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National Service Training Program Civic

Welfare Training Service Holy Name



In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for NSTP 1

Jianne Mica M. Luma-ad

1st Semester 2023

- In recent years, our planet has witnessed a surge in environmental phenomena and natural calamities that serve as stark

reminders of the precarious state of our environment. From devastating wildfires and hurricanes to unprecedented heatwaves

and rising sea levels, the signs of climate change and environmental degradation are impossible to ignore. The Wrath of

Wildfires, one of the most alarming environmental phenomena in recent times has been the increasing frequency and intensity

of wildfires. Trees play a critical role in mitigating wildfires. Their canopies provide shade, reducing the ground temperature

and the risk of ignition. Furthermore, trees act as windbreaks, helping to slow down the spread of fires. Planting trees

strategically in vulnerable areas can help minimize the damage caused by wildfires and protect human communities. Prolonged

Droughts and Desertification, climate change has disrupted precipitation patterns, leading to water scarcity and the

desertification of arable land. This, in turn, has devastating consequences for agriculture, food security, and human livelihoods.

Trees help to retain soil moisture, reduce erosion, and improve soil fertility. By planting trees in degraded and arid regions, we

can contribute to the restoration of ecosystems, enhance water retention, and mitigate the effects of droughts. Extreme

Heatwaves and Urban Cooling, heatwaves have become more frequent and severe, posing serious health risks to urban

populations. Strategically planting trees in urban areas can provide much-needed shade, reduce surface temperatures, and

improve air quality. The cooling effect of trees not only enhances the comfort of city dwellers but also contributes to reducing

energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions associated with air conditioning.

- The importance of tree growing is, it provides oxygen to us humans. It also gives fresh air, climate enhancement and

supports wildlife. Aside from its fresh air, it also gives us food to eat, and shade from sunlight and rainfall.

- The importance of trees to the environment is that they help to limit carbon in the atmosphere. It reduces air pollution and

minimizes erosion. It helps us prevent floods.

- My role as steward of God's creation is to help our environment preserved and protect all his creation that he has given to

us. And I will manage the environment not just for my own benefit but also, for God's glory.
Planting Site

Aiport Side, Purok 4, Booy District Tagbilaran City, Bohol.

- The planting site is surrounded with other trees and grass.

- I choose this planting site, because it has a plenty of soil that I can assure that the plants
will grow. And the area is big.
Planting Process
Tree 1: POMELO

My experience during the My seedlings came from our My witness is my mother and
preparation for the planting is nice, backyard, and my grandmother help my brother, and I was grateful
because I was thinking that this me to find this one. after the planting, and I’m
fruit tree will grow, I can assure hoping that the plant will grow,
that it has a lot of benefits not just and it will have some fruit.
for myself, but also in our
surroundings. Before doing the
planting session, first I clean the
area so that it will be helpful for the
plant to grow in a better place.
Tree 2: MANGO

Same process with the pomelo, My grandmother helps me to find My witness is my mother and my
cleaning first the area is important so a seedling mango, we go to our brother, and I was grateful and I’m
that the surrounding of the plant is neighbor and ask if we can have hoping that the plant will grow,
healthy. some seedling of it. and it will have some fruit
Tree 3: Cherimoya (Custard Apple)

Same process with the pomelo, but My seedlings came from our My witness is my mother and my
I planted Custard Apple, and I backyard, same as the two plants, brother, and I was grateful and I’m
cleaned the surrounding for the my grandmother helped me to find hoping that the plant will grow, and it
plant to grow healthy. this kind of seedling plant or fruit will have some fruit
National Service Training Program (NSTP)


Name of Student: Jianne Mica
CWTS Section: AE Adviser: Leah Cruzo- Cartin, LPT
M. Luma-ad
Home Address: Airport Side,
Purok 4, Booy District Contact Number: 09504394380
Tagbilaran City, Bohol
Name of plant 3: Cherimoya (Custard
Name of plant 1: Pomelo Name of plant 2: Mango
Date Planted: September 14, Location Planted: Booy District Tagbilaran
2023 City (in the backyard)
Short Narrative Report of the Planting:

Planting has been an immensely rewarding and educational experience in my life. As I delve into the world of
gardening, I find myself captivated by the intricate process of nurturing life from the tiniest of seeds. This essay is a
reflection on my personal planting journey, highlighting the steps I have taken to cultivate various plants, the lessons I
have learned along the way, and the profound sense of fulfillment that comes from watching life flourish under my
care. One of the fundamental aspects of my planting journey was choosing the right plants for my garden. This decision
was guided by various factors, including my local climate, available space, and personal preferences. I carefully
researched each plant's requirements, such as sunlight, soil type, and water needs, to ensure their successful growth.
One of the fundamental aspects of my planting journey was choosing the right plants for my garden. My planting
journey has taught me the value of patience. Unlike instant gratification, gardening requires a long-term commitment. It
takes time for seeds to germinate, plants to mature, and eventually produce blooms or fruits. Patience has become a
virtue I cherish as I wait for my garden to flourish.

I hereby certify that all the above information are true and correct and that I shall monitor the growth of the said trees to
ensure its development into a grown up tree in order to increase the number of trees in our community.


Name and Signature above Printed Name Of Student


Name and Signature above Printed Name Of Owner of Lot planted


Name and Signature above Printed Name Of any Barangay Official

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