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Outcomes Advanced Audio script

Page 19 Unit 2 Track 5

1 The new restrictions? Oh, they brought them in last year.

2 He’s not just messing up his own career. He’s dragging us down as well.
3 We realised as soon as we embarked on it that it was a good strategy.
4 He made millions, but then gave it all away.
5 Life brings many changes – and I’ve gone through them all!
6 The buildings aren’t fit to live in anymore so they’ve decided to knock them down.
7 It’s quite an ambitious plan, so make sure you set it out clearly.
8 There’s a big recycling centre there. They set it up a few years ago.
9 If those are your principles, you’ve got to stick to them.
10 I can never get in the bathroom in the morning. She totally takes it over.

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