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Children grow in the context of their community.

As they develop within their smaller

community environments (a music circle, an art class) they begin to understand the wider
society as a whole — what actions work and do not work, what values, and sensitivities we
share. The creation of a local community in early childhood becomes the supportive, positive,
uplifting foundation of a child’s life. It helps them learn how to tackle challenges, build
knowledge, and thrive.
Children with high self-esteem and a positive self-image feel capable, accepted, and
encouraged. At the community level — whether as a mentor, a teacher, a parent, they are
given the opportunity to boost a child’s self-esteem and help prepare them for a successful
and invigorating path ahead.
It is said “Do give them choices,” because choices help children feel empowered. At
breakfast, let them choose between eggs, pancakes, French toast. By implementing the power
of decision making early on, children will be more able and prepared to face more difficult
choices down the road.
Another example is “Don’t do everything for them,” Be patient and allow the child to figure
things out on their own. This can be as simple as letting them tie their shoes.
An experience supporting this verse is that a child who is taught from young age that no one
is perfect, will never be afraid of making mistakes and will instead learn from them.
Moreover, it will help them in not judging other people who are making mistakes and might
also help them.

kids, all 4. (2020, January 2). Benefits of community involvement in early childhood - child
abuse prevention, treatment & welfare services: Children's bureau. Child Abuse
Prevention, Treatment & Welfare Services | Children's Bureau. Retrieved September
13, 2022, from

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