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Ampere's Law is one of the fundamental principles in electromagnetism, named after the French

physicist André-Marie Ampère. It describes the relationship between the magnetic field
produced by a closed loop of electric current and the current itself. Ampere's Law is a key
component of Maxwell's equations, which form the foundation of classical electromagnetism.

Ampere's Law can be stated as follows:

The magnetic field (BB) produced by a closed loop of electric current (II) is directly proportional
to the current passing through the loop and inversely proportional to the distance (rr) from the
loop. It is also proportional to a constant known as the permeability of free space (μ0μ0).

Mathematically, Ampere's Law is expressed as:



 ∮B⋅dl∮B⋅dl represents the closed-loop integral of the magnetic field (BB) along a closed
path (dldl). This means you're summing up the magnetic field components along the path.
 μ0μ0 (mu-naught) is the permeability of free space, which is a physical constant with a
value of approximately 4π×10−74π×10−7 henry per meter (H/mH/m).
 IenclosedIenclosed is the total current passing through the closed loop.

A few key points to understand about Ampere's Law:

1. Closed Loop: Ampere's Law applies to closed loops. This means you need to choose a
path that forms a complete loop to apply the law.
2. Symmetry: Ampere's Law is particularly useful when

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