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Hi County Chairs,

I wanted to reach out with some talking points about No Labels. The DNC has
asked for state and county parties not to make any public statements right now
about No Labels (although they are okay with elected officials speaking out publicly
against them). While we don't need to be proactive about speaking out on No Labels
right now, we want you to be prepared if you are approached by the press for a
comment. At some point we will most likely need to go out proactively on this, but until
No Labels appears in more places and fields an actual candidate we don't need to do
much. Without any ado, the talking points:

The effort by the No Labels Party is a direct threat to our democracy and opens a clear path
for Donald Trump's reelection. Plus, history and data show that there is no actual scenario
where No Labels can win with their third-party ticket.

Here’s where things stand:

• Ballot Access: No Labels has qualified for the ballot in 11
states, including 3 battlegrounds: Arizona, Nevada, and North
Carolina, and they have petition gathering underway in dozens
more. They can legally gain access in 35 states before
nominating a candidate. In Maine, they received a cease-and-
desist letter from the Sec. of State for misleading voters.
• Money: They’ve said they’re well on their way to raising $70
million dollars, and that’s just for ballot access. Raising money
is their superpower. Despite registering as a political party in
the states, there is little transparency around who is funding
the effort. But reporting has found ties to GOP donors like
Harlan Crow and people connected to Jared Kushner.
• Ticket/Candidates: They’re planning a nominating convention
for April 14 in Dallas. They’re approaching national figures who
could appear on this “unity ticket.” We’ve heard from many
sources that they plan to nominate a Republican for president,
possibly our very own Jon Huntsman, who appeared at the roll
out of the policy agenda last month. Recently, Sen. Bill
Cassidy said on Meet the Press that he’d be interested in a
spot on their ticket. They don’t have a lot of Democrats, but Joe
Manchin has obviously expressed interest. Former Democratic
Governor Jay Nixon has signed on as well as former
Congressman Joe Cunningham.

Broad Objective: We need to do everything we can to stop this effort NOW, and not wait
until they name a ticket and this becomes a runaway train. And right now is the moment to
act, while the conventional wisdom on this hasn’t hardened yet and we have the
opportunity to shape it.
So what can you do?
1. When you can, go on the record denouncing a NL third party
presidential ticket effort—issue a statement on social media,
put out an open letter, use media appearances, etc
2. Let us know what you're hearing. Has anyone from No Labels
reached out to you?
3. Come out strongly against NL potential presidential and vice-
presidential candidates and their pathetic policy
positions. They are considering extreme Republicans, let's call
them on it.

• General Talking Points (Attached)
• Memo: How No Labels is Undermining Our Democracy (public
link HERE)
• General Messaging Guidance (private link HERE)

Finally, thank you for caring about this on top of all of the important work each of you are
doing every day for the Democratic Party in Utah.

Thom DeSirant
Executive Director, Utah Democratic Party

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