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1. In the policy framework for indigenous people education, which of the following statement is TRUE?

I. it recognizes that access to basic education as an enabling right “for IPs to claim their other rights,
exercise self-determination and expand the choices available to them”

II. is responsive to the collective aspirations of communities for self-determination, and the recognition,
promotion and protection of their rights

III. affirms the primary role of the community’s IKSP holders and culture bearers in the teaching-learning

a. I only b. I and II c. II and III d. I, II and III

2. Which Philippine law recognizes and upholds the rights of indigenous peoples, including their right to
a) Republic Act No. 6657
b) Republic Act No. 8371
c) Republic Act No. 7610
d) Republic Act No. 9211

3. What is the primary goal of DepEd's policy framework for indigenous people education?
a) Assimilation of indigenous peoples into mainstream culture
b) Preservation and promotion of indigenous culture and knowledge
c) Accelerated integration of indigenous students into urban schools
d) Standardized education for all regardless of cultural background

4. Which of the following is a key principle of the DepEd policy framework for indigenous people
a) Cultural assimilation
b) Ethnocide
c) Multilingual education
d) Uniform curriculum for all schools

5. What is the term used for the educational programs specifically designed to meet the needs of
indigenous students while respecting their cultural identity?
a) Mainstream education
b) Bilingual education
c) Multilingual education
d) Indigenous education

6. In the DepEd policy framework, what is the role of indigenous communities and parents in the
education of indigenous children?
a) No role; education is solely the responsibility of schools
b) Passive recipients of education services
c) Active partners and stakeholders in education
d) Observers and critics of the education system
7. Which of the following is NOT a challenge faced in the implementation of the DepEd policy framework
for indigenous people education?
a) Lack of qualified indigenous teachers
b) Inadequate funding for indigenous education programs
c) Overemphasis on indigenous languages in curriculum development
d) Geographic isolation of some indigenous communities

8. What is one of the main goals of the DepEd policy framework for indigenous people education
regarding indigenous cultural heritage?
a) Preservation and promotion
b) Adjustment and assimilation
c) Abandonment and neglect
d) Exportation to other countries

9. Which of the following is NOT a common specialization offered within the Special Interest Program?
a) Culinary arts
B\b) Robotics
c) Traditional dance
d) Gardening and agriculture

10. Which of the following is a benefit of the Special Interest Program for students?
a) Longer summer vacations
b) Special uniforms
c) Enhanced skills and knowledge in their chosen area of interest
d) Reduced school hours


1. b) Republic Act No. 8371

2. b) Preservation and promotion of indigenous culture and knowledge
3. c) Multilingual education
4. d) Indigenous education
5. c) Active partners and stakeholders in education
6. c) It recognizes and utilizes the students' native languages as a medium of instruction.
7. c) Overemphasis on indigenous languages in curriculum development
8. a) Preservation and promotion
9. d) Gardening and agriculture
10. c) Enhanced skills and knowledge in their chosen area of interest

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