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A Class Divided


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Response 1

The Blue-eyed children knowing they were superior to the brown-eyed and had certain

privileges were quick to get out of class and assume their superior roles. This proves that

prejudices are very easy to learn and adapt. The Top group children were so happy and

seemed energized while those on the bottom grouped were demoralized and unhappy to get

out of class and assume their roles.

Response 2

The children seemed to learn and understand that it was not right to discriminate anyone

based on the color of their skin, and they agree they would never discriminate anyone based

on the same.

Response 3

Children that belonged to a top grouped completed the flashcard exercise within the shorted

time, while those in the bottom group took longer. That proved that being subjected to

prejudice reduced one's self-esteem and the ability to learn.

Response 4

It was amazing to learn from the adult's on why they were so eager to assume into their roles

and discriminate their friends. It essential to being in a privileged grouped gave some a

chance to revenge against those who might have offended them long ago. Besides, it was

encouraging to understand that some wished they had the power to make other people out

there go through the same lesson to fathom how it feels to be discriminated against.

Response 5.

Rynan caught our particular attention. He was so honest. He points out that being part of the

privileged group made him feel like a king, that he ruled the bottom group, it made him feel

better and happy. To relate with the feelings, I believe it feels nice and energizing to be in a

superior position than others where you can dominate them, and at the same time, it feels

terrible to be discriminated against.

Response 6

I have been discriminated based on my performance in some subjects. Sometimes friends feel

that you might not provide any meaningful contribution in their discussion groups.

Response 7

A class Divided is an excellent practical lesson on discrimination that most parents and

teachers should adopt in the fight against racism.



PBS. (2020) A class Divided.

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