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Name of School PAYATAS C ELEMENTARY Grade Level

EXEMPL Name of Teacher OSCAR D. VELASCO Learning Area HEALTH 6
AR Teaching Date and Time SEPTEMBER 28, 2023 Quarter 1ST
Week 5

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

a. Identify the different health appraisal procedures
b. write different health appraisal procedures
c. appreciate the importance of undergoing regular health
appraisal procedures.
A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of personal health issues and concerns and
the importance of health appraisal procedures.
B. Performance Standard Practices self-management skills to prevent and control.
C. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) Explains the importance of undergoing health appraisal procedures
(if available write the indicated MELC) (H6PH-Iab-21)
Regularly undergoes health appraisal procedures
D. Enabling Competencies
(if available write the attached enabling competencies) Discusses health appraisal procedures during puberty. ((H6PH-Iab-20)

II. CONTENT Prevention and Management of Personal Health Issues and Concerns
Undergoing Health Appraisal Procedures (height and weight
measurement, breast self-examination for girls, hearing test, vision
screening, scoliosis test and health and dental examinations.
A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages MELC p. 353
DepEd Teacher’s Guide Health 6, pp. 10-11
b. Learner’s Guide Pages
c. Textbook Pages 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION 6
d. Additional Materials from Learning Resources H18214 MAPEH 6: Learner’s Activity Materials
B. List of Learning Resources for Development and Activity sheets
Engagement Activities Laptop
A. Introduction H Have you ever wonder why every start of the school year, doctors and
nurses visit your school to measure your height and weight? They also
check your teeth and test your ear and your eyes
The school gathers the health information of the pupils. Each pupil
should undergo
Health Appraisal Procedure every year. But what are Health Appraisal
Procedures? Why should you undergo such procedures? Let us find out
At the end of this lesson, you are expected to explain the importance
of Health
Appraisal Procedures and understand the reason why you should
undergo these procedures regularly.

But first, look at the pictures below, answer the questions that

1. What does the pictures all about?

2. Based on the pictures, what are the procedures to appraise our
3. How often do you think we must undergo health appraisal
4. Why do you think we must undergo these procedures?

Health Appraisal Procedure is a procedure to determine the health

statue of the students. Regular health appraisal can help you avoid
absenteeism and poor school performance by early detection of poor
health conditions. The following health components are part of you
school health appraisal.
Health History – Your school will keep a record of your history like
immunizations, childhood illnesses, allergies, previous hospitalizations,
medication used, significant accidents or injuries, surgeries, and chronic
Family History – This includes the general health of parents and
siblings. It also includes history of family diseases and your physical
Current Health Status – This includes your dental status, current
family medical problems, allergies, and your behavior.

Screening Procedures – This includes the following:

when monitoring an infant or Child’s health. It is used to
calculate your body mass index, or BMI, a measure of
healthy versus unhealthy weight. They are also important
when tracking a child’s


examination helps doctor check that everything is normal.
Doctors don’t usually start doing breast exams until a girl is in
her 20s. During breast exam a doctor or nurse practitioner will
feel a woman’s breast to check any lumps and bumps and see if
there are changes.

 HEARING TEST - A hearing (audiometric) test is part of

an ear exam that tests how well a person is able to hear. It
is done by measuring how well sound can reach the brain.

 VISION SCREENING- is an efficient and cost –effective

method to identify children with visual impairment or eye
conditions that are likely to lead to vision loss so that a
referral can be made to an appropriate eye care
professional for further evaluations and treatment.

 SCOLIOSIS TEST- This is a simple screening test that can

detect potential problems. If you notice any unevenness,
you should contact your doctor for an exam. Using a
scoliometer can help determine the severity of the curve.
Scoliosis is usually
confirmed by taking X-ray of the entire spin looking from
front to back.

To further understand Health Appraisal Procedures, let us watch this

Powerpoint presentation.
Presentation Link:

B. Development
1. Name Game. Five (5) descriptions were given related to different
health appraisal procedure. Write the name of each procedure based on
the description given.

____________1. It is an examination that the doctor or nurse conduct to

check the women’s breasts for any lumps and bumps and see if there are
changes since the last exam.

____________2. It is part of an ear exam that tests how well a person is

able to hear.

____________3. It is an efficient and cost-effective method to identify

children with visual impairment or eye condition.

____________4. It is a simple screening test that can detect potential

problem or unevenness of the spinal columns.

____________5. It is an instrument used to determine the severity of the

curve of the spinal columns.

2. Filling Out Forms. With the help of guardians, update the table below
with your correct information based on the Health Appraisal Procedure
that you have done











Medical History
Yes No
Bleeding Problems
Heart Ailment
Kidney Disease

C. Engagement
1. As a pupil, why is there a need for you to undergo health appraisal
procedures? Why is it important to do it regularly? Explain your answer

Directions: Read the given situations below. Explain the importance of
undergoing health appraisal procedures.

Situation 1: Luisa is afraid of undergoing health appraisals because of her

heavy and weight. She said her classmates will surely just make fun of
her. What will you tell to your classmates to help convince Luisa to
undergo health appraisal?

Criteria Advance Proficient Approaching Developing Beginning
Proficiency (2) (1)
(5) (4) (3)
Clarity of Can develop Can develop Can develop Ideas are Can barely
thought ideas idea and idea and uneven and develop ideas
effectively support these support these lack of and
and with valid with details. supporting supporting
efficiently details. details details.
and support
these with
valid details.
D. Assimilation
 Health appraisal procedures help you determine the status of
your health. Different health procedures include height and
weight measurement, hearing test, vision screening, scoliosis
test, breast self- examination, and testicular self- examination.

 Early detection of pupil’s poor health condition can help the

school to come up with appropriate health programs to avoid
pupils‟ poor school performance.

1. Journal Activity: Write on your journal the different health appraisal

procedures that you have undergone. State the importance of each
procedure to your life as a student.

2. A. MATCHING TYPE: Match the descriptions in Column A with the

health appraisal procedures in Column B. Write
the letter of the correct answer on the space
provided before the number.

Column A Column B
______ 1. Through this test, you will a. Drug Test
be able to know the
condition of your spine. b. Hearing Test
______ 2. This kind of test can detect
any visual difficulties like c. Scoliosis Test
hyperopia or myopia.
______ 3. It is a process done every d. Vision Screening
year by the school nurse or
community doctor to know e. Dental
how much you gain weight Examination
and how tall you grew.
______ 4. You need this kind of f. Height and
examination if you are unable Weight
to chew or speak because of Measurement
pain, swelling or infection due
to cavities and other dental
______ 5. If you are experiencing this kind of
difficulties, you need to consult an
audiologist, speech- language-
hearing clinic, or a community
health agency.

V. REFLECTION Poster Making. Make a poster depicting the importance of undergoing

regular Health Appraisal Procedures.

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