Pre-Intermediate Unit11 Audio Track66

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Outcomes Pre-intermediate Audioscript

Page 98 Unit 11 Track 66

A: Did you read this article about bees?
B: No.
A: They’re all dying, for some unknown reason.
B: Really? That’s terrible!
A: I know. It’s really bad news because we really depend on bees. If bees become extinct, we
won’t have any fruit or vegetables.
B: I hadn’t thought about that. They should do something – fund research or something.
A: Absolutely.
C: Did you see the forecast for tomorrow?
D: No.
C: It’s going to be nice – really hot and sunny.
D: Really? That’s great!
C: I know. It’s good. It’s been so wet and windy recently.
D: We should go out, then – go to the beach or somewhere.
C: Yeah, that’s a good idea.
E: Did you hear what they want to do in Morovia?
F: No. What?
E: It said on the news that they’re going to pull down a lot of the horrible houses they’ve built
along the coast and create a national park instead.
F: Really? That’s great.
E: I know. It’s good news.
F: They should do more to protect the countryside here, too.
E: Definitely. We need more green spaces.
G: Did you see they’ve discovered a new way to kill the mosquitoes that spread malaria?
H: No.
G: Yeah, it said it could save millions of lives.
H: Really? That’s great.
G: I know. It’s really good.
H: It makes a change to hear some good news.
G: Absolutely.

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