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circulatory system

1. The circulatory system is also known as the ______________.

o nervous system

o blood vessels

o cardiovascular system

o vena carvae
2. Which of the following is NOT part of the circulatory system?
o Heart

o Lungs

o Arteries

o Veins
3. These carry the blood away from the heart.
o Arteries

o Veins

o Capillaries

o Vena carvae
4. This is the headquarters or control center of the circulatory
o Atrium

o Blood vessel

o Ventricle

o Heart
5. These return blood back into the heart.
o Capillaries

o Arteries

o Veins

o Cells
6. If you were to stretch out all of the veins and arteries of the human
adult body, how far would they stretch?
o 60,000 miles
o 6,000 miles

o 600,000 miles

o 600 miles
7. These receive the blood into the heart.
o Capillaries

o Atriums

o Ventricles

o Arteries
8. This carries deoxygenated blood from the upper half of the body
to the right atrium.
o Left ventricle

o Inferior vena carvae

o Right ventricle

o Superior vena carvae

9. These pump the blood out of the heart.
o Ventricles

o Capillaries

o Arteries

o Atriums
10. How much blood is pumped through the body each day?
o 200,000 gallons

o 20,000 gallons

o 2,000 gallons

o 200 gallons

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