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Range Road Senior Campus, Rawalpindi.
THE EDUCATORS Quiz August, 2023
A Project of L3eatonbouge

Class: X Total Marks: 30

Subject :Chemistry Objective: 05
Roll No:

Time Allowed: I-Hour

Section A is compulsory. All parts of this section are to be answered on this page and handed over to
the center superintendent. Deleting/Overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil.

SECTION - A (Marks 05)

Q No 1: MCQs.
(i) The unit for Kc for given reaction will be
CO + 3H2 CH4 + H2O^-3^-6
c.mol^^-9 d.None
(ii) The term active means^-3 b.Reactants
c.Products d.All of these
(iii) K2CO3 is
a.Normal salt b.Acidic salt
c.Not a salt d.Basic salt
(iv) A soft drink has H^+ = 3x10^-3 M. Is drink
a.acidic b.Basic
c.Neutral d.Could be neutral or acidic
(v) In the following reaction, which specie is denoting an electron pair?
NH3 + BF3 NH3BF3
a.NH3 b.BF3
c.NH3BF3 d.None

Q No 2: Give short answers.(2x6)

(i) What is etching ?
(ii) A solution is approximately 1M CH3COOH. Concentration of H^+ in it is 9x10^-5 M. Is solution
acidic , neutral or basic ?
(iii) identify the lewis acid and Lewis base from the following reactions

.. + -
H3C-NH2 + HCl H3C-NH3Cl
Give reason.
(iv) Write any three methods for salt making with examples.
(v) What do you know about equilibrium constant.
(vi) State and explain Le-Chatilier principle.

Q No 3: Explanatory answers.
(i) Derive realtion for pH and also calculate pH of water . (6)
(ii) An aqeuos solution of NaOH is used as a drain cleaner . If the concentration of OH^- ions in this
solution is 1.0x10^-5 M. Find the contration of H^+ ions ? (4)
(iii) Draw a graph for the following reaction (3)
2SO2 + O2 SO3
For concentration versus time.

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