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1. Do you consider yourself as the Temple of the Holy Spirit?

-Certainly yes, as a Christian I believed that according to the book of 1

Corinthians 6:19-20, it emphasize and shows that God has the full
autonomy of our Bodies therefore we should not pollute it with wrong
doings. Saint Paul implores us to recognize that our bodies are not our
own but belongs to God. Having here bought at a price as stated in 1
Corinthians 7:23 by Jesus Christ death and resurrection. Thus, we don’t
have any rights to give them over sin. Our bodies are instrument of
righteousness and we should keep our minds on things from above
opposed to giving into fleshy temptation. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 tells us
the amazing truth that Christians who have the indwelling of the Holy
Spirit are the temple to it. When Jesus came, he eliminated the need for
a temple being a single location. Christians became the temple of God,
a house for his holy spirit. Because of his blood that made us clean, we
can now be considered pure and holy enough to have Gods Spirit live in
us. We have become a meeting place between heaven and earth to
bring other people into commune with God. Since we are now a sacred
house, a holy ground, nothing unclean or defiling should enter its

2. What moves you to spend time with your church?

It’s the work of the Holy spirit that moves me as well that gives me the
understanding to dwell in the house of Lord and commit myself to the
work of God. It was God’s grace that sustains my spiritual growth to
become an active participant, instead of a passive follower. However,
as a Christian going to church is not about getting attendance, nor it
is about gaining favour for the week because you assembled together
with His people. Church is not a place to go; rather it is a living body
where God wants you to become part, for your good and his glory. In
addition, one of the main reasons that move me to spend time in
church is to hear the words of God. We all know that the word of God
is quick, powerful, and sharper than a sword, therefore hearing the
preaching of scriptures is vital in my spiritual well-being.

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