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travel booking system

The Travel Booking System is a comprehensive and efficient solution
designed to streamline the process of booking various travel-related
services such as flights, hotels, car rentals, and tours. This system leverages
the power of Structured Query Language (SQL) to manage and organize
the data required for seamless travel planning and booking. By offering a
user-friendly interface and advanced features, the system aims to enhance
the overall travel experience for users.

The core components of the system include:

1. Database Management: The system employs a relational database

to store information about users, flights, hotels, rental cars, and
bookings. The schema is designed to accommodate the intricacies of
travel-related data, such as flight schedules, hotel amenities, and
pricing details.
2. User Authentication and Profiles: Users can register and create
profiles within the system. User authentication is implemented to
ensure secure access. User profiles store personal information,
booking history, and preferences, enabling personalized
recommendations and streamlined booking processes.
3. Search and Filtering: The system enables users to search for travel
options based on criteria such as destination, travel dates, and
budget. SQL queries are utilized to retrieve relevant data from the
database, facilitating quick and accurate search results.
4. Flight and Hotel Management: Detailed information about flights
and hotels, including departure and arrival times, prices, ratings, and
available amenities, is stored in the database. SQL queries are
employed to manage and update this data, ensuring accurate and
up-to-date information for users.
5. Booking Process: Users can create bookings by selecting flights,
hotels, and other services. The system uses SQL transactions to
ensure data consistency and integrity during the booking process.
Booking information, including user details, selected services, and
total costs, is recorded in the database.
6. Reports and Analytics: SQL queries are used to generate reports
and analytics, providing insights into user preferences, popular
destinations, and revenue trends. This information can guide business
decisions and enhance the overall travel service offering.
7. User Support: The system incorporates features for users to seek
assistance through customer support. SQL is employed to manage
support tickets and inquiries, facilitating efficient communication
between users and support staff.
8. Security and Data Privacy: SQL's role in data security includes
password hashing, encryption, and access control. Measures are
taken to safeguard sensitive user information and prevent
unauthorized access.
In conclusion, the Travel Booking System leverages SQL to create a robust platform that empowers
users to plan and book travel arrangements effortlessly. The system's utilization of SQL's capabilities
ensures data accuracy, efficient querying, and a secure environment for users to explore and book
travel services. By merging technology and travel, the system offers a comprehensive solution to
meet the needs of modern travelers.

Database schema:

1. Users Table:
 UserID (Primary Key)
 Username
 Email
 Password (Hashed)
 First Name
 Last Name
 Phone Number
 Address
 ...
2. Airlines Table:
 AirlineID (Primary Key)
 Airline Name
 ...
3. Airports Table:
 AirportID (Primary Key)
 Airport Code
 City
 Country
 ...
4. Flights Table:
 FlightID (Primary Key)
 AirlineID (Foreign Key)
 Departure AirportID (Foreign Key)
 Arrival AirportID (Foreign Key)
 Departure Time
 Arrival Time
 Price
 ...
5. Hotels Table:
 HotelID (Primary Key)
 Hotel Name
 Location
 Rating
 Price Per Night
 ...
6. Rooms Table:
 RoomID (Primary Key)
 HotelID (Foreign Key)
 Room Type
 Capacity
 Price
 ...
7. Bookings Table:
 BookingID (Primary Key)
 UserID (Foreign Key)
 FlightID (Foreign Key, nullable)
 HotelID (Foreign Key, nullable)
 RoomID (Foreign Key, nullable)
 Booking Date
 Total Amount
 ...
8. Payments Table:
 PaymentID (Primary Key)
 BookingID (Foreign Key)
 Payment Date
 Amount
 Payment Method
 ...
9. Reviews Table:
 ReviewID (Primary Key)
 UserID (Foreign Key)
 HotelID (Foreign Key, nullable)
 FlightID (Foreign Key, nullable)
 Rating
 Review Text
 ...
10.UserPreferences Table:
 UserID (Primary Key, Foreign Key)
 Preferred AirlineID (Foreign Key, nullable)
 Preferred Departure AirportID (Foreign Key, nullable)
 Preferred Arrival AirportID (Foreign Key, nullable)
 ...
11.SupportTickets Table:
 TicketID (Primary Key)
 UserID (Foreign Key)
 Ticket Date
 Issue Description
 Status
 ...

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