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Radical Meaning Pīnyīn Example

1 亻 person rén 你 you (nǐ)

road, 街 street (jiē), 往 toward
2 彳 walking
河 river (hé), 洗 wash
3 氵 water shuǐ
冰 ice (bīng), 冻 freeze
4 冫 ice bīng
fire / 灯 lamp (dēng), 烧 burn
5 火 burning
fire / fire 蒸 steam
6 灬 from below
(zhēng), 热 hot (rè)
day, sun, 时 time (shí), 晴 sunny
7 日 time

moon, 明 tomorrow
8 月 month
(míng), 服 clothes (fú)

门 间 room (jiān), 闭 shut

9 door mén
(門) (bì)

female, 好 good
10 女 woman

(hǎo), 妈 mother (mā)
孩 child
11 子 child zǐ (hái), 孙 grandchild

12 扌 hand shǒu 推 push (tuī), 拉 pull (lā)

讠 word,
说 say
13 language, yán
(shuō), 语 language (yǔ)
(訁) speech

花 flower
14 艹 grass cǎo
(huā), 菜 vegetable (cài)
地 ground (dì), 場 field
15 土 earth, soil tǔ

钅 银 silver (yín), 铁 iron

16 metal jīn
(釒) (tiě)

饣 饭 rice/meal
17 food, eat shí
(fàn), 饮 drink (yǐn)
林 forest (lín), 树 tree
18 木 tree, wood mù
笔 pen (bǐ), 简 simple
19 ⺮ bamboo zhú

20 ⻊ foot zú 踢 kick (tī), 跑 run (pǎo)

action, chuò / 進 enter (jìn), 远 far
21 ⻌ period of zouzhi (yuǎn)

纟 silk, thread, 线 thread (xiàn), 丝 silk

22 mì
(糹) (sī)

家 home/family
23 宀 roof mián
(jiā), 室 room (shì)
mouth, 唱 sing (chàng), 和 and
24 口 opening
boundary, 国 country
25 囗 enclosure
(guó), 园 garden (yuán)
裙 skirt (qún), 衫 shirt
26 衤 clothes yī
病 disease
27 疒 sickness nè
(bìng), 痛 pain (tòng)

terrain, hill, 部 department/section

28 阝 city, town

(bù), 都 both (dōu)
factory, 厅 hall (tīng), 厂 factory
29 厂 yard
wide, 店 shop
30 广 shelter
(diàn), 府 mansion (fǔ)
想 want
31 心 heart xīn (xiǎng), 忘 forget
feeling, 情 emotion
32 忄 mental xīn
(qíng), 忙 busy (máng)
strength, 助 help (zhù), 加 add
33 力 power, force


车 car, vehicle, 车 car

34 chē
cart (chē), 軌 rail/track (guǐ)
35 fish yú 鲜 fresh

(xiān), 鮑 abalone (bào)

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