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Aloe vera is a plant that possesses strong medicinal properties

2. it has a strong presence in Caribbean homes
3. It usually grows in dry areas in Aruba
4. It became Aruba’s biggest and most successful export in crops
5. Houses and buildings became a replacement for aloe fields

Aloe vera is a plant that possesses strong medicinal properties and it has a strong presence in
Caribbean homes. in a variety of ways such as laxative, to aid with digestion, etc. It usually
grows in dry areas in Aruba, one of the driest places in the Caribbean, as it belongs to the
succulent and cacti species, which grow heavily in dry areas. Due to the island being plentiful in
this plant, this became Aruba’s biggest and most successful export in crops, earning their name
‘Island of Aloes’ and appearing in the country’s coat of arms. In addition, in the upcoming years,
aloe fields were replaced with houses and buildings leading to one remaining plantation. (115

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