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You tend to let other people do things for you whenever possible. Maybe you don't
have the guts to do it, maybe it's just easier this way, or maybe you want people to think you're
incompetent (or maybe you are incompetent). Whatever the case, roll this die whenever your
backseat approach to life actually comes in handy, or whenever trying to get someone to
intervene in your behalf.
• d4: Earn a Plot Point and add d6 to the Trouble Pool whenever you choose to stand
aside and let somebody else fight your battle. This may require Giving in.
• d8: Earn a Plot Point whenever you choose to be kidnapped or taken hostage.
• d12: Spend a Plot Point to introduce an Extra willing to save your bacon, or do things for
-Courtesy of “Insertname” on

This Distinction is renamed Knight. You are known and respected as a Knight, with a
personal coat of arms and equipment granting you the titles and status of a Knight. The Family
reputation can also be used interchangeably as Noble Birth or some other Nobility status such
as “Maiden”, “Damsel”, “Baron”, or “Noble Blood”

You are a sworn defender of the vows of the Knightly code and the laws of Chivalry. This
can often get you into a lot of trouble. You are or at least try to be, honorable, kind, and just.
Roll the Distinction’s die when your honorable and helpful nature might help, or when the
motivation for your brave actions is someone other than yourself.
d4: Earn a Plot Point when you Choose to tell the truth even when it causes trouble.
d8: Earn a Plot Point and Add a d6 to the Trouble pool when you throw yourself into a
dangerous conflict against an evil foe.
d12: Spend a Plot Point to Gain a 2d8 Extra for the rest of the scene. (The smallfolk rally
behind you!)

A knight of Romance honors all women and must do everything in his nature and ability
to protect women, to deliver them justice, to respect them, and to do their bidding. He must
honor every lady as if she were his own lover. Of course, a lover must also be true to his love.
Infidelity is the worst offense of all. Roll the Distinction’s die when you are interacting with
women, or honoring the cause of Romance.
d4: Give your opposition a d6 to Reroll a die in a Knight of Romance roll.
d8: Spend a Plot Point to Gain a d8 relationship for one scene with a Feature with whom
you don’t already have a Relationship.
d12: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll a die in a Contest with someone who is swayed by

You are young, considered a child or immature for your society. You may be older than
you appear, or you may in fact be your apparent age. Whatever the case, those who perceive
you to be young may resent you or just not treat you seriously. ("You've got to be kidding, he's
just a kid!"). Roll the Distinction’s die when drawing on your youthful energy or enthusiasm, or
when you’re trying to convince someone that you’re “just a kid.”
• d4: Earn a plot point whenever your advice is disregarded or you are otherwise ignored
because of your age.
• d8: Spend a plot point to reduce your Injured or Exhausted stress by one die type.
• d12: Add a d6 to Trouble to Reroll a die in a Youth roll.

You are past your prime, and have begun the slow descent into old age. This is not all
bad, as you have gained a wealth of wisdom over your years, or at least the ability to fake it
very well. Roll the Distinction’s die when drawing on your wealth of experience, convincing
others you’ve seen or done something like this before, or when you’re trying to convince
someone you’re a harmless old codger.
• d4: Earn a plot point whenever your advice is disregarded or you are otherwise ignored
because of your age.
• d8: Spend a plot point to Reveal a new facet of your “younger years” as a d8 Useful
• d12: Add a d6 to Trouble to Reroll a die in a Elder roll.

You have friends, and that's important to you. Roll this die whenever supporting,
helping, or saving your friends. You may never roll this die when arguing with your friends.
Friendship means to much to use it as a threat.
• d4: Earn a Plot Point whenever you choose to put yourself in harm’s way to help a
• d8: Spend a Plot Point to reroll any die in your pool when you are Aiding a friend.
• d12: Spend a Plot Point to reroll any die in your pool when you are being Aided by a
-Courtesy of “Insertname” on

You have an almost supernatural intuition regarding what will be needed for any upcoming
scene or event. You know what gadgets and gismos you might need, and can produce them at the
slightest provocation. Likely you have a utility belt, or magic bag of tricks, or similar prop you carry
d4: Add a d6 to Trouble to Reroll any die due to a useful item you have.
d8: Add a d10 to Trouble to use a Special Effect from any Ability you do not have,
connected or not.
d12: Add a d10 to Trouble to Reveal that you have equipment or secrets you should not
Connected Abilities: Absorption, Adaptation, Blast, Claws, Combustion,
Comprehension, Cryokinesis, Electrokinesis, Flight, Force Field, Healing, Insect Control,
Invisibility, Light Control, Paralysis, Poison, Super-Senses, Technopathy, Wall Walking
Limits: Gear

You are so incredibly righteous that you have developed miraculous abilities.
d4: Earn a Plot Point whenever your powers are blocked because you are not worthy of
d8: Spend a Plot Point to recover Afraid or Insecure Stress
d12: Add a d6 to the Trouble pool to use a special effect from a connected Ability you
don’t have.
Connected Abilities: Healing, Invulnerability, Light Control, Super-Strength, Regeneration
Limits: Faith, Morality, Unholy Energies
-Courtesy of “Insertname” on

There are various and mysterious ways to gain a magician’s legacy. Regardless of how you
come by it, magic’s one of the most powerful—and troublesome—heritages around. Maybe it’s
a good thing it’s so hard to master.
• d4: Add a d8 to Trouble to brew a magic potion that grants any character who drinks it
one Ability connected or not with a rating of d6 for the remainder of the scene.
• d8: Add a d10 to Trouble to use a Special Effect from an Ability you do not have,
connected or not.
• d12: Add a d10 to Trouble to Reveal that you know a spirit, demon, sorcerer, or faerie
the with information you need.
Connected Abilities: All the magical Abilities from Camelotville can be learned by all
magicians. Alternately you can use the following Abilities from the Smallville core rules: Blast,
Flight, Illusion, Mind Control, Possession, Precognition, & Teleportation
Limits: Mute, Binding, Proper Materials, Proper Ritual, Proper Time


You were born to one of the Ladies of the Lake, and have inherited their abilities.
d4: Earn a Plot Point whenever your Abilities are Shut Down by dehydration.
d8: Add d6 to Trouble to use the Special Effect of a connected Ability you don’t have.
d12: Spend a Plot Point to replace or repair another character’s Gear.
Limits: Dehydration
Connected Abilities: Cryokinesis, Hydrokinesis, Second Sight, Swimming, Teleportation
(through Lakes)
-Courtesy of “Insertname” on

The fair folk have many strange abilities, and more than a few half-human children.
d4: Earn a Plot Point and step up your opposition’s Afraid or Insecure Pool whenever
faced with Cold Iron.
d8: Earn a Plot Point and add d6 to the Trouble pool when you Choose to trick, befuddle
or mislead those who would otherwise help you.
d12: Add a d10 to the Trouble pool to use a Special Effect of an Ability you do not have,
connected or not.
Limits: Cold Iron, Consecrated Ground
Connected Abilities: Body Transformation, Dream Manipulation, Flight, Illusions,
Invisibility, Luck, Regeneration, Shapeshifting, Super Speed, Teleportation
-Courtesy of “Insertname” on

Those of Faerie Heritage almost universally have the Attractive and the Manipulative

Just renamed, with appropriate flavor text. Bonuses remain the same.


Rich -> Nobility Jock -> Warrior
Alien -> Supernatural Geek -> Scholar
Technology -> Relic (Powerful magical artifacts Manifestation -> Magical Talents/The Gift
and relics such as Excalibur. The “gear” focus) First Contact -> Faerie Journey
Work -> Occupation
The Job -> The Quest
-Courtesy of “Insertname” on

You have an uncanny ability to know or intuit what's going on, why things are significant
and what people are up to. Roll this Ability whenever your unusual and supernatural insight
might be advantageous to understanding the situation.
Effect: Sensory
Descriptor: Visions
Limits: Traumatic Flashes, Can't Shut it Off
Special Effects: Spend a Plot Point to…
• Spy on another scene that you are not in.
• Be able to understand what really happened in a situation just by hearing other people's
accounts of it.
• Receive a vision that pertains to events either happening, recently happened, or in the
near future. Some interpretation may be required.
• Gain unusual insight into a person, allowing you step up your relationship with them for
one Scene, or gain a relationship at d8 instead of d6 (it will be stepped back to d4 after
the Scene).
• Offer helpful insight and advice on a situation, recovering another character's Afraid or
Insecure Stress.
-Courtesy of “Insertname” on

You can grow to a tremendous size (and shrink back again) at will. Roll this die whenever
a huge size, or the act of growing, would be advantageous.
Effect: Enhancement
Descriptor: Enchantment
Limits: Space, Coordination
Special Effects: Spend a Plot Point to…
• Break out of bonds by increasing your size. For two blot points you can become so
large you break a small stone building a part. For three you can destroy even a large castle if
you are inside it.
• Traverse a long distance such as a ravine or river that you normally couldn’t normally
cross. You may carry others with you.
• Throw or knock another character out of the scene.
• Become large enough to safely catch a falling object or person.
• Wield a large inanimate object.
-Courtesy of “Insertname” on

You are able to make yourself smaller (and grow back to your original size, but no larger)
at will. Exactly how small you are able to make yourself may vary, perhaps as small as a mouse,
or perhaps as small as a subatomic particle.
Effect: Enhancement
Descriptor: Pym Particles, Magic, White Dwarf Star Infusion
Limits: Space, Distance
Special Effects: Spend a Plot Point to…
• Exit a Scene by shrinking very small and exiting.
• Sneaking past somebody by using your small size.
• Performing a feat at your usual strength, while being small.
• Shrink another person or object down with you.
• Become so small you can ride photons and other high speed particles to get from place
to place.
-Courtesy of “Insertname” on

The presence of friends gives you an incredible, almost super human strength of will,
and the power to accomplish any task! Roll this die when such fortitude comes into play, to
protect your friends, or when they support you (but never against your friends).
Descriptor: Spirit
Effect: Enhancement
Limits: Angry, Absent or Upset friends
Special Effects: Spend a Plot Point to…
• Reduce your opponents Insecure or Afraid Stress pool.
• Get a "bad feeling" about a friend whose in danger.
• Break the effects of Mind Control, Persuasion, or other mind altering Abilities.
• Recover one of your friends' Insecure or Afraid Stress pool.
• Step up your Insecure or Afraid Stress pool against someone who has no friends
present. Step it up twice if the target has no friends at all.
-Courtesy of “Insertname” on

You are able to completely reorganize matter to turn one object into another. Roll this
die when making such changes or when a changing an object helps you accomplish something
Effect: Control, Enhancement
Descriptor: Molecular Reshaping
Limits: Touch, Knowledge of how an item is put together
Special Effects: Spend a Plot Point to…
• Change an object into something radically different in size and shape.
• Change an object into another object that counts as a d8 Useful Detail.
• Transform a weapon or tool someone else is using into a harmless object for the scene.
This can remove a Useful Detail, remove Gear, or force the target to use a different
Asset (hard to justify using Weapons Master when you're holding a stuffed bunny).
• Turn an object or collection of objects into a complicated composite device, normally
beyond your scope.
• Turn an object back into its original form. For second Plot Point you may reveal you had
an object hidden on you this way all along.
-Courtesy of “Insertname” on

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