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Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Week 1

Week 2 Squeezes "Climb" Squeeze

install Atomic Balls Parallette bars Pinch Block TL 2.5kg 30X6
Atomic Ball Pullups TF X 4 Hangboard P/u 9kg Pinch Block TS 2.5kg 20X6
Hangs 30 X 6 X 4 L sit Hangboard X5 1kg Pinch Block WL 5kg 30X6X4
Squeeze L sit Hangboard X5 2kg Pinch Bloclk WS 5kg 30X6X4
Week 3 Jug hang, scap pull Pushup warm Jug hang scap pull
TRX Rows Decline 12X4 Tricep Pulldown 20X5 Pull up variation amrapX4 2kg
TRX Rows 9kg 12X4 Pushup mounted 10X5 Front shoujder raises 5kg 10X4
Lock Off Pullups AMRAP Skull Crushes 20X5 Side shoulder raises 5kg 10X4
decline pushups amrap Face pulls RED band 10X6X4

Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Thursday Friday Saturday
Toe removal rest Seated Hip flexor in/outs 1kg
Supine shoulder rolls 1kg

Jug hang, scap pull Mobility Endurance

TRX Rows Decline 10X4 Spibal Stretches Pushups
TRX Rows 9kg 10X4 Frog Stretches Tilted Pushups
Lock off Pullups -amrap Bow stick Stretches Shoulder Pushups
Planking Various
One Foot Lean Band pulls (scap) 20X5 Mobility
Standing Squat banded Band Pulls (Delt) 20X5 Spibal Stretches
Balance board pistol Band Curls 20x5 Frog Stretches
Side Straddle RED Band Pull (Lats) 20X5 Bow stick Stretches
Wall Sit 30sec Face Pulls (Rhoms) 20X5
Weight bearing
Squeeze 25kg each 20
Squeeze 15kg all 10
Supine Curls 5kg 10X2
Neutral Curls 5kg 10X
Pushups amrap (13/10/10)
One Foot Lean
standing squat
Balance board pistols
Wall sit

Max Hang
Jug 12kg prefail
2 pad 12kg prefail
Ball hangs 12kg prefail
Improve Develop Climbing Weaknesses
Plank times and variations Muscle Up Toe Hooks
Skin The Cat Small Pinches
weighted hangs Front Pike Bat Hangs
Endurance Rear Pike Forgetting feet
L sit duration Planche Slab Patience
Overhang hips Dragon Flag Repeats/changes
Human Flag Timing
Planche Pushup Overhangs
Amatuer Competitions
Outdoor climbs (crash pad)
Game Night Comps
Franchise? Capiltalisation
Sport Climbing
Techniques Solution
Slab balance C.O.G. Patience, Poise, Instruction
Figure 4 Practice
Bat Hang Toe Hook, hip, leg and chain position
Toe Hook Balance, chain position, patience, Poise
Heel Hook Accuracy, camming
Foot Swap Accuracy on smaller holds, repeats
High foot Hip mobility, stretches
Pinch Claw Chalk

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