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Name : Rahma Firzatulloh

Class : 2 B

Elementary English B1

Hello friends, introduce my name is Rahma Firzatulloh, just call me firza. Here I will tell you
all my favorite food.

I like to eat fried rice. It tastes very delicious and makes me addicted. To make it, I need
equipment such as a frying pan, spice mixer, stove, spoon, knife, cutting board, serving plate, fork
and spatula. I will prepare 1 or 2 eggs and one piece of shredded chicken. I will first prepare the
oil in a frying pan or frying pan, then I will add the spices that have been prepared and mix 1 egg
with the chicken and rice, then fry it in a frying pan or frying pan, don't forget to add soy sauce
and sauce so that it tastes better.

So that's all about my favorite food or dish, more or less I apologize. Thank you everyone

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