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Describe/Illustrate the process of the Systems Applied in your Workplace

Back flushing thru E1 System


The purpose of work instruction is to provide a systematic work flow on how to

transact and update the E1 system using Super Backflush. It is specific instructional
guide on how to move inspected parts on quality assurance accountability moving
to next process.

Super Backflush is a task application in E1 System that process the turnover of

accountability of process good from one process to another process.

Research on the following:

• What are Systems Design and the steps in the design process?

Systems design
Systems design is the process of defining information systems, such as
modules, design, functions and their interfaces, and data, in accordance with
study requirements. It is the process of defining, developing, and designing
structures that meet the strategic needs and demands of a company or

Steps in the design process:

Stage 1: Understand

As the phrase goes, if you only have four hours to cut down a tree, spend the first
three sharpening your hammer. The same is true for development. Before you
begin any project, you must first master the fundamentals.

Stage 2: Research

Once you've determined that this project is in line with your core goal and that you
know what questions you're attempting to answer, you must perform analysis.
Your user research will be the heart of your project. What you learn and unearth
during this stage lays the groundwork for the rest of your project.t he most
dangerous thing a designer can do is not challenge.

Stage 3: Analyze

In this step, you will evaluate and distill the most relevant elements using all of the
information gathered in the previous two stages.

Stage 4: Design

It's now time to put your design into action.

This entails constructing items such as:

Map of the Website
The movement of users
Color Schemes

Stage 5: Launch

After designing and redesigning until your eyes cross, you'll arrive at a point where
all of your properties are ready to ship. Convert static concepts into clickable
prototypes. That means it's time to put things into action; hand it over to the
development team, who will produce a high-fidelity version of the user interface.
Stage 6: Analyze

After your product is out, it is time for another round of review.

Instead of focusing on the findings of your study, you will examine your overall final

Here are some questions you may want to consider:

Where did our procedure go well? And why is this so?

Where did we have trouble? And why is this so?

What are our customers saying about the product?

Did it address their concerns and pain points?

What is Systems Engineering Management (SEM) and what are the

activities and roles of systems engineering manager.

Systems Engineering Management (SEM)

The emphasis on the technological or engineering aspects of a project

distinguishes systems engineering management from general project
management. Exploratory research and development (R&D) activities at the
company level of commercial or government operations are also included in

Systems Engineering Manager Responsibilities and Duties

System Engineering Manager may be in charge of a variety of tasks. They
are usually in charge of designing and implementing new systems,
troubleshooting and correcting software bugs and defects, and improving
existing systems by software upgrades.

Drive technical excellence for meeting technical standards and processes.

Oversee measure and assess global system performance.
Plan short and long range projects to increase system efficiency.
Drive system platform adoption and usage.
Handle current engineering systems.
Handle routine maintenance and troubleshoot unexpected issues.
Manage supplier contracts, maintenance agreements and upgrades.
Manage 8 Windows Administrators and Engineers.
Analyze existing operating procedures and determine development and
quality improvement plan.

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