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1. Use must/ mustn´t to express obligation or prohibition.

a) Use the shower

b) No eat

c) No play football

d) No run

2. Give advice using should/ shouldn´t.

a) I´ve got an exam tomorrow.

b) I´ve got a headache.

c) She´s worried because her boyfriend has left her.

d) He is ill.

3. Write suggestions and advice for the following situations.

a) A friend of yours has a hole in his trainers.

(I think you should)……………………………………………………………………………….
b) You are shopping with your sister and she sees a really nice jacket. She won
´t buy it because she thinks it´s too expensive.
c) Your mother is going to a dinner party. She wants to wear a dress you don´t
like at all.
d) You think your father is getting a bit fat. At his age this is not very healthy.
4. Read the sentences and math the modals with their meanings.
a) Celebrities don´t have to worry about bills.
b) Chloe has to record a new album.
c) Jason must rehearse for the film audition.
d) You mustn´t smoke in the cinema.
e) You ought to sign more autographs.
f) People shouldn´t believe everything they read in the newspapers.

1- Obligation
2- No obligation
3- Advice
4- Prohibition

5. Choose the correct alternative.

a) Fans usually (have to/ should) wait for hours if they want a star´s
b) The film audition is tomorrow morning. Brad (must/should) get up early.
c) I think Paul (ought to/ has to) send his songs to a record company.
d) You (mustn´t /don´t have to) arrive early for the concert. We´ll reserve your
e) You (mustn´t/ don´t have to) make a lot of noise in the recording studio!
f) If you want a record contract, you (should/ don´t have to) practice more.

6. Rewrite the sentences. Use the modal verbs in brackets.

a) It´s not a good idea to drive so fast.(ought to)
b) It´s necessary to buy tickets in advance.(must)
c) It´s not necessary to shout.( must)
d) It´s dangerous to go on your own.(must)
e) It´s a good idea to save money for Christmas.( ought to)

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