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Review Notes

Notes for Social Group Work

Pullantes, Caren T.

SWP6: Social Work Practice with Groups

(Mid-Term Examination Reviewer)

themselves to others and experience growth opportunities in

Knowledge Foundation
Foundation of SGW accordance with their needs and capabilities towards individual,
Groups group and community
community deve

 Composed of two or more individuals who constantly interact with one

3 Major Concerns of the Different Concepts
another and are bound by common interests and purposes.
1) The individual whose enhanced social functioning is the goal of the
Concepts of Social Groupwork
2) Enhanced social functioning
functioning as a desired attribute of an individual’s
 Pumphrey (1961)
(1961) meaningful social existence
 It is an educational process emphasizing (1) the development and 3) Purpose of group experience as the means through which social
social adjustment of an individual through voluntary group functioning
functioning may be enha
association, and (2) the use of the association as a means of promoting
other socially desirable ends. Elements of the DDifferent
ifferent Concepts
 Wilson & Ryland (1957) 1) Individuals in groups are helped
 A process and a method through which group life is affected by a 2) By a social group worker through
worker who consciously guides the interaction process towards the 3) A process involving interaction between and among the individual
accomplishment of goals which are conceived in a democratic frame members using
of reference. 4) Program activities designed to allow interaction among members to
take place for the purpose of attaining certain goals for the individual
 Perlman (1957)
(1957) & Murphy (1959)
members and/or satisfying their needs
 As a method of social work which helps individuals to enhance their
social functioning
functioning tthrough
hrough purpo
seful group experience
s, and to cope
more efficiently with personal, group and community problems. End Goal: individual, group and community development

 Vinter (1974)
 Social group work as a mode of serving individuals through sustained Rationale for the Use of Social Group
Group Work
face-to-face interaction to include desired changes among the client 1) The social and psychological impact of contemporary problems that
participants. confront society (clientele groups) can be more effectively dealt with by the
social group
group work meth
 Trecker (1965)
2) There are human capacities strengthened by group life experiences;
 A method through which
which group members in many gr groups
oups in a variety
capacity to cooperate, to overcome frustrations, to make decisions, for self
of community agency settings are helped by a worker who guides their
-achievement, dependence and independence.
interaction in program activities designed for them to relate

Review Notes
Notes for Social Group Work
Pullantes, Caren T.

3) There are human needs that are served or meet by group life experiences: 2) Individual development
Individual development process
process can
can be facilita
ted by training in social
social skill
need for security, need for independence and dependence, need to be loved, and inculcation of values mediated for clients through guided experiences.
for companionship,
companionship, for opportunit
y, etc. Goal: socialization or development of goals seeking fulfillment of
 There are situations in social work practice that do not lend itself to one- individual capacities and preparation for responsible assumptions of

one-one interaction (casework) thus the multi-person interaction (group roles

work). 3) Group work focuses on its utility in ameliorating the adverse condition of
individuals whose behavior is disapproved or who have been
Advantages in Using the Group Approach
Approach in Social Work disadvantaged by the workings of an imperfect society.
1) Many Individuals feel comfortable or are encouraged to participat participatee and Emphasis: manifest personal and social problems and the
share ideas
ideas because of the interac
tion that takes plac
placee in a group. rehabilitative potentials of guided group processes in
2) Group members receive psychological rewards from the experience of alleviating these problems
helping others with their problems. This is the “helper therapy” principle. Goals: treatment or rehabilitation
3) Internal forces in groups (such as contagion, affection affectionalal ties, group  These concepts have evolved according to the conditions of society.
pressure, leadership) can influ
ence att
itudes, vvalues
alues and behaviors making
groups potent instruments for effecting desired changes in the individu individual
al Generalizations about SGW Method, Process and Goals
and the group. 1) SGW is a method of rendering service to persons, through providing
4) The group lends itself to the use of a variety of activities that are not only experiences in groups for the development of the person towards individual
relevant to the group’s goal but also responds to the group’s individual potential,, impro
potential improvement
vement of relationshi
p and social functionin
g comp
member’s needs and interests (e.g., group discussions, group dynamics and social action are recognized as a purpose of SGW.
exercises, role play, audio visuals). 2) The worker functions within the ethical social work values.
5) The cooperative thinking process that takes place in a group, especially if 3) SGW is a generic method which can be used in different settings.
guided properly
properly can hhasten
asten decisi
on-making on the part o off its members
members.. 4) The method includes conscious use of worker-member relationship;
6) Many individual
individualss have similar problems that ar aree best handled with a group relationship among members, and of group activity.
engaged in collective action instead of acting individually. 5) SGW is often used in conjunction with other social work service methods
7) For certain
certain purpo
ses, it may be more econ
omical to work with groups tthan han and with other disciplines.
with individuals 6) Goal selection, decision-making, program development, acceptance and
internalization of appropriate controls, creative utilization of conflicts are
Conceptions of the Functions of Social Group Work Service recognized as some of the components of SGW process.
1) SGW as serving the requirements of a democratic society for citizen Tripartite purposes of SGW: individual growth, group growth and
participation, decentrali
zation but shared decision-mak
ing and active community change
pursuit of goals. 7) In SGW the
the group itse
lf is a majo
majorr tool of iindividual
ndividual d
Goal: social participation and democratic decentralization 8) The worker is viewed as helping “person” whose jobs is to help people,
Assumption: cruciality of small groups in a democratic society discover and utilize individual, group, agency and community resources or
Clients: disadvantaged stratum of population strengths for the wel
l-being of a
ll persons involved.
Functions of worker is “helping or enabling.”

Review Notes
Notes for Social Group Work
Pullantes, Caren T.

9) SGW uses scientific method: fact finding to evaluation.

10) SGW includes the worker forming purposeful relationships to group Philosophies of
of Group Work Practice
members and the group. 1) The people’s need for group experiences is basic and universal.
11) One of them main tools in achieving such relationship is the “cons cious 2) That individuals can be helped to grow and change in personality

use of self”. attitudes and values through group life experiences.

12) There is acceptance of people without accepting all their behavior. This 3) That persons not only develop in groups but also through groups
involves capacity for empathy. because of the forces within the groups.
13) SGW starts where the group is. 4) That groups are dynamic and ever-changing and it must be accepted
14) Constructive use of limitation. at the level of group development.
15) Individual
ization 5) That democratic ideals and skills can be experienced and developed
16) Use of interacting process in group.
17) Understanding and conscious use of non-verbal and verbal material
Philosophical Foundation
Foundation of SGW  Beliefs, preferences about what is considered good or desirable for
Philosophical Foundation
Foundation Constitute:  Formulations
Formulations of preferred behaviors held by individua
ls or groups,
o Philosophy
Philosophy their preference for certain means, ends, and conditions of life, which
o Vales and assumptions are often accompanied by strong feelings. (SW Dictionary)
o Principles
o Code of ethics SGW Values
1) Human rights
What is Philosophy? 2) Social justice
3) Social responsibility
 Kind of thinking,
thinking, tho
ught, or appr
oach to a ccertain
ertain situ
4) Man’s self-realization
 General discipline concerned with the ultimate nature of the world and
of man. (SW Dictionary) Ultimate Value Commitment of Social Group Work
 It is good and desirable for man to fulfill
fulfill his potential
s, to realize himself
What is the Philosophy of Social Group Work?
and balance this with equal effort to help others do the same.
(Agrinelda Nelmida Miclat)
 “Belief that that need for group experience is basic and universal. That Value Assumptions
individuals can be helped to grow and change in personality attitudes and 1) Respect for
for the inher
ent worth anand
d dignity o
off man.
values through group experiences… that persons not only develop in 2) Belief in the social nature of man as unique creature depending on
groups but also through groups. And that groups are dynamic, ever other men for the fulfillment of his uniqueness.
changing and must be accepted by the social worker at its level of 3) Belief in human
human capacit
capacityy for chang
e, growth and development
development.” (Trecker)

Review Notes
Notes for Social Group Work
Pullantes, Caren T.

- There are perceived threats/danger leading to personal and/or

Underlying Purposes of SGW social breakdown
breakdown or de
 To release human power for individual fulfillment and social good, and to 3) Facilitating/ Enhancement of Normal Growth and Development of
release social power for the creation of the kind of society, social institution Individuals

and social policy which will make self-realization. - For people in stress period
- Provides preparation
preparation for and adap
tation to n new
ew situati
Purposes ooff SGW 4) Achieving a greater of self-fulfillment and personal enhancement
Underlying purpose of SGW reflects the Tripartite Purposes of SGW: through meaningful and stimulating interpersonal relations.
1) Individu
al growth - Talents, skills, potential for growth which cannot be achieved
2) Group growth through individual experiences but through the group.
3) Community change 5) Education and Citizen
Citizen Participation
Focus is always in the individual to achieve the tripartit
tripartitee purposes, so the - Developing
Developin g a sense of civic respo
nsibilityy and parti
immediate purpose or aim is the development of to a mature - Emphasis on the value of developme
 The basic goal in the practice of SGW is the enhancement of the social
What are the purposes of Social Group Work? functioning
functioning of the iindividual
ndividual tthrough
hrough gro
up experien
(Agrinelda Nelmida Miclat) –SW Encyclopedia
 Enhancement of the so
cial adjust
ment of th
thee individu
al and deve
loping tthe
social consciousness
consciousness of the group
group.. Reasons foforr the Use of Group
Group Experiences

 Provide opportunit
ies for planned group experience
experiencess that are neede
d by all (Trecker, 1965; from the SW Encyclopedia)
people. 1) Corrective, when the clients in the group require restoration to normal
 Provide experience
experiencess that are relax
ing and that gi
ve indiv
iduals a chance tto
2) Prevention of perceived threats leading to personal and/or social
create, to share and express themselves; and
 Help individuals in groups to take responsib
ility for their own behavior
behavior,, 3) Facilitating
Facilitating the norm
normalal growth and development of individ
relate with others and how to become participating members of society. 4) Achieving a greater measure of self fulfillmefulfillment
nt and persona
enhancement through meaningful and stimulating interpersonal
Specific Purp oses of SGW relations
Social group work maintains and improves the personal and social 5) Developing a sense of ccivic
ivic respo
nsibility and partic
functioning of group members with
in a range of purposes
1) Corrective purpose Goal of Social Group Work
- Clients require restoration to normal functioning, something may
 To provide opportunities for the individual to participate in group activities
have gone wrong or never developed within the person or the
to help solve/modify their personality/behavioral patterns and meet their
social environment.
individual needs and interests, and develop their capacities for social
2) Preventive Purposes
adjustment and positive relationships.

Review Notes
Notes for Social Group Work
Pullantes, Caren T.

Objectives of SGW - Recognizing the need for consciousl

Recognizing consciouslyy determinin
g the specific
1) Individualization
Individualization results for individual and group to become purposeful rather than
2) Developmentt of a sense of belongi
Developmen belonging
ng focused.
3) Develop the
the capacity to particip
ate 6) Principle of Purposeful
Purposeful Worker
Worker Group Relationship

4) Increase of the capa

city for dec
ng - Based on worker’s
worker’s accept
ance of the g group
roup as they are and upon
5) Increased respect fo
forr differen
ces among pepeople
ople group’s willingness
willingness to accept hehelp
6) Developmentt of a warm a
Developmen and
nd acceptin
acceptingg climate 7) Principle of Continuous
Continuous Individualization
- Recognizess that groups are diff
Recognize different
erent and that ind
ividuals uti
Principles group experiences
experiences in a variety of ways.
 Guiding assertions, statements that have come from experiences or 8) Principle of Guided
Guided Group Formation
research. They are generalizations based upon what has been - Harnessing
Harnessin g direction and conscious utilization of natural social
observed in good practice with groups in different situations (H. processes of interac
Trecker) - Role of worker is to influence
influence the ty type
pe and degree of inte
convert the social process into a group work process.
Principles of Social
Social Group Work 9) Principle of Democratic
Democratic Self-determination
(Power point of Ma’am) - Group must be helped to make its own decision and determine its
1) Principles of Social Work Values own activities, taking the maximum amount of responsibility in
- Values of the profession are the foundation upon which services line with its capacity and ability.
are developed and made available to persons who need them. - The primary source of control over the group is the group itself.
- Central to this: belief in the dignity and worth of all people and 10) Principle of Flexible
Flexible Functional Organization
in their right to participate in making decisions - Formal organization
organization of th
thee group should be adoptive and sshould
2) Principle of Human
Human Needs change as the group change.
- Basis for determining the provisi
ons of progr
ams and serv
ices. 11) Principle of Progressive
Progressive Program
Program Experience
3) Principle of cultural
cultural setting - Program experience
experiencess should begin at the level of member’s
- To understand the individual member better, his/her background interests, needs, experiences and competence, and should
including the community of his/her origin should be understood. progress in
in relation to the deve
loping cap
acity of th
thee group.
4) Principle of Planned
Planned Group Formation
Formation 12) Principle of Resource
Resource Utilization
- Conscious design and plan for the group which must contain the - Group work process that encourages utilization resources within
potential for growth of members. the agency and community to enrich content of group experiences.
- Consider the size of the group, bearing in mind the kind of 13) Principle of Evaluation
problems, goals and objectives
objectives.. Take into account the age of - Evaluating
Evaluatin g the process of attaining goals and objectives and its
members. outcome is a standard operating procedure.
5) Principle of Specific
Specific Objectives

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