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How Slavery Became the Economic Engine of the South

Slavery was so profitable, it sprouted more millionaires per capita in the Mississippi River valley than anywhere in the nation.

With cash crops of tobacco, cotton and sugar An Economy Built on Slavery
cane, America’s southern states became the Building a commercial enterprise out of the
economic engine of the burgeoning nation. Their wilderness required labor and lots of it. For
fuel of choice? Human slavery. much of the 1600s, the American colonies
operated as agricultural economies, driven
If the Confederacy had been a separate nation, it largely by indentured servitude. Most workers
would have ranked as the fourth richest in the were poor, unemployed laborers from Europe
world at the start of the Civil War. The slave who, like others, had traveled to North America
economy had been very good to American for a new life. In exchange for their work, they
prosperity. By the start of the war, the South was received food and shelter, a rudimentary
producing 75 percent of the world’s cotton and education and sometimes a trade.
creating more millionaires per capita in the
Mississippi River valley than anywhere in the By 1680, the British economy improved and
nation. Slaves represented Southern planters’ more jobs became available in Britain. During
most significant investment—and the bulk of this time, slavery had become a morally, legally
their wealth. and socially acceptable institution in the
colonies. As the number of European laborers
coming to the colonies dwindled, enslaving
Africans became a commercial necessity—and
more widely acceptable.

With ideal climate and available land, property

owners in the southern colonies began
establishing plantation farms for cash crops like
rice, tobacco and sugar cane—enterprises that
required increasing amounts of labor. To meet
the need, wealthy planters turned to slave traders,
Slaves leaving the fields with baskets of cotton. who imported ever more human chattel to the
colonies, the vast majority from West Africa. As concession to Northern states that had abolished
more slaves were imported and an upsurge in slavery several years earlier.
slave fertility rates expanded the “inventory,” a
new industry was born: the slave auction. These VIDEO: The System of American Slavery –
open markets where humans were inspected like Historians and experts examine the American
animals and bought and sold to the highest system of racialized slavery and the hypocrisy it
bidder proved an increasingly lucrative relied on to function.
enterprise. In the 17th century, slaves would
fetch between five and ten dollars. But by the Before the American Revolution, tobacco was
mid-19th century, an able-bodied slave fetched the colonies’ main cash crop, with exports of the
an average price between $1,200-$1,500. aromatic leaf increasing from 60,000 pounds in
1622 to 1.5 million by 1639. By the end of the
century, Britain was importing more than 20
million pounds of tobacco per year. But after the
colonies won independence, Britain no longer
favored American products and considered
tobacco a competitor to crops produced
elsewhere in the empire. Always a fickle
commodity for growers, tobacco was beset by
price fluctuations, weakness to weather changes
and an exhausting of the soil’s nutrients. But
even as tobacco waned in importance, another
cash crop showed promise: cotton.

Slave auction circa 1861.

Economic Necessity Trumps Morality

Slave labor had become so entrenched in the

Southern economy that nothing—not even the
belief that all men were created equal—would
dislodge it. When delegates to the Constitutional
Convention met in Philadelphia in the summer of
1787, they were split on the moral question of
human bondage and man’s inhumanity to man,
but not on its economic necessity. At the time,
there were nearly 700,000 slaves living in the
United States, worth an estimated $210 million
in today’s dollars. When the topic of slavery
arose during the deliberations over calculating
political representation in Congress, the southern Slaves on an American plantation operating a cotton gin.
states of Georgia and the Carolinas demanded
that each slave be counted along with whites. King Cotton
The northern states balked, saying it gave
southern states an unfair advantage. Their Picking and cleaning cotton involved a labor-
compromise? Delegates agreed that each slave intensive process that slowed production and
would count as three-fifths of a person, giving limited supply. In 1794, inventor Eli Whitney
the South more representation, and that the slave devised a machine that combed the cotton bolls
trade would be banned 20 years hence, in 1807, a free of their seeds in very short order. Manually,
one slave could pick the seeds out of 10 pounds
of cotton in a day. The cotton gin could process political power. Their plantations spanned
100 pounds in the same time. upward of a thousand acres, controlling hundreds
—and, in some cases, thousands—of slaves. A
There was an irony in all this. Many people culture of gentility and high-minded codes of
believed the cotton gin would reduce the need honor emerged.
for slaves because the machine could supplant
human labor. But in reality, the increased Below the elite class were the small planters who
processing capacity accelerated demand. The owned a handful of slaves. These farmers were
more cotton processed, the more that could be self-made and fiercely independent. Slaveless
exported to the mills of Great Britain and New small farmers and landless whites were at the
England. And the invention of the cotton gin bottom, making up three-quarters of the white
coincided with other developments that opened population—and dreaming of the day when they,
up large-scale global trade: Cargo ships were too, might own slaves. No matter how wide the
built bigger, better and easier to navigate. gap between rich and poor, class tensions among
Powerful navies protected them against piracy. whites were eased by the belief they all belonged
And newly invented steam engines powered to the “superior race.” Many convinced
these ships, as well as looms and weaving themselves they were actually doing God’s work
machines, which increased the capacity to taking care of what they believed was an inferior
produce cotton cloth. people.

With all these factors amping up production and

distribution, the South was poised to expand its
cotton-based economy. With more land needed
for cultivation, the number of plantations
expanded in the South and moved west into new
territory. Production exploded: Between 1801
and 1835 alone, the U.S. cotton exports grew
from 100,000 bales to more than a million,
comprising half of all U.S. exports. The upshot:
As cotton became the backbone of the Southern
economy, slavery drove impressive profits.

The benefits of slave-produced cotton extended

to industries beyond the South. In the North and
Great Britain, cotton mills hummed, while the
financial and shipping industries also saw gains. Slaves returning from the cotton fields in South Carolina,
circa 1860.
Banks in New York and London provided capital
to new and expanding plantations for purchasing
Slavery, Wealth and the Confederacy
both land and slaves. As a result, slaves became
a legal form of property that could be used as
By the start of the 19th century, slavery and
collateral in business transactions or to pay off
cotton had become essential to the continued
outstanding debt. Slaves comprised a sizable
growth of America’s economy. However, by
portion of a planter’s property holdings,
1820, political and economic pressure on the
becoming a source of tax revenue for state and
South placed a wedge between the North and
local governments. A sort of sales tax was also
South. The Abolitionist movement, which called
levied on slave transactions.
for an elimination of the institution of slavery,
gained influence in Congress. Tariff taxes were
Steadily, a near-feudal society emerged in the
passed to help Northern businesses fend off
South. At the top was the aristocratic landowning
foreign competition but hurt Southern
elite, who wielded much of the economic and
consumers. By the 1850s, many Southerners 2. The first agricultural laborers in the colonies were
believed a peaceful secession from the Union whom?
was the only path forward.

When considering leaving the Union,

Southerners knew the North had an
overwhelming advantage over the South in
population, industrial output and wealth. Yet, the
booming cotton economy most Southerners were
3. Where did most of the slave labor come from?
optimistic about their future. As one state after
another left the Union in 1860 and 1861, many
Southerners believed they were doing the right
thing to preserve their independence and their
slave property.

To raise funds, Confederate leaders sold bonds

for gold coin, which was in circulation at the 4. True or False: In the mid-1800’s, the slave trade
time. The Confederate currency was inherently was very profitable.
weak and became weaker with each printing. In
time, the paper money lost 90 percent of its Highlight the evidence of this.
buying power. What gold and silver existed, was
taken out of circulation and hoarded by the
government and private citizens.
5. What was the “solution” the nation’s founders
came to regarding the issue of counting slaves in a
What Happened to the Gold?
state’s population?
By war’s end, the Confederacy had little usable
capital to continue the fight. In the conflict’s
waning days, it is believed that Confederate
officials stashed away millions of dollars’ worth
of gold, most in Richmond, Virginia. As the
Union Army entered the Confederate capital in
1865, Confederate President Jefferson Davis and 6. Before cotton, what was America’s most
millions of dollars of gold escaped to Georgia. important cash crop?
What happened after that is disputed, the subject
of many myths and legends.

1. True or False: Slavery and cotton had made the 7. What invention dramatically changed cotton
South rich. production?

Highlight the evidence of this.

8. How did the cotton gin increase the demand for 14. What did abolitionists want?

15. Many Southerners began to believe the only

9. What led to the increase in the cotton trade? answer to the growing division regarding slavery was
to do what?
a. Cotton Gin b. Land in the West

c. Steamboats d. All of these did

10. True or False: Only the South benefitted from the

cotton picked by slaves. 16. By leaving the union, what did Southerners
believe they were saving?
Highlight the evidence of this.

11. Who held most of the political power in the


17. What caused the Confederate currency to


a. High taxes b. Slave revolts

c. Over printing d. Cotton failure

12. True or False: Most of the white population in
the South owned slaves.

Highlight the evidence of this.

18. What essentially caused the end of the

Confederate military effort?

13. Regardless of status, most Southern whites held

to what belief regarding race?
Answer key

1. True, “If the Confederacy…

2. Indentured servants
3. West Africa
4. True, “But by the mid….
5. 3/5 ths Compromise
6. Tobacco
7. Cotton gin
8. Needed more field hands
9. D
10. False, “The benefits of…
11. Aristocratic landowning elites
12. False, “Slaveless small farmers…
13. They were the superior race
14. Slavery to end
15. Secede
16. Independence and slave property
17. C
18. Confederate money lost its value

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