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YIMMY: Hi Yimmy

DIEGO: Hello Diego

YIMMY: How about plans on this days?

DIEGO: I will travel to Cusco for a Festivity

YIMMY: What’s the name of the festivity?

DIEGO: Cusco carnivals

YIMMY: When does it happen?

DIEGO: On February

YIMMY: What do you usually do on that festivity?

DIEGO: I always relax and enjoy the activities

YIMMY: What’s your favourite things on that days?


 I like eat Puchero

 I like when the people go to play with water in the Plaza de Armas
 I like to see the traditional dances of those days
 I like the "yunza" party but I dislike that cut the trees

YIMMY: When do you return at home?

DIEGO: I normally return finished the festivity

YIMMY: Okey Diego good bye and enjoy that days

DIEGO; Thanks Yimmy good bye

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