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Xuan Phi IELTS

Practice 5: Viết một đoạn văn mô tả cho số liệu của Town A và Town B trong năm 1960.

The charts below show the percentage of people working in different sectors in town A
and town B in 1960, 2010.

The given pie charts illustrate the proportion of individuals working in three different
positions in town A and town B in two separate years, 1960 and 2010.
Xuan Phi IELTS

Overall, it can be seen that services occupied the highest percentage of the workforce in
town A. In town B, manufacturing had the biggest number of workers among the three

Regarding town A, in 1960, there were 40% of citizens employed in manufacturing while
the proportions of Sales and services were much lower, at 30% and 29%, respectively.
After 50 years later, there was a significant decrease in the data of manufacturing and
sales to 20% and 16%, respectively. The percentage of employees in services saw the
opposite change which decreased dramatically to 64%.

Turning to town B, services and sales were the two least common jobs in 1960 which took
up only 10% and 20%, respectively but this data went up slightly to 22% and 25%
respectively in 2010. In terms of manufacturing, this figure occupied 70% in 1960 but it
decreased sharply by nearly 20% in the following 5 decades.

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