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Collect three advertisement that you think are especially effective. Choose one of
the following: (1) a print advertisement, (2) a radio advertisement, and (3) a
television commercial, with a total of three advertisements for each medium.
Discuss why you think the advertisement is persuasive and effective, and break
down the advertisement using the following worksheet.
Claim Assumption Evidence What makes the
(What is the (What is the (What does it
advertisement logical present as proof
trying to say?) construction of to show that the
the argument?) claim is true?)

Advertisement 1 Julia Barretto It indicates that I don’t think it is

(Print has a food in her eating with a effective.
Advertisement): left hand and Pepsi as a drink
It is more tasty
kissing Pepsi on will make the food
if the drink is
Pepsi. the other hand. even tastier.

Advertisement 2 They record a 3- I can’t hear any I don’t think it is

(Radio second rap song more evidence effective.
Advertisement): that includes other than
The gum being
their claim by someone blowing
advertised is
VFresh, they someone their breath.
claim that the breathing like a
product is fresh breath.
refreshing to our
Advertisement 3 They include They include It is effective in a sense
(TV some moms that some experts that that they support their
Commercial): are washing will support their claim with an expert.
They claim that
clothes and are claim.
Ariel is a One
Wash Clean smiling while
type of detergent promoting the
and it is “One Wash
affordable. Clean” claim

A. This table shows an argument, counter-argument, and one possible
rebuttal to this counter-argument:
Argument Counter-argument Rebuttal
The primary focus Terminally ill patients Depression can be
in medical end-of- are likely to be managed. The relevance
life depressed, and, of depression must be
decisions should be on therefore, unable to made on a case-by-case
patient consent, rather consent to their basis. Depression does
than doctor intention, hastened death in a not warrant a general
because it is not a balanced or acceptable rule prohibiting
breach against a way. patients from
patient's rights if s/he consenting to a
consents to the hastened death.
termination of their

Using the information provided in the chart above, try to introduce and rebut the
counter-argument in paragraph form below:
Not all terminally patients are likely to be depressed. They are people that
can decide for their death. They can agree or disagree.

B. As you have learned how to write a position paper, construct your own position
paper. Choose topics that are relevant to our society today then follow the outline given
below in writing a position paper.

Do you remember the guy in the movie Train to Busan who did not let the
other people enter the train because he thinks that they are infected? In order for
him to not die, he sacrificed other people's lives. This is what we are doing to every
Chinese people because of Coronavirus.
Coronavirus started from China, particularly in the city of Wuhan have led to
a massive racial discrimination against Chinese people. They see Chinese ac
someone who carries the virus just because they are Chinese. Because of this,
innocent Chinese people experience uncomfortable situations when they are in
public: people are avoiding them, scared to be close to them and experiencing
isolation. The social impact of these things to every Chinese people is big. They feel
ashamed because of their race, they are scared to have skin contact to others because
they fear to be blamed, and the frustrations they are enduring just to prove that they
are not infected.
Therefore, do not generalize because coronavirus is not connected for being a
Chinese. Chinese people are not at fault for having this virus. Have you ever wonder
that it is better to act humane than being inhumane? Do you think Chinese people
deserve this kind hate?

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