The Queen of Melodies

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The Queen of Melodies

Aka: The Bardic Queen, Mistress of Chords

Follower’s Epithets: Bells (Female), Drums (Male), Keys, Radio-Faces (Derogatory)
Kingdom: Deserts of Ototeien

In the end we’re all fighting for the same thing right? We’re the heirs of the light. We’re the scions
of hope. We’re the masters of doing what needs to be done not for ourselves but because at the end of
the day we want to come home and see our loved one’s again safe and sound. Perhaps the greatest foe
is not the darkness, but the idea that at any point in our lives we need to stop depending on each other.
Your ties to each other are not weakness. They are what make you the most powerful thing out there. So
clap your hands. Bang on pots and pans. Make sure they hear it loud and clear.
Let them know that we are not alone.
The Court of Melodies lead those who believe that together they can do anything that’d
be impossible alone. They believe that the world can be saved just so long as people remember
to have each other’s backs. “Friendship” is the word of the day and the bonds that such a word
can bring are what give these Nobles their power.
Tales of Ototeien
Within the white deserts of Ototeien resides a large city atop what one could only
describe as a sandstone stage. The journey to Ototeien is a difficult, nearly impossible one-
deadly heat, unbearable sun with not a cloud in the sky, and a scarcity of food and water on all
sides- but once one reaches it, returning is a much less grueling trip. After someone has found
this oasis, they inevitably find their way back whenever they get lost within the desert. It is
always there on the horizon, looming in the distance like the final strand of hope in a chaotic and
brutal world. This is where the Queen of Melodies spends her days, working diligently for her
She is every bit the showman one would expect of her with flowing outfit and dangling
jewelry made specifically for her from the people of Ototeien. Each little bit and bauble is a
treasured gift and, as many of the Knaves have found out, are as important to her as the air we
breathe to survive. Many a Rogue has found themselves face down in the dirt, breathing in a
little dust as the Queen politely reminds them of what is hers and who made it with whatever
sweat, blood, and tears they poured into the gift. Whether it’s a belly button ring made of cast
iron, a bracelet made of colored twine, or the most extravagant earrings made out of a pure gem
only found on the fourth comet of a given year that ends with seven while the planets are
aligned. This of course has spawned a game called “Runaway Rhythm” in which Spades work
together to see how far they can get out of the city with a bauble before the Queen catches
them. So far the record is still within city limits.
As a ruler, the Queen of Melodies works with an almost democratic monarchy where she
has the true final word but truly takes in the ideas of her people and tries to incorporate it into
her rule. She holds grand town-halls where everyone has a voice. Hours and hours are spent
answering questions and making sure every concern is met and everyone who has a question
has asked it. Meeting with the Queen herself is a massive ordeal that requires a lot of
preparation. For her. She’s every bit the host you’d think she is and even without the mask of
the Queen she always seems to be concerned about her guest rather than herself. She’ll
remember everything you tell her that she deems important. She can name each of your cats,
recall your favorite color, reminisce with you about the one time she accidently put a little too
much frosting on the specialty red velvet cupcakes, and all sorts of other things. Perhaps her
greatest skill is in remembering the particular strengths and weaknesses each of her subjects
and Nobles. Like a Conductor before an orchestra, when the Queen can bring her subjects to
act in harmony against the Darkness, the performance is magnificent to behold.
Even further beyond that mask you might find a cute girl with burning red hair trussed up
in a mess that has no real rhyme nor reason. Those who know the real girl behind The Bardic
Queen will tell you of her goofy mannerisms, her horrible puns, and the strength of her
convictions. She’s everyone’s friend. Her smile can teach a robot to love, her laugh can cure
cancer, and some even jokingly call her a precious cinnamon roll, too pure for the world. Those
who met her always feel the same way, that she’s met them somewhere before in a past, past,
past life and it feels just like yesterday.
The Queen of Melodies’ has a motif that sings its presence in each of her songs: the
power of ‘together.’
Good Music requires Counterpoint: A Bell or Drum shouldn’t play second fiddle to
anyone but work together to create a grand orchestra with their friends. Glory should be shared,
victories savored with each other, and no one should take the top billing of the show without
acknowledging the others. This does not mean you need to lose yourself to a collectivist
mindset and no longer have a sense of individuality. Every great piece of music is made up of
parts. Take away the bridge of the song, or the Mender of a particular Nakama, and the song is
no longer itself. Take away the chorus and you might not even recognize a song you’ve known
all of your life.
This said, a single note a song does not make. So play off each other. Your identity need
not be as simple as ‘Student Council President’ or ‘The Pretty Cheerleader who fights darkness
on the side.’ A Bell or Drum’s sense of self often, if not always, spreads out to their friends as
well. They are the ones who take great pride in being called a best friend. They are never
happier than when someone comes to them for comfort or asks them out for a date. The Bardic
Queen believes that these relationships are what will save the world. Your allies are your
greatest strength, your friends your strongest allies. It won’t be a singular powerful Noble who
wins the day. The true heroes that will strike the final blow against the heart of darkness will be a
nakama who live, breath, and think like one and can’t be anything short of that. The final
weapon that will purify the world won’t be the blade of one...but rather the hearts of many.

Until the Curtain Call: One does not simply listen to the first five seconds of a
performance and decide on whether or not it was worth it. Much like the phrase “The Show Must
Go On” so should those who follow the Bardic Queen follow their ideas and convictions until it is
impossible to do so. More importantly, they should become the backdrop in which her Nakama
can do the same. They are every bit as important as you after all. You and your allies should
know the phrase ‘Never give up, never surrender’ when it comes to your goals but also kindly
remind yourselves that retreating to come and fight another day isn’t exactly giving up but
sometimes advancing in the other direction. A Bell or Drum should be the first person to offer
help and the last person to accept that someone’s idea just isn’t worth the time. After all, lone
wolf stories are simply fairytales. The wolves that trek alone are just very lonely, and often times
very dead pups.

The Reverb of a Single Action: The Bardic Queen knows and shares the idea that no
single action done is insignificant. Many people call this “the butterfly effect,” she likes to call it
“common sense.” The simplest of gestures can lead to the biggest things. A Key shouldn’t be
afraid that his simple action of making tea for his friend while they struggle through the
aftermaths of a night terror isn’t helping, for years later when the man’s skin is melting as he
slumbers, he’ll wake up and make himself some tea. And it will help. A Bell knows that simply
starting up a conversation between the two bad bitches of school whom ripped off each other’s
false eyelashes may end up with the creation of two inseparable girls. A Drum understands that
sometimes the major divide between the jock and the nerd is that the jock has never played
Dungeons and Dragons before and that sometimes, just sometimes, the ultimate tragedy of the
swords (the Queen jokes), a loveless marriage, can be avoided simply by actually speaking up
when someone asks if anyone has anything to say during the ceremony.

A Key’s duty is to bring people together first and foremost. Without each other, the
human race would have never survived beyond the stone age. Humans are social animals after
all and find their greatest strength is found in the bonds of friendship. The Keys dream of a
world where everyone can find solace in each other no matter their backgrounds or

Champions of Melodies often become self-defense instructors or police trainers. They

tend to focus on not only protecting the innocent, but teaching them how to protect themselves
whenever they aren’t around- not that they ever seem to forget you. They are the cop that
defended you from a home invader and made sure you were alright for a month afterwards,
teaching you self defense techniques the entire time. The guy that wouldn’t take no for an
answer? They were the one who stomped on his neck while making sure your torn clothing still
covered enough for you to walk home- then introduced you to their friends the day after. A group
of Bells and Drums of the Champion calling acting in Concert is a thing to behold. Their
coordination is second to none, appearing to be dancing with each other as much as they are
striking away the darkness.

Grace is a natural calling to a follower of The Bardic Queen. More than anything, they
tend to try to work with people directly. They love to play matchmaker, both romantically and
platonically. Marriage counselors, big brothers and sisters, and community organizers are all
professions you’d find. More often than not though they tend to take these positions in the
Dreamlands as well. You’d be hard pressed to find any sort of royal meeting without one Key
making note of Nobles without Nakama who live close to each other.

A Mender of Melodies has a very particular way of healing. Bedside manner is

everything. One cannot truly heal someone if they cannot get along with them in a way, or at
least that’s what they truly believe. Thus they tend to be nurses rather than doctors,
psychiatrists rather than surgeons; healing one’s soul and connection to those around them
should not be neglected, either. This also leads them to become those who run halfway houses,
youth homeless shelters, and rehab clinics.
Language is generally the name of the game for a Seeker of Melodies. That, and culture
tends to occupy their minds. They are those who will travel to remote islands to find
communities who have never seen an outsider, let alone a small girl who shoots rainbows out of
her fingers. They are polyglots, musical theory experts, and collectors of books thousands of
years old. They are the librarian who will talk your ear off for hours about a new collection of
ancient Latin literature never before translated or the historian who always seems to have a new
fact on how Ancient Greeks used to barter with each other.

Troubadours of Melodies are often joked to be a dime a dozen but those who have met
one will often tell you of how priceless they really are. They are the street performer who takes
requests from passing children, switching from Metallica to Sesame Street at the drop of a hat.
Their paintings are often set up in small venues rather than huge museums so that the common
man can see them and gain a little glimpse of friendship from the oddly comforting piece. For
those with a more hands-on approach such as builders or architects, the buildings they make
are almost always for close-knit crowds and can be anything from local Churches to a Private
Practice though you’d be hard pressed to find one who didn’t want to make a concert hall. Every
smile they can make is worth hours of a slow day for these performers.

Those who naturally gravitate towards the Court of Melodies always have one thing in
common: they are everyone’s friend. A prospective Key will lay their lives down on the line
whether this is a sibling, a parent, a best friend, or even that little crush that you just want to
protect the smile of - the orchestra cannot afford to lose even one of its members or else the
music will not be at its best. This is the universal truth for the Court of Melodies. They naturally
make friends, even those who previously thought themselves introverts. Most of them belong to
clubs or after-school functions. Parents among them are almost always active PTA members
and there is more than one girl who just doesn’t seem to know the idea of personal space.
Often times though, those who follow the Mistress of Chords have a bit of a tragic
backstory as well. They come from broken homes, were often bullied terribly, or some have
seen tragedies that you’d never expect a young person to ever have to deal with. They are often
times the most devout followers of the principles that the Queen lays down. Someone from a
broken family who follows the Queen knows more than anyone the importance of having those
connections with your friends. A victim of bullying never wants anyone to experience what they
did, becoming the safety net for a hundred people who need a companion. One who has
experienced loss knows the harsh reality of the world, and works the hardest to make sure the
paradigm of the universe changes.
One doesn’t need to be musically inclined to be part of the Court either. A simple love for
the bonds one can create with your closest relations will be enough. Despite this little fact
though, everyone who joins the court will inevitably become a little loud and will show that.
Clapping of hands, stomping of feet, and loud facepalms are all a matter of learned body
language for the Keys and they’re proud of it. After all, how will anyone learn from you if they
can’t hear you?
Character Creation
Keys can be incredibly varied despite their attitude about togetherness. Funnily enough,
that very attitude might be what sparks a lot of the variety. Most of them, however, tend to have
a higher Presence than average and a gift for throwing their metaphorical weight around if need
be and the high Resolve needed to be an anchor among your friends when the going gets
tough. Among physical attributes they tend to be a hearty bunch with above average Stamina,
and mentally, more than a few are rather witty and prefer to use a sharp tongue rather than a
blade to take down threats. Most Keys focus on quite a lot of social power and you’ll rarely find
one without at least a little
expression. A little Athletics
training is great for dancing as
well, but the real focus on the Keys
is helping maintain a healthy group
dynamic. Most will work to help
bring up areas that the Nakama is
lacking. No survival experts in the
group? No worries, your friendly
Seeker of Melodies has like fifteen
books on the subject and an entire
season of Man vs Wild on DVD.
She’s got you. Nobody knows how
to fire a gun? “Don’t worry,” says
the Champion, “I’ll go to the
arcade and play shooting games
for hours and hours. I’m sure my
parents won’t mind.”
For Merits, you’d be hard
pressed to find a Key without at
least one Circle. They’re also the
most likely to have a true friend, or
already be heavily along the way
to getting one. Retainers and
Mentors, especially amongst other
Nobles, tend to be a pretty
common occurrence as well and
almost all of the Keys speak more
than one language with Seekers
often speaking enough to make
your head spin. Physically, the
desert lifestyle of the Keys tends to
lead to them being fairly hardy with the merit to show that, and Iron Stamina so they will not fall
before their friends.

Heraldry: When one invokes the stereotype of a Key, the term “Desert Wanderer” pops
into one’s head. Billowing cloaks, special shawls, and flowing scarves all accenting oddly plain
clothes distilled with a performer’s flair is often times the go-to but, just as instruments in an
orchestra, they can be as varied as one’s imagination. Some of the followers of The Bardic
Queen take the performer’s flair to heart and wear truly extravagant dresses or swanky suits
that’d be most at home on a stage magician. As for colors: reds, oranges, yellows, browns, and
whites are all very common within the outfits of these Nobles with the smattering of the colors of
other courts depending on whom the Noble holds most dear in their Nakama. They are all oddly
distinct for Nobles who hold the idea of ‘together’ so dear and yet they all have one thing in
common; a single musical note emblazoned somewhere upon their outfit. Beyond that, they are
also the most well known for carrying a symbol of their Nakama...even if they have to make it up

Practical Magic
The Mistress of Chords teaches her students to that strength comes from the bonds with
each other. When in a teamwork action, the Key may spend 1 wisp to cause the main actor’s roll
to be an exceptional success on 3 successes instead of 5. At belief 8, the main actor in this
action gains an additional die. This increases again at belief 9 and again at 10.

Invocation: Capriccio
The Queen of Melodies teaches that you are but one instrument in a mass orchestra.
You are vital and irreplaceable, yet still a part of a whole. This comes out in their invocation of
Capriccio, and the Keys learn this truth easier than the other courts. Capriccio is the inner will,
the drive to pursue the goals we all have and never give up for, as long as we are together, we
can do this. It is that natural energy we all get from being around our friends and loved ones. It
is also the natural sound of the universe, ringing out mightily as it strikes against those who wish
to tear apart the bonds we make with each other.

Capriccio applies at no cost just after a mundane action causes a particularly loud noise
and when in the middle of a very loud area (Factories, bustling crowds, and warzones. Small
skirmishes do not cause enough noise). It also applies to no cost when not succeeding in the
action will cause harm to a member of their circle, nakama, or immediate family. Finally, it
comes at no cost when performing an action for someone in which you would receive no
tangible benefit.
Those who work with Capriccio remember those around have just as important a part to
play as her in the greater whole of the universe. A noble whose action specifically causes harm
or plight for their nakama, their circle, or a family member loses this invocation until the next day,
24 hours exactly. The exception is when the close relation invites this harm upon them in cases
of a spar, or if the close relation does not think of it as a slight. Accidents do happen after all. No
matter the case though, if such an action causes any amount of lethal or aggravated damage or
painful tilts and conditions, the noble loses this invocation.

‌•Clubs: Often times you must remember that we, the Nobles and humans, are part of nature too.
So perhaps for every tree you plant, make a little noise for your fellow humans eh?

•Diamonds: Remember how much easier you learned Latin literature in a study group? Yeah,
put that info in that big ol’ brain of yours and stamp it down with a giant post-it-note saying

•Hearts: Tradition is well and good, but someone has to pass it from generation to generation.
Perhaps we fell because you were too focused on your precious rules and not enough on who
they were hurting.

•Spades: Being part of a group isn’t merely about being the clown you know. you on
Sunday for that party.

•Swords: The biggest difference between us is the idea that you don’t always remember there’s
someone helping stoke that fire of yours.

•Tears: Devotion to your nation, to your kingdom, is grand. I, more than possibly anyone else in
the universe, understand what it’s like to be devoted to your kingdom. The problem is...I’m
devoted to its people. You’re devoted to the ground they sit their asses upon.

•Storms: Darkness this, darkness that. Seriously, you’d think that you were some kind of jealous
ex-lover that the Darkness left because your boobs were too small. Grow up.

•Mirrors: I pity you. You would be nothing without your adoring public you know. Nothing but a
shallow, silly girl who forgets herself the moment someone doesn’t call her pretty.

•Vampires: You are everything we strive to not be. Normally I wouldn’t even consider this...but I
have a few friends who’d love to see the effect of acid on some dead flesh. Wanna meet ‘em?

•Werewolves: Can I join the play thing? I uh, no I’ll probably get hurt but it looks kinda fun. I
promise I can take it. Don’t worry ‘bout me. It’ll be good practice.
•Mages: Man, how many secrets are you keeping from each other? Don’t you think that
someday someone’s going to read your diary and find out you’re not as grand as you think you
are? Better to be open and improve yourselves rather than be scary hermits who know nothing
about each other.

•Prometheans: I’m so sorry… Don’t worry, I’ll be your friend.

•Changelings: Shhh, it’s okay. I know they hurt you...let me help you okay? As long as I’m
around I promise I’ll never let them take you ever again.

•Sin-Eaters: know, never being alone in that way sounds awfully lonely. Whatever,
pass me that drink homeboy.

•Mummies: I reincarnate, dude. Let’s be friends forever.

•Beasts: Oh cool, you’re a massive dick going around scaring his friends and everyone else
because of some strange delusional feeling that you’re right. I’d offer to help you but you need
more than just my friendship.

•Mad Scientists: Dude, your colleagues don’t deserve this. Stop laughing atop the giant robot
and just sit down and talk it out. Jesus.

•Leviathans: W-wha? Uh, I uh...sure, we can be...friends. I guess. I always wondered what it’d
be like to be friends with Godzilla…

•Hunters: Wait! No! Stop! Stop shooting! I just asked for your phone number! Augh!

•Mortals: I promise I’ll be there for you whenever, wherever you need me. If I couldn’t do this
much, I wouldn’t be much of a friend now would I?

New Upgrades
Appear Upgrades

Everybody’s Friend (Capriccio **) [Life of the Party Upgrade]

Whenever the Noble succeeds on a socialize roll against an organization or small group
of people, for the scene the Noble is treated as having the circle merit with a dot rating equal to
the successes. By spending 1 wisp the Noble may gain the “Connected” condition for this group.

Fortissimo (Capriccio **) [Phantom Upgrade]

Requires: Singing

As an instant action, the Noble may dismiss their illusion with an ear splitting noise.
Anyone within a number of yards equal to the Noble’s inner light must make a stamina +
composure check - the user’s Capriccio and if they fail they are deafened for a number of
rounds equal to the Noble’s inner light.

Bless Upgrades

Connect Upgrades
Secret Handshake (Capriccio **) [Illuminatus]
Effect: When talking to an organization that has any sort of secret way of communicating
to each other membership, the Noble may roll wits + politics with success meaning she
instinctively knows the code whether it be a handshake or some sort of whistle. If it’s a certain
type of identification however, this does not give them that identification only knowledge that it

I Know a Guy (Capriccio **) [The Naked City]

Effect: Immense amounts of connection to the street give the Noble sometimes hilarious
amounts of insight on topics she normally might not have. The Noble may roll Intelligence +
Streetwise once per chapter when dealing with knowledge she normally wouldn't know. This
functions exactly like the Encyclopedic Knowledge merit save that the excuse is always “Well I
know a guy and he said _____”

Fight Upgrades

Couplet (Capriccio **) [Kensai Upgrade]

Effect: The Noble creates two of their Kensai Regalia. Not only does this allow sick nasty
dual wielding but this duplicate does not carry the same burden as normal regalia when handing
it off to an ally. This does not need to be other Nobles in their party or even Nobles at all. While
by no means a definitive list, this could include a Sworn Retainer, a member of a Circle, the
subject of a True Friend merit, or something similar. In addition, as a reflexive action, the noble
may activate her invocation when someone attacks with this duplicate to add damage just as
normal. This cannot stack with another invocation.
Pew-Pew (Capriccio **) [Levinbolt Upgrade]

Effect: The Noble’s levinbolt is loud and distracting. Not only that but they hit with a
resounding TWANG that really knocks some sense into most bad guys. When a Noble adds
Capriccio to their levinbolt and deals damage greater than the opponent’s composure, they are
treated as having the “Beaten Down” tilt for one round as they attempt to get their balance back.

Bang! Boom! Pow! (Capriccio **) [Empty Hands Upgrade]

Effect: The resounding sound of a fist to the face can be its own reward but the Noble’s
limbs have some extra oomph to them when it happens. When attempting to cause a tilt on an
enemy by using a targeted attack, the Noble may treat their damage as two higher though
doesn’t actually deal more damage.

Tink! (Capriccio *) [Palladion Upgrade]

Effect: A soft wave of sound emanates through the shield like a tuning fork. When the
Noble invokes Capriccio to improve her Dodge pool, she also gains temporary armor equal to
the size of the shield that stacks with other armor.

Govern Upgrades

Inspire Upgrades
Calming the Beast (Capriccio **) [Animal Fair]
Effect: When the Noble invoked Capriccio on an animal ken roll attempting to pacify a
raging animal, calm a frightened animal, or convince an animal that they are friendly they gain
an exceptional success on 3 successes instead of 5.

Relaxing (Capriccio **) [Razzle Dazzle]

Effect: When invoking capriccio on a resisted persuasion roll, the noble may lower the
dice penalty by an amount equal to their dots in the invocation.

That’s my Nakama! (Capriccio **) [Stare Master]

Effect: When an enemy attacks an ally of a Noble with this upgrade, they immediately
attempt to cow them if the attack did any damage. This is a reflexive action.

Learn Upgrades
Friend List (Capriccio **) [Data Wizard]
Effect: As long as the user has permission from someone they wish to contact, the
Noble’s data wizard keeps an easy list of ways they can contact that friend. By clicking, tapping,
or saying their name aloud the data wizard immediately contacts their ally in a way they specify.
This can be anything from calling them, texting them, or even sending an email. This does not
take into consideration any needed connection and may send a message to them even if they
were in outer space if need be. Keep in mind this connection will still come back to the Data
Wizard if traced unless they also have the ‘Traceless’ upgrade.

Fresh Set of Eyes (Capriccio **) [Keen Observation]

Effect: When the Noble fails an investigation roll she may spend a wisp to have an ally
come and double check the work. They roll their own investigation but with a bonus equal to the
Noble’s Capriccio.

Science Affair (Capriccio **) [Natural Philosopher]

Effect: When engaged in a teamwork action based on science, the Noble and his
partners gain an exceptional success on three successes instead of five.

Perfect Upgrades
Duet (Capriccio *) [Barrier Jacket Upgrade]

Effect: When the Noble manifests their barrier jacket they may manifest an identical one
on a person they are touching at the time.

Good Vibrations (Capriccio *) [Celestial Dance Upgrade]

Effect: The Noble’s body vibrates softly, relaxing her muscles and generally giving a
rather soothing feeling at all times. When she invokes Capriccio she may ignore an amount of
penalties to her athletics rolls equal to her Capriccio.

A True Friend (Capriccio **) [Valiant Mind]

Effect: While the shield is in effect, any attempt to make the Noble act against the
interests of her allies, mundane or otherwise, takes penalty equal to the noble’s capriccio.

Restore Upgrades

Shape Upgrades

New Charms
Stage Voice (Appear*, Capriccio *)
Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Wisp
Dice Pool: Strength + Socialize
Duration: 1 Scene

Sometimes a Noble just has to be heard amongst the chaos of everyday Noble life,
whether that’s while talking to your Nakama in the middle of an epic battle or telling people to
flee while the idol on stage blasts her guitar music.

Dramatic Failure: The Noble’s voice wildly changes volume no matter how much she
tries to control it. Any social interactions come at a -2 for the rest of the scene.

Failure: The noble fails to improve the way his voice carries.

Success: When a Noble speaks she may ignore penalties to be heard up to her
activation successes.

Exceptional Success: The Noble’s voice becomes powerful enough to pierce through
even magical silences without needing to trigger clash of wills.

Upgrade: Lend me your ears! (Capriccio **)

Cost: 1 Wisp
The Noble’s voice may now carry out to improbable distances and break through even
the most ridiculous of barriers. The Noble’s voice can carry out up to 100 yards (The size of a
football field) per activation success and no amount of solid material can block it. A noble can
literally be surrounded by four yards of concrete or buried twenty yards deep and her voice
would still be heard.

The Parrot’s Performance (Appear **, Capriccio *)

Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Wisp
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Subterfuge
Duration: 1 Scene

Voice acting is just as good of a career as any sort of artist, or so says the users of this
charm. They manipulate their voice in impossible, magical ways to emulate any voice they’ve
heard or create new ones that are so eerily real that the School Principal really believes you are
Adam Suit, school inspector from the government.
Dramatic Failure: The Noble’s voice becomes either so high or so low no one can take
him seriously. For the rest of the scene any intimidation or expression check he makes is
considered a dramatic failure.

Failure: The noble fails to change his voice.

Success: The noble is able to manipulate his voice to sound like anyone he remembers
the voice of or may change it to an entirely new one. This does not, however, make him a better
actor so he still uses his normal social rolls.

Exceptional Success: The noble is so easily able to manipulate his voice that those who
hear him may not roll to decipher whether or not it’s really him unless they were already actively
suspicious before the conversation took place.

Upgrade: Ventriloquism (Capriccio **)

When the Noble uses this charm he may also throw his voice anywhere within sensory

Chord Regression (Appear ***, Capriccio **)

Action: Reflexive
Cost: 1 Wisp?
Dice Pool: Wits + Expression - target’s presence.
Duration: 1 Round or Concentration

Communication is key and the Nobles know this. Those who want to turn this fact into a
weapon turn to this charm and silence those who would normally try for some jolly cooperation.
Too bad nobody told them.

Dramatic Failure: The Noble gains the “Mute” condition for 24 hours.

Failure: The charm does not activate.

Success: The noble is able to manipulate the voices of those around her in one very
specific way. As a reflexive action, the Noble may choose to silence someone’s speech to
everyone but that person. In combat this means that they are unable to speak for a round but
the Princess may concentrate on this effect to make it longer for out of combat.

For example: Two thugs are attempting to strike at the Noble. The Noble may stop one
of the men from yelling out an order to grab her for everyone but the man yelling or the popular
girl in High School suddenly finds that no one is listening to her despite her very obviously
bragging about her new toy poodle.
Exceptional Success: The noble’s mastery of this illusion spreads and they may silence
any number of people they want in a room at once as long as they are within sensory range. Of
course doing this to too many people at once may cause suspicion.

Goccia Astrale (Appear ***)

This charm faces no changes, but gives examples upon what the Princess may use involving
the Invocation's element.
Capriccio: A suitably loud, continuous noise (Car Engine, Banging Trash Lids, etc.), or a
recording of the Noble’s voice.

Speak Softly (Bless *, Capriccio *)
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Dexterity
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Scene

Sometimes you have to speak softly and let someone in before you’re able to get
anywhere with them.

Dramatic Failure: Empathy is hard. The target takes -3 to all empathy checks for the

Failure: The charm does not activate.

Success: The target of the charm gains the “Sympathetic” merit for the duration of the
charm and may use it a number of times equal to the activation successes. If the Noble already
has this merit, the merit opens one more door than normal a number of times equal to the

Exceptional Success: Anyone who the target of this charm uses the sympathetic merit
on also gains the “Trusting” condition that lasts until the end of the scene.

Baton Pass (Bless **, Capriccio *)

Action: Reflexive
Dice Pool: Unrolled
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: 1 Roll
When the noble succeeds at a mundane skill check such as attacking an opponent with
their kensai or jumping from one building to another building, they may spend a wisp to
immediately add their successes to an ally’s roll to do the same action. For example, if a
champion of Melodies attacks a darkspawn and gains three successes, she may activate this
charm and give three extra dice to a single ally who attacks the darkspawn that same round.

Upgrade: Follow Up! (Capriccio **)

Cost: +1 Wisp
Effect: The Noble’s baton pass may now add extra dice to an ally’s charm. The catch is
that the action the Noble succeeds at must be appropriate in order to add to the charm. A charm
that catches someone’s attention may be improved by the Noble using this charm yelling “Hey!
Look at her!” and gaining enough successes to garner attention for example. The Storyteller is
the ultimate arbiter of what is and is not appropriate.

Charms of Enhancement (Bless 3, Invocation 2)

The Charms of Enhancement work as intended in both corebooks, with a new upgrade added for
the Court of Melodies.

I’m Never Alone (Capriccio 2): (Resolve + Socialize) Instead of increasing an attribute,
she may increase the dot value of a single social merit up to five. This includes Circle, Allies,
Staff, Retainer, Status, Mystery Cult Initiation, or Support Network.

Grand: The Noble may improve her any number of her social merits per activation but
still cannot go beyond five in any of them.

They’re With Me (Connect *, Capriccio *)
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: 1 Scene

Effect: The Noble shares her connections with her friends as easily as one would share
a hug.

Dramatic Failure: The Noble may not use her social merits for the rest of the scene.

Failure: The noble fails to share her social merits.

Success: The Noble may allow her target to use her social merits for the scene. These
merits include Social Network, Circle, Hobbyist Clique, Allies, Mentor, Retainer, Staff, etc.

Exceptional Success: The Noble’s target may use these merits for a full 24 hours rather
than just the scene.

Together Now (Connect ***, Capriccio **)

Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Unrolled
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: 1 Roll

The Key may spend a wisp to use a skill as if it were being used by a member of her nakama,
mentor or retainer. For example, if the Key needed to hack a high security computer the Key
may spend a wisp and for that roll may use the roll from her retainer Sergio, Hacker
Extraordinaire. When rolling as her mentor, double the automatic successes she’d normally get
and roll it as dice + your ranks in Capriccio. Obviously, you may not use your Queen’s mentor
skills but they do appreciate the thought.

Charms of Entwined Destiny (Connect ****)

Let’s Form a Band (Capriccio): Wingman. The Noble regains a point of willpower any time he
helps the target improve his relationship with a loved one or ally and reaches a breaking point
when he passes a chance to by.

The Consonance Choir (Connect *****, Capriccio ****)

Avatar (Melodies)
Action: Instant (Takes at least 1 minute)
Dice Pool: Resolve + Socialize
Cost: 3 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: Until Detransformation (See Text)

The Queen of Melody’s Avatar is not a single note, but rather the collection of everything
she teaches and that the Noble’s under her have collected through their mutual interaction. With
a dance and song, the Noble who channels the Melody’s true potential to work together with
their nakama may truly become their soulmate.

To use this charm the target must be a willing participant. It takes 1 minute for the Noble
and them to become fully in sync with each other and for the charm to activate.
Dramatic Failure: The target and the noble are jettisoned away from each other very
forcefully. They each suffer from the Knocked Down tilt. Not only that but they are each treated
as having the “Terrified” tilt towards each other for the scene.

Failure: Nothing happens.

Success: The Nobles fuse with each other, becoming a single noble who is the
combination of the two of them. This noble is distinct from the sum of its parts but generally has
features that might show off who they originally were. Having a both green and blue eye, red
hair with purple highlights, and a mix matching of armor are all things that could happen but this
is by no means an exhaustive list. The benefits of this form are vast and are as follows:

1) The new form uses whichever inner light is highest from the base nobles.
2) The new form uses the higher skills and attributes from the base nobles. Ex: If one Noble
has strength three but a stamina of 1 but the other has 2 strength but a stamina of two,
the combined noble will have Strength 3, Stamina 2.
3) The new form uses the physical and mental merits of each form, but not social merits
based off Status or Social Power such as Allies or Status as they are a different person
at this point.
4) The New Noble may use any charms the two nobles who went into creating it could and
uses Capriccio in place of any invocation that the charm would normally use. (For
Example: If a Noble had “Weightless” on their Celestial Dance before fusing, they’d be
able to add 1+capriccio instead of 1+aria.) You may still only use one “If you invoke this
invocation, then do this” type upgrade once per turn.
5) Any regalia has the upgrades both nobles have for it. For example if one noble has
Forceful and the other has Durable on their Kensai, the new form has a Durable,
Forceful Kensai. This is still limited to Inner light + 2 though and those who fuse must
choose which upgrades to discard if the new noble would pass this limit.

This Charm lasts until the two willingly unfuse or one would be forced to detransform. If
the new noble passes out via damage or any other reason. (Sleep doesn’t count as being
knocked out) They unfuse immediately, appearing adjacent to each other.

Exceptional Success: When the Nobles fuse, they truly become one. Their form no
longer shows off as a mix-match of both of them but rather as a wholly new, different person.
They also gain extra skills and attributes as if they had used the “Unison” merit at 3 dots to be
spread about.

Drawback: Becoming one has all the limits you’d think. You become one, singular noble
and each player must agree to what the new noble will do on each turn. Any breaking points the
new Noble suffers is felt by both nobles when they unfuse as well as any shadows and each
takes the same amount of damage that the new noble has taken when they split. Any
conditions, tilts, or things of that ilk the new noble has taken will likewise be put onto both fused
nobles when they are split up.

Chatterbox (Fight *, Capriccio *)
Costs: 1 Wisp
Action: Reflexive
Dice Pool: Unrolled

The Princess is a whirlwind of wit and a tempest of quick, clever quips that clips at the
foes before they even realize they’ve been insulted. Whenever a foe misses the Noble in
combat, the Noble may spend a wisp as a reflexive action to inflict a number of ‘Phantom
Damage’ to them equal to the difference between the Noble’s presence and the opponent’s
composure. If that difference is less than 1, the Noble deals 1 damage.

Battle Banter (Fight **, Capriccio **)

Cost: 1 Wisp
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Socialize
Duration: Scene

Social grace and a performer’s flair is something that doesn’t just have to be on the
stage. Many a gladiator has won the hearts of millions with his roaring, fantastical performance
and fight choreography is still considered some form of art. Those with this charm take this to

Dramatic Failure: The Noble is unsure what to do with their hands, or the rest of
themselves for that matter. They gain the stunned tilt until someone can jostle them.

Failure: The Noble fails to use any of their social grace to bolster their combat abilities.

Success: For each successful use of this charm the Noble may replace one of their
physical attributes for a social attribute or combat skill for certain social skills as seen below.
These act in every way as if they were the actual stats in combat but not for activating charms.

Strength = Presence
Dexterity = Manipulation
Stamina = Composure

Athletics = Expression
Brawl or Weaponry = Intimidate
Firearms = Streetwise

Exceptional Success: The Noble may replace as many attributes or skills at once as they

Crescendo Clash (Fight ***, Capriccio **)

Requires: Weaponry/Empty Hands
Action: Reflexive
Costs: 2 Wisps
Dice Pool: Presence + Weaponry/Brawl - Target’s Stamina

Even on a whiff, the sound from a Key’s weapons make sure its point is taken. The
Noble may spend 2 wisps as a reflexive action when they fully miss a target with empty hands
or a kensai attack to still attempt to deal damage. Any damage taken is bashing regardless of
the original damage of the Kensai or Brawl attack.

Dramatic Failure: The Noble takes the arm wrack tilt.

Failure: Nothing happens.

Success: Target takes bashing damage equal to successes.

Exceptional Success: Target takes the deafened tilt.

Tuning Crash (Fight ****, Capriccio ***)

Requires: Kensai or Empty Hands
Action: Reflexive
Cost: 2 Wisps
Dice Pool: Resolve + Intimidate
Duration: Next Attack

Some people say that if you have something that vibrates at just the right frequency,
you’ll be able to demolish a bridge within seconds. Others talk about hammers in folklore with
such an explosive impact that the sound itself can tear wood away in slivers. Tuning Crash
takes this idea and makes it a reality. The user of this charm first slams his fist or weapon
against the ground or a wall, vibrating it at a particular frequency and compacting sound around
the instrument. Then, when he strikes, an explosive, concussive force sings out with a mighty

Dramatic Failure: The Regalia immediately shatters. They may resummon it as normal. If
they are using empty hands, they take the arm wrack tilt with the hand they used.

Failure: The regalia stays as is.

Success: On a successful strike, the opponent that the target hits is immediately inflicted
with the knock down tilt. In addition, however, any equipment that they have on their person at
the time takes damage equal to the damage the user takes ignoring durability. This includes
Barrier Jackets, Kensais, Levinbolts, Palladions, any mundane equipment or armor and those
precious diamond earrings your brother got you for your birthday. It cannot break a phylactery

As the equipment splinters and explodes, the victim takes an extra bashing damage for
every breakable item on them that does, in fact, break.

Exceptional Success: The FWOOM turns into something no onomatopoeia can actually
describe. Tuning Crash now also destroys any magical armor (Such as from a mage’s spell) or
supernatural armor (Such as a vampire’s resilience). In addition, natural armor from scales or
the likes are also smashed, rendering it useless but it may grow back naturally.

The Linguistic Roundabout (Govern ***, Capriccio **)
Action: Permanent

Language has tons of common factors that any truly linguistic specialist may figure out. Using
this universal truth those with this charm tap into that idea and become capable of
understanding the most alien of languages. A Noble with this charm may understand any
language as long as it’s from a supernatural origin and it’s readily spoken by those creatures.
She may speak with Ghosts, or the one weird cloaked magic guy who is speaking TO ghosts.
He may converse with spirits and werewolves in their tongue. A True fae may be baffled to find
out his language that he made up literally three seconds ago is being spoken fluently by the
Noble. Whatever language it is, as long as it’s not of this world the Noble may speak it. Of
course, this may draw some very unwanted questions.
Happy Synthesizer (Inspire **, Capriccio *)
Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Wisp, 1 wisp/roll outside of combat
Dice Pool: Presence + Empathy
Duration: Concentration
Boring “obligation” or all the things you hate. I’ll erase them with this sound.

Sometimes all anyone needs is a friend to make them happy, even for a little bit. The
stress of life, whatever is bothering mentally, sometimes even a broken bone...they all may be
helped with a little friendly presence.

Dramatic Failure: The target becomes even more pained or stressed. Their penalties
double for stress based ailments and wound penalties.

Failure: Nothing happens.

Success: While the Noble performs, the target may ignore any wound penalties in
combat. Out of combat they may ignore any penalty that may be caused from stressful
environments or pain while the noble performs.

Exceptional Success: In addition to ignoring the pain and stress, the target also gains a
+1 to dice rolls due to their newfound happiness.

Upgrade: Infectious
Modified by Commonality
Cost: +1 Wisp

The princess may use the charm on an organization that hears her using the
commonality modifier.

With A Little Help From My Friend (Inspire ***, Capriccio **)

Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Wisp, 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Resolve + Persuasion modified by commonality.
Duration: 1 Roll
Oh! I get high with a little help from my friends.

Nakama are there for each other through the best and worst, even if the emotions they’re
feeling are not exactly their own.
Dramatic Failure: Everyone who hears the song must immediately make a sensitivity
check at their base sensitivity dice pool.

Failure: Nothing happens.

Success: The next time someone affected by this charm makes a sensitivity check with
any number of their nakama around them, they make the sensitivity check with the lowest dice
pool amongst the group.

Exceptional Success: The next time the nakama makes a sensitivity check with each
other within sensory range they regain willpower as if they had fulfilled their vice.

Rivers in the Desert (Inspire ****, Capriccio ***)

Action: Instant
Cost: 2 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Socialize, modified by commonality
Duration: Scene
The last ace in a lost hand. A heartbeat for a tin man.

Nakama is much more than a word. Together they should be able to do anything, and with this
charm many Nakama are much closer to that fact. With this performance the Noble helps the
team bond much more than they’d ever be able to before.

Dramatic Failure: Those who hear the song become even further apart than they already
were. Any action they do while within earshot of each other takes a -3 penalty for the scene.

Failure: Those who hear the song fail to bond.

Success: Those who hear the song become bonded together like the closest of friends.
Nakama become a well-oiled machine. When someone spends willpower while affected by this
charm, everyone else who is affected by the charm gains the same bonus dice on their next

Exceptional Success: In addition to the main benefit, any teamwork actions done by the
people affected by the charm with each other gain +2 bonus dice.

They’re Never Far (Learn *, Capriccio *)
Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Wisp
Dice Pool: Wits + Socialize
Duration: 1 Scene

Effect: Almost everyone has a group of close friends and allies. With a simple glance
and a smattering of magic, the Noble may identify who those may be within an area.

Dramatic Failure: The Noble becomes disorientated, taking a penalty of -2 on their

perception rolls for the scene.

Failure: Nothing Happens

Success: Musical tones identify who is close to who within the Noble’s sensory range. A
group of Nakama might emanate a soft, playful sound while a tribe of werewolves sound like
heavy drum beats. The Noble is always able to make out the notes no matter how many there
are but is only vaguely aware of the type of relationship the people have.

Exceptional Success: The Noble gains enough insight she is able to instinctively know
how to interact with them. She gains +2 to all social interactions during the scene as long as
she’s talking to people who have some sort of relationship with each other.

Upgrade: A Web of Relation (Capriccio **)

Cost: +1 Wisp
Effect: During the scene the Noble has used this charm, he may make a perception
check to study the notes coming from people as an instant action. If he succeeds, he
instinctively knows the sympathy modifier within the group. He can tell if an organization is truly
dedicated or merely interested for example.

You're Always in my Thoughts (Learn **, Capriccio *)

Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Wisp
Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy, affected by sympathy.

Effect: A Noble has often had the thought “I wonder how my ally is doing right now. I
hope she’s alright.” But the pure logistical nightmare of being able to find out at that very
moment has been a terror in the Noble lifestyle since the beginning of time. With this charm
however, things have become a lot better.

Dramatic Failure: The Noble gets a heavily wrong, traumatic reading on her target. This
doesn’t generally appear as something wrong with the target but rather...just wrong. Anything
from “They are currently telling their father they hate them,” to “They are having sex with your
boyfriend,” can pop up.

Failure: The Noble gets no read on what the target is currently doing.
Success: The Noble gains an impression of what the target of this charm is doing at this
very moment. The Storyteller must answer truthfully what the target is physically doing at the
time using a single sentence. It may be anything from “Resting at their house,” to “Losing a fight
against a dark creature,” to “Knocking on your door.”

Exceptional Success: The Storyteller tells you what the target is doing in very specific
terms. They may give up to a number of additional facts about what is happening up to your
inner light. These facts do not have to be about her physical state. For example, if you had 3
inner light they may respond “She is resting at her house. Her parents are with her and she is
going to go to bed in three hours. She’s rather depressed right now.”

The Sincerest Form of Flattery (Learn ***, Capriccio **)

Action: Extended, 1 round per roll
Cost: 1 Wisp/roll
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Socialize
Duration: Scene

Effect: A well-groomed Key knows that his biggest advantage are that of his friends.
Sometimes, a friend is just so much more able to deal with a problem than you are and this is
generally how a nakama functions. However, sometimes you need two people for a job and
you’re just not suited to help. The Keys have developed this charm for such an occasion when
one needs a little jolly cooperation and with every moment while using this charm, they become
similar to their friends.

Dramatic Failure: Not only don’t you become more like your friends, your friends feel
utterly and completely drained of who they are as a person. Roll sensitivity at a +1. They
recover after a few seconds but the same can’t be said for you.

Failure: Nothing happens.

Success: For each activation success, the Noble may replace one dot of a skill that she
possesses for a dot in a separate skill that the target possesses. This is capped by the target’s
skill dots in the chosen skill or skills.

For example: One noble finds out that striking a particular dark creature with a sword somehow
strengthens it rather than weakens it while her nakama’s punching doesn’t do the same. The
Noble has weaponry 4 while her nakama has brawl 3. The Noble rolls 4 successes and so may
swap 3 of those weaponry dots into brawl for the scene, giving her the same brawl as her
nakama. With that extra success she may choose to switch out another dot of her weaponry
with another skill that her nakama has such as athletics.

Exceptional Success: You’re a lot more like your friend than you were previously.
Upgrade: Friends with Benefits (Capriccio ***)
When using this charm, you may use one of your activation successes to instead gain a
specialty that the target has instead of switching around skill dots.

Upgrade: The Merit of Friends (Capriccio ****)

When using this charm, you may use one of your activation successes to instead gain a
dot in a mental or physical merit that the target has instead of switching around skill dots. This
includes style merits, though you must follow the progression of the style. You must meet the
prerequisites of any merit you receive this way.

To the Rhythm and Beat (Perfect *, Capriccio *)
Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Wisp
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Empathy
Duration: 1 Scene

Effect: Life often involves timing, and those who know this charm can positively
tap-dance through most things that require such. Rhythm and pattern become second nature to
them, simply another sort of sense that flows through their head.

Dramatic Failure: The Princess starts to experience what some would call “Real-Life
Lag.” Any check the requires manual dexterity or timing loses the 10 again quality for the rest of
the scene.

Failure: Nothing Happens.

Success: For the rest of the scene, the Noble enjoys impeccable timing. She becomes a
human stop-watch, knowing exactly how much time passes in any given interval. In addition, the
Noble may “Aim” any action as long as it has something to do with timing. This may give them
an amount of bonus dice per turn they aim, up to a maximum of their activation successes.

Exceptional Success: The tick-tock-tocking of the universe becomes rather well-known

to the Noble. When the noble aims an action the amount of bonus dice changes to two bonus
dice per turn.

Side Bar: “I’m going to aim my persuasion check.”

Some players and storytellers may be confused as to what ‘Aiming’ some actions looks like. A good example would be
how to aim a persuasion attempt. A lot of times a persuasion attempt needs you to say the right thing at the right time; a
Bell using this charm might listen listen listen and as soon as the right moment to jump in occurs? BAM, perfectly timed
joke or compliment. Be creative and remember: it’s magic.
The Devil’s Hearing (Perfect **, Capriccio *)
Dice Pool: Unrolled
Duration: Permanent

Effect: The Noble gains hearing that’s almost impossible to imagine. They are able to
hear a pin drop from a block away onto a soft pillow and are able to determine that pillow’s
thread count and whether or not the dog has been on that pillow based on the amount of fur
dampening the sound. While transformed, the Princess may ignore any penalties to hearing
based off distance and hears with perfect clarity for up to a city block. Focusing on specific, light
sounds in a loud, congested space may require a Wits + Investigation roll.

Upgrade: Mnemonics (Capriccio **)

The noble remembers voices and sounds as clearly as the day she first heard them.
They are treated as having the eidetic memory merit for sounds and voices.

Upgrade: I hear you (Capriccio ***)

By spending a wisp, the Noble may treat a perception check as a rote action when trying
to home in on a specific sound such as a particular type of gunshot or a particular man’s voice
whom they remember. The Noble must have heard the sound before and may sometimes need
a memory check to remember a specific sound that they have not heard in awhile.

Juddering Jaunt (Perfect ***, Capriccio **)

[Requires: Celestial Dance with the Upgrade: Good Vibrations]
Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Wisp
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Stealth

Effect: The Noble presses her body against an object, vibrating herself in just the right
way to force herself between the atoms of whatever the thing is made out of.

Dramatic Failure: In addition to looking quite silly, your body actively attempts to destroy
itself from the vibrations going horribly wrong. You take 2 resistant bashing damage and either
the arm wrack or leg wrack tilts that do not end until the bashing damage is healed.

Failure: Nothing Happens.

Success: For the scene, the Noble is able to move through objects with a durability up to
their dots in Capriccio. This does not put the Princess into twilight or any other state of existing
non-existence but does allow them to move through objects as if they were. A Key with his head
sticking out from the wall is just as prone to being whack-a-moled as any other mole. The Noble
is unable to see through the objects they pass through unless they have some sort of extra
sight, leading many a member of the Melodies and often-times, Spades, to the finest of pickles.

This also does not allow the Noble to bring any object with her that she was not already
holding before starting to vibrate and if she drops any item or it leaves their grasp before the
charm is over, she may not pick up the item and take it through objects with her again unless it
is part of her regalia.

Exceptional Success: While the charm is activated, the Princess gains an extra two

A Friend’s Burden (Restore *, Capriccio *)
Action: Reflexive
Cost: 1 Wisp
Dice Pool: Unrolled
Duration: Transitory

Nobody likes to see their friends get hurt. One of a Melody’s most simple and yet effective
charms helps them prevent this and yet also gives them a tactic that most dark creatures just
can’t get around or understand.

Effect: Whenever an ally is hurt while within sensory range of the noble, the noble may
spend a wisp reflexively to have the user of this charm take that damage instead. This damage
is not reduced by armor but may be reduced via the noble’s holy shield ability.

Upgrade: Retroactive (Capriccio **)

Cost: None
Effect: The user of the charm gains the ability to retroactively take wounds from his allies
and place them upon himself. They may choose a number of damages equal to their Capriccio
and heal their ally for that much while damaging themselves for the same amount. Bashing
damage is always taken first, then lethal, then aggravated. Unlike the original charm, this
damage may not be mitigated at all using holy shield.

Bedside Manner (Restore **, Capriccio *)

Action: Extended, 1 Hour/Roll, Threshold = Target’s Max Health
Cost: 1 Wisp per Roll.
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Medicine
Duration: 1 Week
Extended care is never truly fun but a Noble can always try to make it more pleasant. In the best
circumstances, extended care becomes...not so extended when the right doctor is around or
when the nurses are kind enough you don’t even remember the pain.

Effect: The Noble’s care for a target is so grand that their body almost seems to step up
in response.

Dramatic Failure: The Noble’s sloppy care finds a way to haunt them. They immediately
gain the ‘Haunted’ Condition.

Failure: Despite the extra care, the target heals no faster.

Success: The target’s body heals twice as fast while under the effects of this charm.
Bashing damage heals at a rate of one per five minutes. Lethal heals one every day and an
aggravated damage heals every three days.

Exceptional Success: The target immediately regains a willpower as being cared for by
the Noble reinvigorates them.

I Believe in You (Restore ****, Capriccio ***)

Action: 1 Scene
Cost: 3 Wisp, 1 Willpower Dot
Dice Pool: Presence + Empathy - Difference between 10 and target’s Belief
Duration: See Text

A Princess will always inevitably lose belief. This is a sad fact of life that many Nobles just aren’t
ready to accept and try hard to overcome. Melodies are no exception, even going so far as to
develop a charm near and dear to their hearts to help. It’s not perfect, but every little bit helps. In
order to use this charm the Noble must have at least a scene’s worth of time to spend with the

Effect: The Noble tries to help push some belief back into a fellow noble who may have
lost some. Even Melodies know this is a temporary fix though, a little patch on a grand wound
that will possibly re-open at the slightest provocation. No amount of help is too small though.

Dramatic Failure: The Noble’s charm backfires harshly enough that the resulting feeling
causes them the same trouble as if they had exceptionally succeeded a sensitivity check.

Failure: Nothing Happens

Success: The Noble increases his target’s belief by 1 dot. This lasts until the target’s
next failed breaking point in which case not only does the target lose a dot of belief normally, but
loses this one as well. While this temporary dot of belief is held, the Noble may at any time
purchase a new dot of belief, effectively making this charm permanent.

Note: This may be used on 0 belief princesses. However, if they fail a belief check while having this
temporary belief terrible things may happen as subject to the Storyteller. This can be anything from accelerating their
death to spontaneous dethroning.

Exceptional Success: When this charm succeeds this level of success, the target gains a
bonus number of dice equal to the user’s Capriccio on their next belief check.

Vacant Noise (Shape *, Capriccio *)
Action: Reflexive
Cost: 1 Wisp
Dice Pool: Presence + Expression
Duration: Transitory

Sounds, in essence, are vibrations and are able to be manipulated as simply as one would fold
a piece of paper if you know just how to do it. A canny noble with Vacant Noise can make even
the simplest toss of a rock sound as loud as a grenade.

Dramatic Failure: The Noble succeeds in creating the sound. In her head and no one
else's. She gains the deafened tilt for one minute. In addition, her startled scream might just
reveal her position.

Failure: The sound projects just as it would normally.

Success: The Noble may shift around any sound as soft as a rock falling to as loud as a
car rushing towards someone, horn blaring. For the acqua users amongst us, this generally
means you can change anything as quiet as 20 decibels to be as loud as 70 decibels. This may
not change the actual sound, just the volume.

Exceptional Success: The Noble may change the noise as dramatically as causing the
rustling of leaves to turn into a jet taking off. If she chooses to do so, those within inner light x
activation successes in yards gain the deafened tilt. For the mathematically inclined this goes up
to a max of 150 decibels. Or on the opposite end, you could take a car’s engine and render it’s
purring into that of a cat’s rather than that of a car’s. (10 Decibels)

A Velvet Room (Shape ***, Capriccio **)

Cost: 2 Wisps
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Presence + Crafts
Effect: Comfort is key when it comes to anything from tending to a nakama’s wounds to
writing a beautiful piece of music. Sometimes you just want a nice, comfortable place to rest and
not have anything bug you. This charm is taken by many Nobles who simply want a place of
rest where one would normally find such luxury a hard thing to get.

Dramatic Failure: The room that the Noble is inside becomes a veritable nightmare, a
cacophony of sound and breeding place of rough edges that make even the most grizzled
survivor weep for a new bed. Anybody within the room gains any one of the following tilts: blind,
deaf, or sickened (Grave), until they leave the room. The room continues to stay like this until
one hour passes.

Failure: The room fails to change.

Success: The room that the Noble is in (A room being a particular area of a building that
is specifically sectioned off from another part of the building) becomes oddly comfortable even
when conditions within it makes it very much not so. Creatures within the room may ignore any
environmental tilts, penalties, and other bad conditions within the room for one day. This means
that a princess may sleep in a noisy factory without any penalty to falling asleep for that day, or
a Noble in a flooded basement may fight against the weird fish-creature that has been stealing
kids without worrying about the water.

Exceptional Success: The Noble pours enough comfort into the room that it becomes a
boon towards anything she tries to do even more so than the normal charm. Any penalties you
would receive from environmental factors in the room become bonuses.

Upgrade: Stand Your Ground (Capriccio ***)

Cost: +1 Wisp
When using this charm, the Noble may spend 1 extra wisp in order to make “A Velvet
Room” only affect those she considers Nakama at the time.

Upgrade: Rest for the Weary (Capriccio ****)

The Noble’s blessings of comfort may now turn even the dankest prison cell into a 5-star
hotel room. When a Princess goes to sleep within a room that has had “A Velvet Room” placed
upon it they gain 2 willpower for the night’s sleep instead of only one and the act of sleeping in
the room acts as if a day has passed for shedding conditions, healing injuries, and other effects
that would benefit from this.

Polytonality (Shape ***, Capriccio ***)

Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Wisp
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Crafts
Duration: Scene

Single notes make up the songs but it’s the chords that drive life into them. Many devices would
be much better to use if they simply did more with less things you have to pick up. Polytonality
does just this, crafting “chords” out of two items in order to create a better instrument of
whatever purpose they want it to serve.

Dramatic Failure: Both items you are trying to combine disintegrate into a miasma of
missed opportunity. If one of the items was a piece of the Noble’s regalia, she may resummon it
as normal.

Failure: The items fail to combine.

Success: The Noble may combine two items together in a way that gives one of the
items the function of the other item. No item may be larger than size 7 (About the size of a
motorcycle). The bigger item is always the one whose form shines after all is done. The actual
stats for this new item is talked about between the storyteller and the player though every time
the princess combines the same two types of items the result is always the same for that
particular Noble.

For example: A noble wants to create a fire spitting sword out of a blowtorch and her kensai.
She succeeds on the roll and after talking to her DM, the sword can now catch aflame and a
successful hit may cause the opponent to catch fire as a torch would. When the noble tries this
again at a later date with a different blowtorch and her kensai, the results are exactly the same.

Exceptional Success: The combined item lasts for 24 hours rather than a scene, unless
the Noble uses an instant action to separate the item into its core components.

Banshee’s Wail (Shape *****, Capriccio ****)

Action: Instant
Cost: 3 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Strength + Expression vs Stamina (See Below)
Duration: See Description

Sometimes you must use your art, your music, to cause pain. This is the sad truth that many
troubadours and those artistically talented must deal with. The ultimate form of this is the
banshee’s wail of folklore, of infamy.

Dramatic Failure: The Noble’s voicebox snaps. They immediately take 1 aggravated
damage and gain the “Mute” condition until this damage is healed.

Failure: The Noble screams in an ineffectual, but possibly hilarious fashion.

Success: All creatures able to hear the Noble (save for herself) within a number of yards
equal to inner light * activation successes (or less if the Noble chooses when activating this
charm, but no less than inner light yards) suffer the deafened tilt while within the radius and a
minute afterwards. This happens within this radius no matter how many successes the creatures
rolled to resist.

In addition, each creature takes a number of lethal damage equal to the activation successes for
every turn they are within the radius. This damage ignores armor.

Finally, any building that the noble is in takes structure damage equal to the activation
successes. This ignores an amount of durability equal to the Noble’s capriccio.

The charm lasts until the Noble stops screaming. Generally a Noble can scream for a number of
rounds equal to their resolve + stamina until they start to wither. At this point they make a
resolve + stamina check each round and gain an accumulative -1 for each roll after the first.
When they fail this roll they immediate suffer as if they had achieved a dramatic failure.

Exceptional Success: Eardrums bleed, windows shatter, walls break down; nothing can
withstand the Banshee’s Wail.

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