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Outcomes Advanced Audio script

Page 36 Unit 4 Track 12

A politician has died and has arrived at the gates of heaven clutching his bags. The
gatekeeper stops him and says, ‘Don’t make up your mind just yet. Try out hell and heaven
first and see what you think.’ The politician hops in the lift down to hell and when he gets out
he finds he’s in an incredible seven-star hotel. Many of his old friends are lounging round the
huge pool, sipping expensive drinks and chattering to each other. When they see him, they
all cheer ‘Hello!’ and welcome him over. Later in the day, he strolls round the fantastic golf
course with his best friend and scores his lowest score ever. Later in the evening, there’s a
huge party and he dances the night away.

The following day, he goes back to heaven with the music and laughter ringing in his ears.
He steps into heaven and into a lovely restaurant overlooking a beautiful beach. There is soft
classical music and the murmur of gentle conversation. After his meal, he strolls along the
beach and gazes at the beautiful sunset. He returns to his hotel and settles into his super-
comfy bed and falls fast asleep.

In the morning, he goes to the gatekeeper who asks him, ‘So, what d’you think? Have you
decided?’ And the politician says, ‘You know, don’t get me wrong, heaven was great – all
very relaxing and lovely – but, I have to say, I would never have imagined that hell could be
so much fun.’ So, he waves goodbye and happily skips into the lift to take him down to hell.

When the doors open, though, he is faced with a scene of devastation. It’s like there’s been an
earthquake, or something. He peers into the distance and spots some people on the horizon.
As he walks towards them, he sees that they are his friends trudging along under the weight
of heavy rocks while the devil yells, ‘Work harder!’ Some are crawling on the floor in
exhaustion and hunger. The politician goes up to the devil and gasps, ‘But what are you
doing? What’s happened? Where’s the hotel? The golf? The party?’ The devil chuckles and
shakes his head. ‘Oh dear, you should know. That was the election campaign and now you’ve

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