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Read the Terms and Conditions of use CAREFULLY AND AGREE before pressing accept to use Media Hub.

'Local Device Operator' refers to the shop office where the device is installed.

'Local Administrator' refers to the local person in charge of content of Media Hub devices.

'Media Hub' Referees to the device, system and/or organisation created by Roy Smith

Terms and Conditions.

You are using a first trial version of Media Hub devices. These Terms and Conditions are still being fine tuned and can
change without notice.

All Media Hub endeavours are made in good faith to empower individuals and cultures towards self determination as
well as to offer urgent diversion alternatives.

'Media Hub' was created by Roy Smith through his business, mydea empowerment, he is establishing Media Hub
services in communities around Australia. Roy also facilitates workshops in remote communities and offers media
production services engaging stakeholders with Media Hub devices.

An up to date copy of the Terms and Conditions is available on the wall nearby, as a downloadable file on the device
or by request to Roy Smith.

You should not accept this form or contribute any content to Media Hub if you don't understand the terms and
conditions - we are happy to explain them to you. If you have any concerns or questions contact your local
administrator first. Their contact details are listed near the device.

Alternatively please email or call Roy Smith (Media Hub creator) on or 0402 853 007. I will
do my best to get back to you within 48 hours. I welcome your feedback and am looking for contributors and local

Using Media Hub

Although every effort has been made to ensure that all files offered by Media Hub are compatible with all smart
devices, we cannot guarantee this.

You may need to install other apps on your phone that allow you to view particular files. Please let Roy Smith know
as soon as possible if you experience difficulties using the device or if it does not perform as expected.

We take no responsibility for local content as it was provided by local community members and controlled by a Local
Administrator and Elders. Media Hub is an open platform to be used by anyone in the community.

Contributing to Media Hub - File Submission Terms and Conditions

You agree that any content you submit can be distributed by us in any way , or in relation to empowering local and
regional communities. We may make some changes to your files to make sure they are more compatible. This may
include the format of the file and its name. In the future Media Hub units may connect and share files in different
communities using the internet.

You can request submission be withdrawn at any time and the local administrator will remove it within 72 hours.
Units can be switched off by the local administrator, local operator or by Roy Smith until any content dispute is
Your media can be lost at any time. The Local Administrator is in charge of backing up, choosing and keeping media.
Please make sure you keep backups of your submissions as we cannot guarantee they are saved. We hope that your
submissions will be seen by future generations as we invest in local backup and network infrastructure.

When you submit content to Media Hub you represent to us that:

-The content can be viewed by anyone in the community

-You created the content

-You give the content freely and in good faith so it may help others;

-The content is not owned by any other person or they also accept these Terms and Conditions;

-Use of the content does not infringe or violate any rights, including the intellectual property rights, of anyone else;

-You have obtained all necessary permissions in respect of the performance or use of sound recording or musical
compilation in the content;

-You have obtained all necessary permissions in respect of our anticipated use and distribution of the content, and our
use and distribution of the content will not require us or you to obtain any clearances or pay any fees to any person;

-You have the ability to licence to us, and thus give us a licence, to distribute the content by any means such as using
any technology or platform available to Media Hub within the limitations of proposed audiences; and

-You have specifically obtained all clearances and rights (including approvals from any relevant tribal elders relating
to the use of images, stories, references to individuals and voices) in the content required by Australian law or
Aboriginal customary laws.

You must not provide content if:

You reasonably believe at any time that it may cause offence, or likely to be defamatory;

If anyone involved with production of the file or appearing in the media, requests the media to be removed.

You agree to indemnify (clear of any responsibility) Media Hub, our partners, employees , stakeholders and local
administrators from and against all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs, losses, damages and expenses
incurred or suffered by any of them in any way arising from:

-Your content infringing or allegedly infringing any third party intellectual property rights; or

-Any of your representations above being false; or

-You not having full rights for use of the content in each of the ways you have approved above.

-Your content causing pain or suffering of any kind.

Programming Policy

(The following policy will be updated based on feedback from communities, users and stakeholders by June 2017.)

1. Objective of Media Hub

The objective of Media Hub is to empower small communities, users and contributors by providing access to local and
regional media. It is aimed at overcoming disadvantage through the provision of an open forum and ready availability
of relevant files such as education and diversion. Popular or important videos will be highlighted and promoted on
other devices.

2. Programming Objective of Media Hub

Media Hub provides a platform for stakeholders to engage the community.

It provides an open forum to promote and celebrate remote Indigenous talent, culture, languages, history and
innovation. It also aims to improve learning outcomes and youth engagement.

Media Hub reserves the right to allow stakeholders and advertisers to pay to include for their files on Media Hub. All
media is approved by the local administrator.

3. Values

Media Hub content has a focus on contemporary local stories in all forms using basic technology to share local and
regional media and files for better communication.

Media Hub devices allow multi-media (as files) to be shared on a free and open platform. A communication tool for
debate, creativity and community representation. Media Hub tackles disadvantage by assisting local communication
that works towards self determination and personal growth.

Media Hub service is setup in key area and is accessible to the target audience of local and regional communities. It
encourages local industry by supporting the arts with media sales and artists development.

Media Hub representatives, such as Local Administrators, employ a fair and impartial process for dealing with content
resolving matters locally where possible. They are guided by community principals and protocols as well as the advice
of community elders and leaders.

4. Programming Principles of Media Hub

- To empower local Administrators and communities in creating and managing meaningful local content.

- To support the access of content made by remote Indigenous content creators to remote Indigenous audiences. Media
Hub is committed to strengthening Indigenous languages and culture.

- At any time we can add content to specified Media Hub units . This may include adverting, promotion or

- Media Hub acknowledges Indigenous culture and intellectual property rights. We are forming a simple agreement
with contributors who wish to offer media for sale: The Local Administrator, Local Device Operator and Roy Smith
(from mydea empowerment, creator of Media Hub) each receive a commission from media sales of %10.

- Content is driven by the community and managed by a Local Administrator.

- Files on Media Hub may be used on other devices, communities and platforms. Contributors give their files freely so
that they can inspire, educate and entertain others.

- At the Local Administrators discretion, files may be sold to encourage local industry. Local agreements between the
Contributor, Administrator, Device operator and Roy Smith will be put in place.

5. Media Hub Audience

The principal audience of Media Hub is Indigenous Australians who are disadvantaged due to their principal place of
residence being geographically remote or very remote.

6. Legal Obligations

We require all material to be cleared for the use on Media Hub networks. Media Hub relies on the Contributor and
Local Administrator through verbal agreements to procure all approvals in most cases. However, Media hub may
from time to time require additional assurances from a Contributor, including proof and written agreements. The Local
Administrator has discretion to decide which files are shared with the community and responsible to ensure that files
meet local standards that are suitable for a general audience.

7. Content

Content approved for Programming


Content encouraged on Media Hub includes; files that enhance culture and community, music art and local talent.

Language Content

Media Hub prioritises material produced in Indigenous languages.

If files are submitted in different languages, a recognised speaker of that language with authority must confirm that the
program conforms to the Media Hub programming policy.

Copyright & Clearances

Contributors agree that content must be respectful to all individuals involved, They are responsible for all the
repercussions and damage caused by the media they contribute.

The submitter of content must be the copyright owner of the material. However if the program includes cultural
material, then cultural clearances must also be in place.

Contributors must obtain all the necessary clearances in respect of the performance and mechanical copying in any
sound recording or musical compilation in the content.

Contributors need to obtain all the necessary rights and clearances in respect of Media Hub's anticipated use and
distribution of the content. The use and distribution of content (Program or Title) will not require Media Hub to obtain
any clearances or pay any fees to any person.

Contributors must obtain all clearances and rights (including approvals from any relevant tribal elders relating to the
use of images, stories, references to individuals and voices) in the content.

The following programs will not be considered for distribution:

-Files submitted by an individual or entity that is not the copyright holder.

-Files that document illegal behaviour or behaviour which is likely to harm.

-Files that are clearly sexual or otherwise inappropriate;

-Files that show substance misuse (unless there is a clear positive message).

-If a breach of copyright or cultural law has occurred;

-If Media hub or the Local administrator believes it is defamatory or may cause offence;

-If the content is confidential;

-If it infringes or violates any rights, including the intellectual property rights, of anyone else;

-Material that is not of interest to Media Hub audiences as determined by Roy Smith and the local administrator.

-Material that shows cruelty to animals.


Local Media Hub devices operates within the following cultural framework:

Local administrators of Media Hub units are selected by Roy Smith and approved by the local community and
All content is to be carefully selected by the Local Administrator, if needed, with the help of local elders, community
groups and stakeholders.
The device can be switched off by the local operator until any matter is resolved or the file in question is removed.
Any Content sent from Roy Smith will also be viewed by the Local Administrator to ensure that is culturally
appropriate before being included in the programming.

The Local Administrator, with the help of respected members of the community, is directly in charge of culturally
appropriate content . The Local Administrator must also ensure that all contributors and contributions are treated in a
fair manner and are given fair representation.

The Local Administrator keeps a stock / back up of media that they can changed on an attached USB to make the
device content tailored to a season, situation or event.

The Local Administrator can be removed by Roy Smith or community elders if it is found that they are not acting in
the best interest of the community or the sustainable operation of Media Hub devices or if they have been found to be
corrupt or not meeting their promises/obligations.

Local Administrators need to be motivated and dedicated. Local administrators may be changed periodically to give
others a chance to shape content and contributors and represent their culture.


Media is sold on a trial basis in order to evaluate Media Hub sales and industry creating potential and design a
mechanism that works best on the ground, as planned for the next Media Hub releases.

Please ensure that you are not using other peoples music in your videos without permission. Do not copy files you pay
for, they are for private use only.

All files are either shared freely or sold via Media Hub devices, however contributors remain the owners of the file.
Files, including music are sold on a commission per sale basis only;

Commission: All sales of music on the devices the contributor keeps 70% of earnings leaving 10% for the local
administrator, 10% local operator and 10% Roy Smith (creator of Media Hub devices.)

Contributors agree to the Terms and Conditions and understand that files are easily transferable between devices.
Contributors agree they trust buyers not to further distribute passwords based on an honour system employed online as
well as their desire to share their files.

Until such time as Media Hub has a official agreement in place with APRA, material that
contains commercial music cannot be considered for distribution, unless all clearances are in place (including
publishing rights, recording rights and synchronization rights).

Content has to be in a common format. Files need to be sent or given to the Local Administrator who will endeavour
to include them with the next update of content, which could be monthly.

Files should be kept as small as possible to ensure Media Hub operates efficiently and has lots of space for content.
For example, videos should be in a format and resolutions suitable for mobile phones.


Local Administrators have discretion to resolve complaints as they have control over the content.

If a user is unhappy with the response of the Local Administrator, the matter will be dealt with by Roy Smith who can
request files be removed from any Media Hub unit.

All efforts will be made to learn from our mistakes and improve procedures and future versions of Media Hub


Contributors are responsible for promoting all content and assisting in the sales process.

The vendors who sell passwords are responsible for distributing commissions accordingly based on verbal agreements.

Profits from other sources of income, such as advertising income generated by local devices, will be partly reinvested
in local Media Hub networks and infrastructure as decided by Roy Smith of mydea empowerment.


Media Hub will only accept sponsorship announcements, information campaigns or advertisements that are
consistent with its principals and approved by the local administrator.
Files are placed in the most prominent position on the list of available files. Users do not have to watch or save files
unless they are interested. Branding may be included on the Media Hub poster and interface including advertising.


Local Administrators are in charge of keeping all local records including information about contributions.

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