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Outcomes Pre-intermediate Audioscript

Page 9 Unit 1 Track 2

A: So what you do?
B: I’m an engineer.
A: Oh, right. Where do you work?
B: Well, I travel around quite a lot, actually.
A: Oh, OK.
B: Yeah, I’m working in Scotland at the moment – in Glasgow.
They’re building a new sports stadium there and I’m working on that.
A: Really? So where do you live, then?
B: Well, in London most of the time, but I’m renting an apartment in Glasgow while I’m
there. I usually come down to London every two weeks, if I can.
A: And do you enjoy it?
B: Yeah, it’s great. I don’t really mind the travelling and the money’s good. Plus, I don’t
really have much time to spend it!
A: Well, I guess that’s good, then. What are the hours like?
B: Oh, I usually work quite long hours. I mean, I often do a sixty-hour week.
A: Really? That sounds hard.
B: No, it’s good and I get on really well with the other people I work with.
C: So, what do you do?
D: Oh, I work for a small company back in Korea, but I’m actually a student at the moment.
C: Oh, OK. What are you studying?
D: I’m doing a Master’s degree in Marketing.
C: Is that what you do in your company? Marketing?
D: Yes, kind of.
C: So how long have you worked there?
D: About two years now.
C: Only two years and they’re sending you to another country to study! That’s fantastic!
D: Yeah, well, actually my father runs the company and he wants me to become the
marketing manager.
C: Oh, right. I see. So do you get on with the other people you work with?
D: Yeah, we get on OK, but it can be difficult sometimes because I’m the boss’s daughter,
you know?
C: Yeah, I can imagine.
D: I sometimes feel like I have to work harder to show everyone I can actually do my job.
C: I’m sure.

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