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What is the primary focus of leadership in DepEd schools?

a) Profit generation b) Student learning and

well-being c) Staff salaries d) Infrastructure development
In DepEd schools, effective leadership should prioritize: a) Expanding the school's real estate b)
Increasing the number of extracurricular activities c) Enhancing the quality of education and student
outcomes d) Reducing the number of teachers
Which of the following best describes the role of a school leader in a DepEd school? a) Strictly
administrative tasks b) Focusing solely on academic performance c) Balancing administrative duties with
a focus on student development and learning d) Managing financial resources only
What is one key aspect of leadership that can improve the quality of education in DepEd schools? a)
Promoting competition among students b) Emphasizing standardized testing c) Fostering a positive
school culture and climate d) Reducing the number of classrooms
In the context of DepEd schools, what does "learner-centered leadership" mean? a) Prioritizing the
needs and preferences of teachers b) Focusing on the interests of the school board c) Placing students at
the center of decision-making and educational planning d) Ignoring the needs of both teachers and
Which of the following is NOT a core principle of effective leadership in DepEd schools? a) Accountability
b) Transparency c) Autocracy d) Collaboration
What role do DepEd school leaders play in ensuring a safe and inclusive learning environment? a) None,
as safety is solely the responsibility of teachers b) Developing and implementing policies to prevent
bullying and discrimination c) Focusing solely on academic achievement and ignoring safety concerns d)
Leaving safety concerns to parents and guardians
How can leadership in DepEd schools promote professional development among teachers? a) By
providing no opportunities for professional growth b) By offering regular training and workshops c) By
strictly monitoring and controlling teacher activities d) By reducing teacher salaries
In DepEd schools, what is the significance of community engagement in leadership? a) It has no impact
on the school's success b) It can lead to increased funding from the government c) It fosters a sense of
ownership and support for the school within the community d) It distracts from the school's core mission
What is the ultimate goal of leadership in DepEd schools? a) Maximizing profits b) Achieving high
standardized test scores c) Providing quality education that promotes the holistic development of
students d) Reducing the number of students
b) Student learning and well-being
c) Enhancing the quality of education and student outcomes
c) Balancing administrative duties with a focus on student development and learning
c) Fostering a positive school culture and climate
c) Placing students at the center of decision-making and educational planning
c) Autocracy
b) Developing and implementing policies to prevent bullying and discrimination
b) By offering regular training and workshops
c) It fosters a sense of ownership and support for the school within the community
c) Providing quality education that promotes the holistic development of students

Question 1: What is the primary goal of management in DepEd schools? A) Maximizing profits B)
Enhancing student learning and development C) Increasing teacher salaries D) Expanding school
Question 2: Which of the following is NOT one of the key functions of management in DepEd schools? A)
Planning B) Organizing C) Marketing D) Controlling
Question 3: Who is responsible for setting the educational policies and standards in DepEd schools? A)
School Principals B) Local Government Units (LGUs) C) Department of Education (DepEd) D) Parent-
Teacher Associations (PTAs)
Question 4: Which level of management in DepEd schools is responsible for day-to-day operations,
curriculum implementation, and student discipline? A) Top-level management B) Middle-level
management C) Front-line management D) Non-teaching staff
Question 5: What is the primary focus of financial management in DepEd schools? A) Maximizing profits
B) Reducing teacher salaries C) Ensuring fiscal responsibility and sustainability D) Building extravagant
Question 6: In DepEd schools, what is the purpose of performance appraisal for teachers and staff? A)
Determining their eligibility for retirement B) Identifying training needs and areas for improvement C)
Setting student performance targets D) Assessing their popularity among students
Question 7: Which management concept emphasizes involving teachers, students, and parents in
decision-making processes at DepEd schools? A) Autocratic management B) Bureaucratic management
C) Participative management D) Laissez-faire management
Question 8: What is the primary objective of curriculum management in DepEd schools? A) Meeting the
demands of local industries B) Maximizing teacher workload C) Ensuring alignment with national
educational standards D) Reducing the number of subjects taught
Question 9: What is the main focus of human resource management in DepEd schools? A) Reducing the
number of teaching staff B) Enhancing teacher well-being and development C) Minimizing teacher
involvement in decision-making D) Increasing administrative paperwork
Question 10: Which of the following is an important aspect of crisis management in DepEd schools? A)
Ignoring the crisis until it resolves itself B) Maintaining open communication with stakeholders C)
Blaming teachers for any issues D) Avoiding any external assistance
B) Enhancing student learning and development
C) Marketing
C) Department of Education (DepEd)
C) Front-line management
C) Ensuring fiscal responsibility and sustainability
B) Identifying training needs and areas for improvement
C) Participative management
C) Ensuring alignment with national educational standards
B) Enhancing teacher well-being and development
B) Maintaining open communication with stakeholders
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