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Transfusion reactions in neonates
and pediatrics: How and why are they
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Abhishekh Basavarajegowda, Nishad Plakkal1
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10.4103/ajts.ajts_27_22 Neonates and children are physically as well as physiologically different from adults. They are
immunologically vulnerable, and the effects of transfusion can be longstanding, including with respect
to their development. The transfusion reactions in children differ from those in adults in the type of
reactions, incidence, and severity. The incidence is more than that in adults for the common type
of reactions noted in children. Transfusion reactions are most commonly associated with platelets,
followed by plasma and red blood cell transfusions in children. Febrile, allergic, and hypotensive
reactions or volume overload are the common types in children. Standardizing pediatric adverse
transfusion reaction definitions and criteria are necessary to improve studies and reports. Several
modifications are needed to be adapted for transfusing blood products in neonates and children to
evade the reactions as much as possible and make transfusion safer in this vulnerable population. This
article provides a brief articulation of the transfusion reactions in neonatal and pediatric populations
describing how they are different from adults.
Hypoglycaemia, Hyperkalaemia, neonatal transfusion reactions, paediatric transfusion reactions

Introduction over transfusions.[4] Excess vulnerability

to patient identification errors in this

A neonate is defined as an infant under

4 months of age for transfusion
purposes.[1] The upper limit for a “pediatric”
age group may be because they cannot
confirm their details, share the same date
of birth with other infants in the neonatal
patient is defined variedly as 14 or even intensive care unit (ICU), or may not yet
18 years. Transfusion reactions reported have a name.[5] Recognition and reporting
from India show a lower incidence in the of transfusion errors in neonates are
neonatal and pediatric age group, as low as hindered because age‑appropriate adverse
Departments of 10%–20% of the reported rate in adults.[2,3] transfusion reaction (ATR) definitions and
Transfusion Medicine and In contrast, there is a disproportionately criteria are unavailable.
Neonatology, Jawaharlal high number of reports following pediatric
Institute of Postgraduate Immaturity of the immune system,
Medical Education and
transfusions compared to adults in the
Research, Puducherry, West. However, approximately two-thirds particularly in extremely premature infants,
India of these reports are related to errors, and disorders of cellular immunity in
which should be preventable. These children increase their susceptibility to
Address for usually include incorrect blood component transfusion‑associated graft‑versus‑host
Dr. Nishad Plakkal, transfusions, specific requirements not disease (TAGVHD). In contrast,
Department of met, and avoidable, delayed, or under/ immunologically mediated reactions such
Neonatology, Jawaharlal as febrile or allergic hemolytic reactions
Institute of Postgraduate are rare. Physiological differences lead to
Medical Education and This is an open access journal, and articles are
Research, Puducherry, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons metabolic complications, which are more
India. Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License, which specific to this population. Blood product
E‑mail: plakkal@gmail. allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work
com non‑commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and How to cite this article: Basavarajegowda A, Plakkal N.
the new creations are licensed under the identical terms. Transfusion reactions in neonates and pediatrics: How
Submitted: 23‑02‑2022
and why are they different? Asian J Transfus Sci
Accepted: 03‑04‑2022
Published: 12-12-2022

© 2022 Asian Journal of Transfusion Science | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 97

Basavarajegowda and Plakkal: Transfusion reactions in neonates and pediatrics

type, dose, infusion rate, monitoring, triggers, and under a radiant warmer or phototherapy lights. Inline
complex administration processes such as warming potassium adsorption filters or washing have been
and infusion through rate monitoring devices can lead shown to remove extracellular K+ from RBC units, but
to a new set of errors and complications. Specific blood these may not be feasible on a routine basis.[7]
components and indications for transfusion are also
different in this group of patients. A child’s long‑term Hypothermia
development, particularly neurocognitive development, The higher susceptibility of infants to hypothermia
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also needs to be considered while monitoring long‑term is due to decreased body fat, an immature epidermal
adverse events. barrier, and a higher surface area‑to‑weight ratio. At
increased risk are infants on extracorporeal membrane
Transfusion reactions are generally classified based on oxygenation (ECMO), those undergoing exchange
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pathogenesis into immunologically mediated reactions transfusions or cardiac surgery, and children with
and those that are not. The classification is summarized trauma. Blood products brought to room temperature
in Table 1. before transfusion also have been shown to decrease an
infant’s core body temperature by 0.7°C–2.5°C.[8,9]
Metabolic Complications
Hyperkalemia Usage of blood warmers designed explicitly for blood
Plasma K+ increases during storage of whole blood (WB) administration is recommended.[10] Counter‑current
and red blood cells (RBCs) due to leakage of intracellular technology for warming is the most effective.[11]
K+ associated with inhibition of the membrane Na+/
K+ ATPase pump. The plasma of a unit of CPDA‑1 Impaired glucose homeostasis
WB contains approximately 25 mEq/L of K + at day Both hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia are linked
35 and RBCs about 75–100 mEq/L, translating to to blood transfusion. This is probably also because
about 8 mEq per unit. This would not pose a problem the infants at risk of developing hypoglycemia or
with low‑volume transfusions (10–20 mL/kg), as the hyperglycemia are also the ones most likely to receive
infant’s daily requirement of K+ is 1–3 mEq/kg/day. a transfusion. Neonates have decreased glycogen
However, large‑volume transfusions or the infant’s stores and mucosal G‑6‑phosphatase. The proposed
kidneys’ inability to excrete K+ may lead to dangerous mechanisms for altered glucose homeostasis in infants
hyperkalemia.[6] Transfusion at a faster rate or through are summarized in Table 2.
central lines delivering a high K+ load directly to the
heart may cause arrhythmias, including cardiac arrest. Glucose concentrations are also known to decrease in
stored units over time.[12] Glucose levels are reported
Prevention to decrease after transfusion and are generally
Using irradiated blood after 24 h of storage in neonates asymptomatic, but mild symptoms can be noted in
should be avoided. Care is to be taken to avoid mechanical infants, especially in children undergoing exchange
lysis of cells during infusion. Blood transfusion tubing transfusion. The incidence of hypoglycemia in infants
can be shielded with aluminum foil while the infant is with erythroblastosis fetalis ranged from 2% to 20%.[9]

Table 1: Classification of transfusion reactions in neonates and children

Immunological Nonimmunological
Febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reactions Metabolic
Allergic reactions Hypothermia
Hemolytic transfusion reactions: Acute and delayed Hyperkalemia
Transfusion‑related acute lung injury Acid–base abnormalities
Transfusion‑associated graft‑versus‑host disease Hypocalcemia
Transfusion‑associated necrotizing enterocolitis 2,3 DPG reduction
Alloimmunization Altered glucose homeostasis
Posttransfusion purpura Infectious
Parasites: Malaria and Babesia
Transfusion‑associated circulatory overload
Iron overload
HBV=Hepatitis B virus, HIV=Human immunodeficiency virus, HCV=Hepatitis C virus, CMV=Cytomegalovirus, DPG=2,3‑diphosphoglycerate

98 Asian Journal of Transfusion Science - Volume 17, Issue 1, January-June 2023

Basavarajegowda and Plakkal: Transfusion reactions in neonates and pediatrics

Table 2: Probable mechanisms for altered glucose homeostasis in infants during transfusion
Hypoglycemia Hyperglycemia
In exchange transfusion: Islet cell hyperplasia, inactivation of Infants requiring surgical procedures under general anesthesia:
circulating insulin by increasing levels of reduced glutathione Stress from induction of anesthesia leading to release of
released from hemolysis of red cells, leading to compensatory epinephrine and norepinephrine
stimulation of beta cells Mobilization of endogenous glucose stores
Decreased rate of glucose infusion during transfusion Intolerance to exogenous glucose by smaller and premature infants
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Intrauterine transfusion blunts the hyperinsulinemic response by

reducing circulating glutathione

Prevention Transfusion do not define cutoffs for age‑adapted

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Infants at risk are to be recognised and monitored. Blood vital sign values. These definitions also ignore the
products should be transfused through a second iv line, with effect of critical illness that can influence vital signs.
maintenance fluids being administered at a slower rate to Transfusion‑associated circulatory overload is mentioned
avoid fluid overload. The glucose concentration of the fluid to be more frequent in children younger than 3 years.[15]
may need to be increased if the infusion rate is reduced. The higher risk is probably because of comparatively fast
infusion in the background of their smaller size.
Reduced 2,3‑diphosphoglycerate
During storage, the amount of 2,3‑diphosphoglycerate Prevention
diminishes rapidly. This shifts the hemoglobin–oxygen Identify patients at-risk such as premature infants,
dissociation curve to the left, thereby reducing the ability of infants with cardiac and pulmonary conditions or on
RBCs to release oxygen into tissue. It takes between 3 and 8 h mechanical ventilation/vasopressors, and transfuse
to be regenerated after one unit of RBCs has been transfused. them at a rate as reasonably low as possible.
Infants younger than 4‑month‑old cannot compensate as
effectively as older patients that can compensate for the Transfusion‑transmitted infections
resulting hypoxia by increasing their heart rate.[13] Given their small size, neonates are often transfused with
small‑volume aliquots and could be exposed to multiple
Prevention donors. On average, premature infants weighing <1 kg
For neonates undergoing large‑volume transfusions, are exposed to more than five donors during a single
fresher blood units are preferred. hospital stay if an opened port system is utilized for aliquot
production instead of multiple aliquot Pedi‑pack systems.[16]
Hypocalcemia There is a high risk of cytomegalovirus transmission for
The use of sodium citrate as an anticoagulant that binds low‑birth‑weight infants born to seronegative mothers.[13]
ionized calcium is the cause of hypocalcemia in neonates.
Small‑volume transfusions are unlikely to cause it, but Prevention
the load infused during exchange transfusion can reach One strategy is to reduce multiple donor exposure, which
high levels. Most citrate is metabolized in the liver, can be achieved by using sterile collecting devices to use
kidney, and skeletal muscles. The kidney and liver are the same units for repeated transfusion for the infants,
not fully functional, and muscle mass is low in neonates. Pedi‑packs with prior aliquoting, or a dedicated donor
Hypothermia and acidosis, if present, can also reduce donates every time the patient wants.
the clearance of citrate. Transient hypoparathyroidism
relates to the gestational and postnatal age of the Bacterial sepsis
neonate. The presence of hypomagnesemia can also It is more frequently associated with the transfusion of
blunt the parathyroid hormone response. Early neonatal platelets than with any other blood product. The source
hypocalcemia has also been attributed to the presence of of infection can be the donor or contamination of the
hypercalcitoninemia and inducing calciuria.[13,14] product post collection, especially during manipulation
for pediatric use and administration in open systems.[17]
Seizure activity during exchange transfusion where Prevention
hypocalcemia is suspected should be treated with 10% Appropriate usage of platelets and proper and reduced
calcium gluconate (2 ml/kg). Ionized calcium levels should storage duration are beneficial in reducing these events.
be monitored in infants undergoing exchange transfusion.
Iron overload
Transfusion‑associated circulatory overload Iron overload is observed in chronically transfused
The available definitions of the Centers for Disease children with thalassemia major, congenital anemias,
Control and Prevention/International Society of Blood and sickle cell disease. Each milliliter of red cells contains
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Basavarajegowda and Plakkal: Transfusion reactions in neonates and pediatrics

roughly about 1 mg of iron. Transfusion‑dependent weight, a higher dose of pyrogenic cytokines or allergens
patients usually require 200–300 ml/kg/year of blood, in blood product, and undiagnosed IgA deficiency are the
whereas an average nonmenstruating person absorbs causes that put these groups at higher risk for the reaction.
and loses only about 0.01 mg Fe/kg/day. [18] With The most common product implicated is platelets.[13,23]
no physiologic means of excreting, iron overload is
inevitable in this population. Prevention
Leukoreduction, washing, and fresher blood product
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Prevention administration are a few strategies. Premedication can

Iron chelation should be initiated in children who have help in repeated reactions.
received approximately ten transfusions or a total of
about 180 ml/kg of packed RBCs or have a serum ferritin T‑antigen activation‑induced hemolysis
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level over 1000 ng/ml.[19] T‑antigen activation is reported in about 0.6% of all
infants in ICU and in 9%–27% of the infants with
Immunological Transfusion Reactions necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC).[24] The red cell membrane
glycoproteins carry O‑linked oligosaccharides that are
An infant’s immune system is less mature; thereby, its disialylated tetrasaccharides. Bacterial neuraminidases
lymphocytes are unable to present foreign antigens released by anaerobic and aerobic organisms remove
effectively. Hence, immunological transfusion reactions these sialic acid residues, exposing a T‑antigen which is
tend to be less common in this age group. usually hidden (T cryptantigen). This T‑antigen binds
with anti‑T immunoglobulin present in most adult
Hemolytic transfusion reactions plasma, and hemolysis can happen.[13,20]
These are rare in neonates. Maternal isohemagglutinins
are sometimes detected in the first 2 months of life. Prevention
However, infant alloantibodies are rare before 6 months Infants with sepsis or NEC who need plasma‑containing
of age. There is a risk of a relatively large amount of components should be minor crossmatched. Avoid
incompatible blood being transfused in neonates before transfusion of plasma or use low anti‑T titres plasma.
acute hemolysis is recognized.[20] RBC products may be washed before transfusion.

Prevention Transfusion‑associated necrotizing enterocolitis

Pediatric antibody tests that include screening for The association between RBC transfusions and NEC
clinically significant antibodies in the recipient can be in neonates is controversial, and severe anemia itself
done. Components should be screened for clinically may predispose to the development of NEC. A recent
significant blood group antibodies (including high‑titer meta‑analysis of randomized controlled trials even
anti‑A and anti‑B), and an indirect antiglobulin test is suggested a protective effect of a recent RBC transfusion
performed.[5] on the development of NEC, while another meta‑analysis
of observational data did not find any association.[25,26]
Alloimmunization In theory, intestinal injury either from feeding, intestinal
Alloimmunization to RBCs is particularly frequent in ischemia, or bacterial colonization in susceptible
those with sickle cell disease receiving transfusions.[21] infants combined with exposure to biologically active
Incidence of alloimmunization and platelet refractoriness mediators such as free hemoglobin, increased cytokines,
appears to be lower in children than in comparable adult and broken red cell fragments within the transfused
populations.[22] Posttransfusion purpura can develop due blood may trigger an immunologic response within
to platelet‑specific alloantibody developing after blood the intestinal mucosa. Altered angiogenesis within the
transfusion, most commonly human platelet antigen‑1a. intestine due to platelet‑activating factor acetylhydrolase
and reperfusion associated with transfusion has also
Prevention been described as possible mechanisms for gut injury.
Transfusion of phenotype matched and leukoreduced Prematurity, low birth weight, and hypoxic‑ischemic
blood, especially for those needing regular transfusions. events are known to be risk factors for the development
of transfusion‑associated necrotizing enterocolitis.[27,28]
Febrile and allergic reactions
This is the most common type of reaction reported in the Prevention
neonatal and pediatric age groups. Storage‑generated The traditional practice has been to withhold feeds
biological response modifiers (BRMs) and recipient during (or for a few hours after) RBC transfusion
antihuman leukocyte antigens (HLA) antibodies are the to reduce the risk of NEC, but a recent Cochrane
two well‑described mechanisms for the causation of these review noted the paucity of evidence, and many units
reactions. A higher volume of blood product per kg body currently do not withhold feeds.[29] Washed red cells
100 Asian Journal of Transfusion Science - Volume 17, Issue 1, January-June 2023
Basavarajegowda and Plakkal: Transfusion reactions in neonates and pediatrics

may be provided to neonates with NEC to reduce mediators mediate these effects. Washing also helps by
complement‑dependent antibodies that can cause removing soluble HLA molecules, autoantibodies, and
hemolysis of neoantigen‑labeled RBCs. factor concentrate.

Transfusion‑related acute lung injury Conclusion

This condition is more challenging to differentiate from
other pulmonary pathologies. The current definition is Due to the numerous difficulties in classifying and
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not suitable for the pediatric and neonatal population. studying transfusion reactions in children, standardizing
There are two peaks noticed concerning its occurrence, pediatric ATR definitions and criteria is necessary to
one in infants <1 year and the other in those more improve studies and reports. Several modifications are
than 14 years.[30] Two events cause transfusion‑related needed to be adapted for transfusing blood products in
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acute lung injury: the generation of biologically active neonates and children to evade the reactions as much as
compounds related to stress that activates the pulmonary possible and make transfusion safer in this vulnerable
vascular endothelium and primes the neutrophils, population.
and the infusion of biological response modifiers and
antibodies in stored blood components. Infants may Financial support and sponsorship
be vulnerable because a respiratory injury has already Nil.
happened in many hospitalized ones.
Conflicts of interest
Prevention There are no conflicts of interest.
Avoid using plasma products from multiparous
women donors. Rational use of plasma products is to References
be practised.
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