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Guide Questions:

1. What is CSI?
 Its goal is to establish rapport with students.
2. What is the meaning of rapport?
 It is a close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned
understand each other's feelings or ideas and communicate well.
3. What is our preliminary activity that establishes a 'social-emotional' foundation for learning
and growth?
 The Maslow’s need-hierarchy model of human motivation, teachers operate under
the assumption that meeting students’ need for acceptance and validation is a
precondition that provides the social-emotional foundation for learning and growth.
4. What strategy are we using that addresses the six (6) general areas?
 Personal background
 Future plans
 Personal abilities, achievements and distinctive qualities
 Personal interests
 Personal Values
 Course expectations and interests
5. What are the three (3) message protocols?
 Google classroom ‘post a comment’ is the regular internal communication. This -
includes questions, - clarifications, and - verifications.
 Only email your instructor if: (a) student is not able to attend class and (b)
deceased family member. Always include a subject header in this format: CLASS
 You may PM your teacher in messenger if your concern is URGENT (needs
immediate attention). This includes: (a) poor internet connectivity, (b) sudden loss
of electric power, and (c) emergency (car accidents, hypertension, asthma, anxiety
disorder, etc.)
6. What contributions are you planning to give in Contemporary Arts (Contemporary Arts refer
to a 'classification of art' and not a subject)?
 To keep an open mind, be inquisitive, explore and presenting yourself with
7. What are the three (3) course requirements?
 Quizzes (15 points) – there are only three (3) quizzes per semester. Two (2)
objective and (1) essay type. All quizzes are announced.
 Worksheets and Participation (100 points) –These includes class participation
and recitation. These are three (3) recitation and (1) group activity. These are
all announced. Once allowable absences have been consumed, one automatically
does not receive credits.
 Homework (20 points) – these are given prior the next topic. It assesses
the learners’ preparation as the lessons move forward.
8. What do you mean by self-regulated student?
 It refers to those students who can self-directive process through which they can
transform their mental abilities into task related skills.
9. What is the difference between excellence and success according to John C. Maxwell?
 “Success is what you have accomplished” means that you worked hard for it to
happen. “Excellence is what you have become out of it” means that your hard work
made you as what you are today.
10. What to prepare in our next topic (Subject Orientation 2)?
 Prepare PVPS statement in My Learning Journey and 5 statements to each category
and share them to class in pre-learning activity.

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