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1. What motivates you?

 What motivates me is the challenges that I’m encountering. It’s the reason why I
challenge and push myself to finish my work and to be better.
2. How was your holy week?
 My holy week was fine. I was at Calabanga for the whole week and attended masses.
We also swam to celebrate easter Sunday.
3. What do you mean by streaming?
 Streaming is a method of viewing video or listening to audio content without actually
downloading the media files. Streaming performance can be improved, and buffering
time reduced, if the owner of the files uses a CDN.
4. What do you mean by mediums?
 An artwork's medium refers to the different materials or supplies that an artist utilizes in
order to create a work of art. In painting, medium can refer to both the type of paint
used (oil, acrylic, watercolor, etc) and the base or ground to which the paint is applied
(canvas, wood, paper, etc).
5. What do you mean by techniques?
 a way of carrying out a particular task, especially the execution or performance of an
artistic work or a scientific procedure.

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