11 - Interlinkage of presses with swing arm feeders

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder


Figure 12 - servo blank feeder example – SpeedFeeder 20 (AP&T)

Servo blank feeders are electronically controlled and can also be freely programmed in
two or more axes and used in numerous varieties of types of pieces. They have the characteristic
of being able to remove the piece from the tool without using extractors.

Figure 13 - Interlinkage of presses with servo blank feeder and timing belt-driven carriages

The use of servo blank feeders in automation offers the advantage of eliminating parts
storage between presses, as the feeder can directly transfer the piece from one press to the next
without the need for intermediate stations. [2] However, when it comes to large parts,
transportation can be slow due to their higher mass and sub consequent higher mechanical
demands. To address this issue, timing belt-driven carriages can be used to decrease travel time
and expedite the process. Additionally, the CNC programming of the feeder allows for greater
flexibility in handling various geometries and trajectories, while also providing higher precision
compared to swing arm feeding mechanisms.

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

1.2 Patents

To provide comprehensive insights into prevalent mechanical design solutions utilized

for press line feeding, an extensive patent research was conducted. The research findings, which
encompass patents relevant to our specific application, are expounded upon in this chapter.

1.2.1 Patent Number: US 4487409

Figure 14 - Automatic feeding apparatus present in the invention

The patent document delineates a machinery that automates the feeding of workpieces
into a processing apparatus, such as a press. The machinery consists of three primary
components: a feeder unit that impels the workpieces, a registration unit that aligns them, and a
driving unit that propels them into the processing machine. The solution provided by this patent
reveals a type of feeding mechanism that resembles a swing arm feeder.

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

1.2.2 Patent Number: US 7849995 B2

Figure 15 - Partial view of 2 presses with a telescoping feeder removing a workpiece

This patent describes a conveying device specifically developed to transport workpieces

through a press line. The key innovation involves a longitudinally displaceable extension arm
supported by a fixed transverse member. As the extension arm horizontally moves, the guide
carriages are designed to travel half the distance, creating what is termed a telescoping feeder.

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

1.2.3 Patent Number: US 2007/0134082 A1

Figure 16 - Robot according to the invention between two workstations

The present patent application describes a method to enable rapid and efficient transfer
of a work object in both the horizontal and vertical directions, leveraging a specialized robot unit
equipped with a highly functional gripping mechanism to facilitate the pick-up and drop-off of
said object. The transfer process can be initiated either between presses or from a press to an
intermediate station, which represents a critical feature of the invention and contributes to its
overall appeal for the group. Specifically, the proposed solution is designed to operate within a
tandem press line context, where an intermediate station with longitudinal transport is utilized
to ensure seamless movement of the work object throughout the entire processing operation.

Figure 17 - Robot with a movable intermediate table

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

1.2.4 Patent Number: US 4475863

Figure 18 - Side elevational view of a punch press having a transverse shuttle mount

The patent elucidates an innovative lift unit intended for deployment in conjunction with
a punch press, which predominantly functions along the vertical axis, thus obviating the exigency
of linear rails customarily employed in two-axis solutions. Of particular interest is the detailed
exposition of the vertical lift unit's design and its prospective utility in press line feeding.

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder


Figure 19 - Fragmentary view of the vertical lift

1.3 Market solutions

An effective approach to developing mechanical designs is to conduct a thorough

investigation of established manufacturers with a history of producing high-quality products. In
this regard, a market research study was conducted to explore feeding mechanisms suitable for
press lines, particularly Cartesian handlers/robots such as linear and swing arm feeders. Leading
companies in this domain, including Gudel, Schuler, Strothmann, AP&T, and FLT, were selected
as targets for the study. The group evaluated various solutions and identified the most promising
options, which are presented below.

In order to get a broader knowledge about the commonly applied mechanical design
solutions for the feeding of press lines, a research of patents was done. From the patents found
relevant for our idea of application a small explanation was written. Those are the contents of this

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

1.3.1 FLT

Figure 21 – LGR -1 (FLT) Figure 22 - LGR-5 (FLT)

Figure 20 - LGR (Linear Gantry Robot) manufactured by FLT

This series of gantry robots is noteworthy because it demonstrates the company's

commitment to designing a product with versatile applications, as evidenced by the existence of
five different versions of this product (LGR-1 to LGR-5), each one designed for different weight
handling capacities. The LGR-1 is capable of handling weights up to 80 KG, while the LGR-5 can
handle weights up to 1400 KG. Remarkably, both robots move at approximately the same speed
(4.5 m/s) and acceleration (6 m/s2). [3]

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

1.3.2 Strothmann

Figure 23 - Strothmann series 3/040 (Strothmann)

Despite deviating from the proposed two-axis solution in this project, the "transversing
feeder" (as announced by Strothmann) solution is noteworthy for its sturdy z-axis, as noticeable
in Figure 22 [4] which can be largely attributed to the increased complexity of three-axis systems
in comparison to simpler two-axis systems. This diverges from the typical two-axis solutions
commonly found in this market research, where the horizontal axis is considered the principal
axis of movement.

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

1.3.3 AP&T

Figure 24 - SpeedFeeder 130 T2 2-Axis (AP&T)

Figure 25 - SpeedFeeder 130 T2 3-Axis (AP&T)

The AP&T SpeedFeeder series of press robots is founded upon a concept evocative of the
possibility approached previously on the Strothmann series 3/040 “transversing feeder” market
analysis, which features a predominant vertical axis for its two-axis option. This press robot series
is interesting not only due to its diverse weight handling capabilities but also on account of the
number of axes available, with certain products (such as the SpeedFeeder 120 and 130 T2) having
up to five axes, while others (such as the SpeedFeeder 40 and 60 T2) are limited to up to four
axes. [5]

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

1.3.4 Güdel

Figure 26 - 2-Axis linear module - Type ZT (Güdel)

The Güdel type ZT series represents a two-axis linear module solution that has garnered
attention from the group due to the comprehensive and extensive technical data available,
extendible to all the Güdel products. This data is particularly useful for the chapter focused on
defining initial requirements for the servo blank feeder.

Güdel's catalog also includes a wide range of accessories and options for their different
series. [6]

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

2. Conceptual Design

2.1 Initial Requirements

The initial specifications for dimensioning the servo blank feeder system were based on
the dimensions of the presses that will be part of the tandem press line (as shown in Figure 26),
as well as an established distance between presses (7000 mm), and the characteristics of the
blanks to be handled.

Figure 27 - Press characteristics

Blank characteristics:

• Blank length: 1200 mm

• Blank width: 800 mm
• Blank thickness: 2 mm
• Maximum blank mass: 12 kg
• Material: nonmagnetic

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

2.2 Design Specification
Purpose and Scope
The servo blank feeder is designed to automate the feeding and transfer of raw materials
or workpieces to a tandem press line. The feeder will transfer materials from one location to
another, ensuring that the presses always have a steady supply of raw materials or workpieces.
The purpose of this product design specification is to define the technical and functional
requirements of the servo blank feeder, as well as the design and testing standards to be used
during the manufacturing process.


W M • Maximum length x axis: 2000 mm
W M • Maximum length z axis: 1000 mm

D • Load capacity: 20kg
D • Velocity x axis: 2 m/s
D • Velocity z axis: 2 m/s
D • Acceleration x axis: 5 m/s2
D • Acceleration z axis: 5 m/s2

W M • Operating Temperature: 5ºC to 40ºC
W M • Operating Humidity: 40-60%
D • Noise production: Lower then 80dB at 1 m

Life expectancy
W M • Life cycle: 10 years

Design Standards
• The feeder must comply with all relevant safety standards and
W M • The feeder must be designed for ease of maintenance and repair.
D • The feeder must be designed for maximum durability and longevity.

Technical Requirements
D • The feeder must be able to transfer materials accurately and quickly.
• The feeder must be compatible with a wide range of presses and press
line setups
D • The feeder must have a high degree of repeatability and reliability
• The feeder must be able to operate continuously for long periods of
time without maintenance.
W H • The feeder must be easy to install and maintain.

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder


Functional Requirements
• The feeder must be able to transfer materials from one location to
another in a controlled manner.
• The feeder must be able to detect the presence of materials or
workpieces and adjust its speed and position accordingly.
D • The feeder must be able to feed materials or workpieces at a
predetermined rate and quantity.
The feeder must be able to handle materials of different shapes, sizes,
and weights.

Testing Standards
• The feeder must undergo rigorous testing to ensure that it meets all
technical and functional requirements.
• The feeder must be tested for durability, reliability, and repeatability.
• The feeder must be tested under various conditions to ensure that it
can handle different materials and workpiece shapes and sizes.
• The feeder must be tested for ease of installation, maintenance, and

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder


2.3 Functional Structure and Morphological Matrix

To analyse the transfer feeder mechanism's design and operation, we must consider its
functional, structural, and morphological aspects. The functional structure diagram and the
morphological matrix can help break down the mechanism's functions, structures, and
behaviours and understand their interplay. This chapter presents a proposal of functional
structure and morphological matrix for a servo blank feeder mechanism, examining its features
in detail to identify areas for improvement and alternative designs that may better suit our

2.3.1 Functional Structure

Figure 28 - Functional structure of a servo blank feeder

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

2.3.2 Morphological Matrix

Table 1 - Morphological matrix of a servo blank feeder

Function Working principle

Double axis
1.1 Deliver electrical power Fixed cable carrier Single axis cable carrier
cable carrier

Convert electrical energy to Linear servo

1.2 DC Motor AC Motor
mechanical energy motor

Rotational to rotational Cycloidal

1.3 Worm gearbox Planetary reducer
motion reducer

Change rotational to linear

1.4 Rack and pinion Ball screw Timing belts

Belt coupled
1.5 Amplify reach Rach and pinion telescope Timing belt telescope
Fixed linear z axis, movable
Fixed linear x axis,
1.6 Integrate axis motion linear x axis
movable linear z axis

Double axis
2.1 Deliver electrical power Fixed cable carrier Single axis cable carrier
cable carrier

Convert electrical energy to Linear servo

2.2 DC Motor AC Motor
mechanical energy motor

Rotational to rotational Cycloidal

2.3 Worm gearbox Planetary reducer
motion reducer

Change rotational to linear

2.4 Rack and pinion Ball screw Timing belts

Double axis
3.1 Deliver compressed air Fixed cable carrier Single axis cable carrier
cable carrier

Change compressed air to

3.2 Vacuum pump Vacuum ejector

3.3 Control air/vacuum flow On/Off valve

Integrate blank vacuum gripper with

motion/holding suction cups

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

3. Embodiment Design

To equip a tandem press line consisting of three identical presses, a servo blank feeder
was developed. The primary objective of this feeder is to systematically feed/extract blanks from
a press in a coordinated manner. To ensure efficient operation, the feeder and press movements
need to be synchronized. Specifically, the feeder must complete each cycle within a precise time
frame of 3.74 seconds to achieve optimal coordination. To facilitate rapid movement along two
axes, the feeder employs two motors powered by cable carriers, which deliver power directly to
the motors.

To perform the vertical movement, the motor connected to this movement activates a rack
and pinion system that moves the feeder’s x-axis up and down. This movement is supported by
two linear guides and four carriages, which carry the feeder’s x-axis weight.

On the other hand, apart from utilizing a motor to initiate movement through a rack-and-
pinion system, a pulley and belt system is employed for the telescopic motion of the feeder,
enabling an extended horizontal movement along the x-axis. Each side of this axis has a pair of
two linear guides, one to support and guide the movement of the structure and the other to
support and guide the movement of the tooling carriage.

Vertical rack and pinion

Horizontal rack and pinion

Pulley and belt system

Figure 29 - Reference scheme of the concept designed

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

To safely grip the blanks and move them from one side to the other, the tooling carriage
supports a tooling system made up of a suction system with vacuum cups.

To fulfill its function, the feeder carries out movements in both horizontal and vertical
directions, covering stroke lengths of 2500 mm and 600 mm, respectively. The initial position of
the feeder, which serves as the reference point for subsequent movement calculations in the
following chapters, is established when the horizontal motion is retracted, and the vertical motion
is at its lowest point. The system operates in a cyclical manner, with each cycle comprising distinct
steps as outlined in Table 1.

Table 2 -Work cycle of the blank feeder


(MM) (MM)
1 0 0 At the start position, the vacuum system
is activated to fix the blank.
2 0 600 The blank is elevated to the upper
3 2500 600 The blank is horizontally displaced from
4 2500 0 The blank descends to its lower position.

5 2500 0 The blank is released upon vacuum

system deactivation.
6 2500 600 The blankless feeder moves upward.

7 0 600 The feeder extends horizontally into the

8 0 0 The feeder moves downward on the tool
to the starting position.

Figure 30 - Scheme of the work cycle

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For the feeder being capable of working inside a time frame of 3.6 per cycle the x and z
displacement maximum speed and accelerations are respectively 2.0m/s and 6.7m/s² and 1.9m/s
11.9m/s². To obtain these values, the velocities for both movements were imposed, and through
mathematical manipulations, the corresponding accelerations were calculated.
This information is relevant to trace the positioning, velocity, and acceleration
requirements of the system to successfully choose the correct servo motor.

4. Movement transmission

4.1 Fixing the servo blank feeder to the press

For the servo blank feeder to function optimally, a carefully engineered structure is
required that guarantees its secure placement relative to the press. The structure must
demonstrate sufficient resilience to bear the machine's weight during operation, with no
allowance for deformation. Any deformation would risk inducing operational inaccuracies.

Figure 31 depicts the preferred solution for direct interfacing with the press, labelled as
the "support part". This element will be affixed to the press employing four M36 screws and four
M16 screws. The role of the M36 screws is to adjust the gap between the press and the support
part, while the M16 screws serve dual purposes: to secure this separation and to facilitate the
overall system's integration with the press. The M36 screws are specifically manufactured so that
the M16 screws can utilize them as a thread.

For improved comprehension of the concept, Figure 32 provides a visualization of the

screw assembly in a), as well as a sectional view in b).

Figure 31 - Support part to be connected directly to the press

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Figure 32 - a) Screw assembly used b) Section view of the screw assembly

Figure 33- a) Support plate fixated on the press b) Section view of the support plate fixated on
the press

Figure 32 presents the selected methodology for coupling the support depicted in Figure
31 to the servo blank feeder. The group has resolved against establishing a direct link between the
press and the servo blank feeder, as this approach would potentially compromise the spatial
arrangement of crucial components. These components include the servo motor, which governs
vertical motion, the vertical axis linear carriages, and so on, all of which require adequate
positioning for optimal operation.

Figure 34 - Vertical axis carriag

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

The connection between this labelled “vertical axis carriage” and the support plate was
facilitated using four M16 screws, arranged to ensure a robust link between the two plates.
Furthermore, an indentation was introduced on both plates as a guide, serving to align the
components correctly.

Figure 35- M16 screws positioning

4.2 Linear guides and carriages

For this application, six sets of ball profile linear guides were used, each composed of a
linear guide and two carriages. The chosen manufacturer was EWELLIX [8], and the products
selected were the LLTHR 20-0164 P5 E0 ball profile rail guide (Figure 36) and the paired LLTHC
20 U T0 P5 carriage (Figure 37).
Two sets of 1000 mm rail guides were used for vertical movement of the blank feeder, and
four sets of 1250 mm rail guides were used for horizontal movement. To ensure stability and
durability, the group decided to use four carriages per movement, rather than just two carriages
in a single rail or two rails with one carriage each. The size chosen for this application came up to
a size 20, as perceptible from the product codes, and with the assumption coming from analysis
of similar products.
The steel profiles that ensure the vertical and horizontal movements were machined to
accommodate the rails, and additional machining was required to accommodate the carriages in
the respective parts.
The calculations determining the suitability of these components for the task are provided
in Annex O, where it is indicated that the rail experiences a maximum force of 1808 N during the

Figure 36 - Linear rail guide (LLTHR 20-0164 P5 E0)

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Figure 37 - Carriage (LLTHC 20 U T0 P5)

Moreover, to ensure the precise placement of these elements across various parts of the
mechanism, machining operations were conducted to establish coupling zones. This strategic
machining creates specific areas designed for interfacing and alignment, contributing to the
overall efficiency and reliability of the assembly.

Figure 38 - Detail of the coupling zones created for both the linear guides and their carriages

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4.3 Vertical movement

4.3.1 Motor selection for vertical movement

To identify the motor that best meets the system's requirements and ensures efficient
operation of the rack-and-pinion system, the Full Motor Sizing Tool program provided by the
manufacturer OMRON was utilized. Selecting a suitable motor necessitated considering the total
weight to be moved vertically and the corresponding time taken for each phase of the cycle. These
factors played a fundamental role in determining the appropriate motor for the application,
ensuring optimal performance and meeting the system's needs.

Figure 39- Configuration of the vertical displacement system, in the Motor Sizing Tool.

Initially, the motor selection for the system involved opting for the APEX AFR140 reducer
with a reduction ratio of 4. To generate vertical movement, a pinion with a diameter of 54 mm
was employed. Subsequently the system load was determined by calculating the estimated weight.
Based on these considerations the first motor was chosen for the system. The total weight was
then calculated again using the weight of this motor, and after a few iterations, it was determined
that the weight to be transported will be 190 kg and the R88M-1AM3K015C-B engine is the one
that matches this movement the best, as shown on the data depicted in Figure 40 reveals that the
motor is employed at 89.16% of its maximum speed, 49.28% of its maximum torque, and 83.08%
of its effective torque. The reason this motor was chosen over the R88M-1AM3K015C is due to
the fact it features a brake, which will be needed to hold the weight secure when the movement is
The verification process for ensuring a valid connection between the motor and the
reducer is outlined in Annex G. It provides detailed information and analysis regarding the
suitability and compatibility of the motor-reducer connection.

Figure 40- Configuration of the vertical displacement system, in the Motor Sizing Tool

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

To facilitate the movement of the load from its initial position to its final position and
complete the cycle, an examination of the motor's rotational movement as a function of time was
conducted. The maximum position of the motor in radians was determined to be 66.67.
Furthermore, the motor was found to have a maximum speed of 2006.15 rpm and a maximum
acceleration of 1324.1 rad/s² in module. These parameters were analyzed to ensure the motor's
capabilities aligned with the requirements of the desired movement.

Figure 41 - graphs of the displacement, speed, and acceleration of the vertical motor

4.3.2 Vertical movement transmission

The vertical movement of the machine is achieved using an electric servo motor that
drives a system of rack and pinion, as illustrated in Figure 39.

Figure 42 - Vertical rack and pinion

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

The movement transmission to the rack and pinion system necessitates a right-angle
reducer. For this requirement, the team selected the AFR140 model from Apex Dynamics. This
decision was influenced by the company's extensive variety of reducers compatible with OMRON
servo motors, the brand of servo motors being utilized for the motor sizing segment of this project.

The specific choice of this model was largely facilitated by the Design Tool on the Apex
Dynamics website [9]. Upon inputting the relevant motor information and specifying the desired
reducer line (AFR, in this case), this tool promptly suggests a compatible reducer suited for the
desired application.

Figure 43 - Apex Dynamics design tool step 1)

Figure 44 - Apex Dynamics design tool step 2)

Figure 45 - Apex Dynamics design tool final step

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

The rack and pinion chosen are both provided by Apex Dynamics, and they have the
following characteristics


• Quality 8/Carbon Steel

• Tooth Thickness Tolerance: -48 ~ 0 μm
• Right-Hand Helical Teeth
• Material Normalized
• Teeth Milled and all Sides Milled

Figure 46 - Technical drawing of the chosen rack

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder


• Quality DIN 5 / Alloy Steel

• Tooth Thickness Tolerance: e25
• Left-Hand Helical Teeth

Case-Hardened and Teeth Ground

Figure 47 - Technical drawing of the chosen pinion

The selection of the manufacturer for the rack and pinion was dictated by the
compatibility with the used reducers, both of which are derived from the same source. This
immediate compatibility and the prompt availability of information for any required calculations
- since all these products are listed in the Apex Dynamics catalogue [10] - significantly facilitated
the decision-making process.

Catalogue-based data confirms that the selected pinion is rated for a maximum torque of
220 Nm. This capacity greatly exceeds the 66.88Nm torque expected during the operational cycle,
thus ensuring safety and reliability.

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

Further verification of the rack's suitability was performed through a series of
calculations, the results of which can be found in Annex M.

Once the pinion has been verified, the next step is to assess the suitability of the keyway
to ensure it will perform adequately under the working conditions. The calculations pertaining
to the verification of the keyway's performance under the working conditions are detailed in
Annex I.

4.4 Horizontal movement

4.4.1 Motor selection for horizontal movement

A similar process, using the FullMotorSizingTool, was undertaken to determine the

appropriate servomotor for supporting the horizontal movement. However, the purpose of this
assessment was to ascertain whether the motor utilized for vertical movement was compatible
with horizontal motion.

Upon evaluation, it was determined that the motor was suitable for its intended purpose,
as the horizontal movement necessitated less effort compared to the vertical motion.

To ensure a valid connection between the motor and the reducer, a verification process
was conducted, as outlined in Annex G. This section provides comprehensive information and
analysis regarding the suitability and compatibility of the motor-reducer connection.

Figure 48 - Configuration of the horizontal displacement system, in the Motor Sizing Tool

For the horizontal system, the same reducer (APEX AF140) as used in the vertical
movement was employed, with a reduction ratio of 4. The rack and pinion system employed for
both vertical and horizontal movements also remained consistent. However, it should be noted
that the maximum weight to be handled horizontally was 85 kg. According to the data presented
in Figure 49, the motor exhibited appropriate compatibility for the horizontal movement, utilizing
96.42% of its maximum speed, 17.21% of its maximum torque, and 28.76% of its effective torque.

Figure 49 - Configuration of the horizontal displacement system, in the Motor Sizing Tool

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

To facilitate the transfer of the load during each cycle, the rotational movement of the
motor was analyzed as a function of time. The motor was found to have a maximum position of
138.89 radians. Furthermore, its maximum speed and acceleration were determined to be 2169.51
rpm and 743.26 rad/s², respectively, in module. These parameters were examined to ensure that
the motor's capabilities align with the requirements of the movement, enabling smooth and
efficient transfer of the load.

Figure 50 - graphs of the displacement, speed, and acceleration of the horizontal

4.4.2 Main horizontal movement

To convey the principal motion, a rack and pinion system was once again employed. The
primary challenge in this instance was accommodating the motor due to its substantial size and
weight. To circumvent any potential imbalance, the motor was aligned with the centre of the
assembly, which consisted of the horizontal movement assembly and the gripper setup. This
strategic positioning ensured equilibrium and stability in the overall setup.

Figure 51 - Motor positioning in the horizontal axis

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

The motor is fixed to an L-shaped component specifically designed to bridge the vertical
and horizontal axes, this component will be from now on labelled as “horizontal carriage”. This
part plays a crucial role in not only interconnecting the vertical and horizontal axes but also
supporting the horizontal axis and the assembly of the motor and reducer, which is responsible
for transmitting movement to the axis.

For the horizontal carriage part, a supplemental adaptation akin to a flange was
necessitated. The need for this addition arises from the oversized shaft of the selected reducer
solution, which exceeds the desired dimensions, as depicted in Figure 52.

Figure 52 - Solution to decrease the active length of the shaft

As the mechanical resistance of this connection was a serious concern the group opted to
implement a 20mm steel plate to where the vertical axis will be welded. That plate will then be
fixated to the L-shaped part via 4 M8 screws, as illustrated in Figure 53, granting in this way the
necessary mechanical resistance to the system.

Figure 53 - Support plate welded to the vertical axis

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

In the assembly responsible for the main horizontal movement, the rack and pinion find
their position atop the primary axis profile. A configuration of two linear guides and four carriages
drives the system's motion and are affixed on what's termed as the "horizontal carriage". The
linear guide carriages are stationed at the ends of the horizontal carriage. A more vivid
representation of this arrangement can be seen in Figures 54 and 55.

Figure 54 - Positioning of the main horizontal axis rack and pinion

Figure 55 - Positioning of the features in the horizontal axis

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

Regarding the rack and pinion, the same ones as used in the vertical setup were employed
with a minor variation in the rack's length. In this instance, the rack has a length of 1250 mm,
compared to the 1000 mm length of the rack used in the vertical axis. Hence, the rack used for
this assembly is as follows:

Beyond assessing the suitability of the pinion for vertical displacement, the compatibility
of the pinion for horizontal motion was also scrutinised. The maximum torque rating of 220 Nm
greatly surpasses the 17.58Nm torque it is expected to endure during the operational cycle.
Following this, calculations were undertaken to verify the appropriateness of the keyway
throughout the work cycle. These computations can be referenced in Annex H.

Parallel to the scrutiny carried out for vertical motion, calculations were executed to
determine the rack's suitability for horizontal displacement. Details of these calculations and the
resulting findings are available in Annex L.

4.4.3 Telescopic horizontal movement

To accommodate the required 2500mm travel distance for the main movement, a
telescopic solution was implemented. This involves a pulley and belt system that connects the
main carriage and the L-shaped part. The telescopic system moves synchronized with the
horizontal movement of the main system, therefore allowing the system to travel the 1250 with a
2500mm axis, as when the main axis travels 1250mm the telescopic system has travelled 1250
mm along the axis, totalling the 2500mm required.

The belt is connected to both parts using a both a set of half clamps and tensioning clamps
from BRECOflex [11], as illustrated in Figures 56 and 57. The tensioning clamps were positioned

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on the L-shaped part as the group figured this would be the most accessible solution in terms of
tensioning the system. The chosen pulley and belt are also from BRECOflex [5].

Figure 56 - BRECOflex tensioning clamps fixed on the horizontal carriage

Figure 57 - BRECOflex half clamps fixed on the telescopic carriage

To properly accommodate the pulley in the horizontal axis a whole subassembly was
projected, as several things had to be considered.

4.4.4 Pulleys and belt selection

It was feasible to determine the belt and pulleys to be employed to transfer motion and create the
telescope movement by consulting the catalogues of the OPTIBELT manufacturer, knowing the
diameters of the pulleys and the distances between their centres, as well as the velocities and
accelerations required for the movement.

Figure 58 - Illustration of how pulleys and a belt are used to achieve telescopic movement

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Hence, a 50 AT10 belt with a length of 3100mm and 310 teeth was chosen for the
application. The pulleys selected measure 190.98mm in diameter, having 60 teeth, 30 of which
maintain constant contact with the belt. The calculations validating these findings can be accessed
in Annex E. Telescopic movement pulley assembly

This segment of the report will introduce and provide justification for the various
components that constitute the pulley assembly:

Shaft: The engineered shaft made of steel 25CrMo4 consists of three sections with
diameters of 30mm, 32.5mm, and 35mm. These sections have varying lengths, which from left to
right in Figure 59 correspond to 15mm, 24mm, 50mm, 44mm and 15mm, with the total length of
the shaft being 148mm.

Annex J includes the calculations performed to determine the sizing of the shaft,
specifically establishing the minimum diameter required based on the given parameters and
requirements. These calculations provide the necessary information for selecting an appropriate
shaft diameter. Meanwhile, Annex N provides the results of fatigue resistance tests conducted on
the shaft.

Figure 59 - Designed shaft

Ball bearings: Ball bearing: The used ball bearings were also tested for resistance in Annex K.
From the SKF catalog [12] several options were suitable but the group opted for the 16006 model

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Figure 60 - SKF 16006 ball bearing

Covers: To incorporate the system into the horizontal axis, a specially designed cover
was employed, capable of securing the selected ball bearing in place.

Figure 61 - Constructive recommendations of cover

Retaining solution: To secure the pulley assembly in its position, the team opted for
the use of spacers. These components serve to interlock one end with the ball bearing while the
other end locks into the pulley, thus ensuring stability.

Figure 62 - Spacers

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Final assembly: The final assembly of the pulley is achieved by lodging the covers into
the main axis using four M6 screws. This step ensures the secure positioning of the entire

Figure 63 - Final pulley assembly

Figure 64 - Section view of the pulley assembly

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4.5 Tooling mechanism

To devise a mechanism capable of managing the weights and dimensions required by the
application at hand, research on various catalogues was conducted. A concept comprising six
vacuum suction cups from Vuoltotecnica [13] (depicted in Figure 65) was selected. The fact that
the shown solution uses springs in the suction cup mechanism was a factor that favoured the
choice of this specific product, as it is a very interesting solution to reduce the rigidity of the

Figure 65 - Vacuum suction cup (02 45 10)

The suction cups were incorporated in a manner that aligns with the blank geometry
(1200 x 800 mm), and the chosen layout is shown in Figure 65.

Figure 66 - Chosen layout for suction cups placement

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder

The gripper was designed, employing steel tubes measuring 30 x 30 mm that will be
welded together. The end portions of each section require machining to accommodate the vacuum
cups, which will be secured using nuts, as visible in Figure 23.

Figure 67 - Machined detail in the extremities of the steel tubes

The final version of the tooling mechanism is presented in Figure 68.

Figure 68 - Designed tooling system

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Introduction to Mechanical Design Design of a tandem press line servo blank feeder


[1] SCHULER, The entire world of sheet metal forming

[2] SCHULER, “Metalforming Handbook”, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 1998

[3] FLT,

gantry-robot-lgr/, (consulted 10-03-2023)

[4] Strothmann,

kit/line-gantries/, (consulted 10-03-2023)

[5] AP&T,,

(consulted 10-03-2023)

[6] Güdel,, (consulted 10-03-2023)

[7] AP&T,, (consulted


,(consulted 25-04-2023)

[9] Apex Dynamics - Design tools,,

(consulted 29-05-2023)

[10] Apex Dynamics - Rack and Pinion catalog,,

(consulted 29-05-2023)

[11] BRECOflex,
clamps,(consulted 25-04-2023)

[12] SKF – catalog,, (consulted 29-05-

clamps,(consulted 25-04-2023)

components/optibelt-timing-belt-pulleys/,(consulted 25-04-2023)

[13]fffVuototecnica,,(consulted 25-04-2023)

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Annex A - Patent Number: US 4487409

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Annex B - Patent Number: US 7849995 B2

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Annex C - Patent Number: US 2007/0134082 A1

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Annex D - Patent Number: US 4475863

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ANNEX E – Sizing and checking of the linear belt and pulleys.

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ANNEX F – Checking of the gearbox for the horizontal motor

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ANNEX G – Checking of the gearbox for the vertical motor

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ANNEX H – Checking of the parallel key for the horizontal motor.

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ANNEX I – Checking of the parallel key for the vertical motor.

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ANNEX J – Shaft dimensioning

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ANNEX K – Checking of the ball bearings.

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ANNEX L – Checking of the horizontal rack for the extreme
working condition.

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ANNEX M – Checking of the vertical rack for the extreme
working condition.

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ANNEX N – Shaft fatigue verification

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ANNEX O – Checking of the linear guides for the extreme
working condition.

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