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Intuitionistic Mathematics Does Not Need

Ex Falso Quodlibet* NeiI Tennant

ABSTRACT. We define a system IR of first-order intuitionistic ex falso quodlibet. Intuitionistic relevant proofs
relevant logic. We show that intuitionistic mathematics (on the "accumulate" to yield deductive progress; and when
assumption that it is consistent) can be relevantized, by virtue of the
they fail to do so, we thereby learn something stronger:
following metatheorem: any intuitionistic proof of A from a set X
of premisses can be converted into a proof in IR of either A or that the accumulated premisses are inconsistent (or that
absurdity from some subset of X. Thus IR establishes the same the sought conclusion is a logical truth).
inconsistencies and theorems as intuitionistic logic, and allows one
to prove every intuitionistic consequence of any consistent set of
premisses. Some notions

Introductory sentence occurrences in a natural deduc-

It has long been thought that the rule exfalso quodlibet tion are defined as follows: All conclusions of
(or, as it is sometimes also known, the absurdity rule) introduction rules and the absurdity rule are introduc-
is adopted by logicians merely for systematic expedi- tory. If C is introductory as a subordinate conclusion
ency. To relevantists, its use jars against intuition. No of VElimination or of 3Elimination then it is introduc-
working mathematician seems ever to use the rule, or tory as the main conclusion of the elimination. A natural
to need it; or so it seems. This paper pursues the deduction is in normal form just in case no major
appearance to discover the reality. I shall define below premiss for an elimination is introductory.
a notion of intuitionistic relevant natural deduction. The natural deduction rules for intuitionistic relevant
(I shall assume the reader is familiar with the termi- proof are just the introduction and elimination rules for
nology of natural deduction as in Tennant, 1978.) The the logical operators (modified for VElimination and
main theorem is: DIntroduction); subject to the requirements that some
For the full language based on -, &, V, D, 3 and V, of the discharge rules be so applied that there be no
any intuitionistic relevant natural deductions estab- "vacuous discharge" o f assumptions, and that major
lishing A0, B 1. . . . . B n ~ A, A~ ~ B1. . . . . A, ~ Bn premisses of elimination rules not be introductory. The
can be converted into an intuitionistic relevant natural full list of rules is given below.
deduction of A or of .1_ from some subset of UiA~. Our main theorem, in conjunction with the soundness
Schematically we have and completeness of intuitionistic logic, easily yields
the results that:
A1 An
1-I1, . . . , I-I. (i) if one's axioms (for intuitionistic set theory or for
B1 B. a (C Uiat) Heyting arithmetic, say) are consistent, then any
--9 FI intuitionistic logical consequence of those axioms
Ao, B1. . . . . B. _L/A is relevantly provable from them;
Ho (ii) if one's axioms form an inconsistent set, there will
A be a relevant proof of that fact;
(iii) all intuitionistic logical truths are relevantly
This result suffices to show that intuitionistic mathe- provable.
matics, based on relevant deductions, can do without
the Lewis paradox. The intuitionist need never apply Our main theorem is proved via two other results:
Topoi 13: 127-133, 1994.
© 1994 KluwerAcademicPublishers. Printedin the Netherlands.

Normalization theorem (cf. Prawitz 1965). Any in- Relevant -Elimination

tuitionistic natural deduction of A from A can be
A -.4 where -A is not introductory
converted into a normal intuitionistic natural deduction ±
of A from some subset of A; and
Ordinary and Relevant &Introduction
Extraction theorem (cf. Tennant 1980 for the case
without D). Any normal intuitionistic natural deduc-
tion Fl of A from A can be converted into an intuition-
istic relevant natural deduction I-l' of A or of ± from Ordinary &Elimination
some subset of A. Moreover, if the conclusion of 1I' is
A, then it is not introductory in I-I' if it is not introduc-
tory in FI.
Here we need only prove the extraction theorem. Relevant &Elimination
For definiteness, an intuitionistic natural deduction
A&B A&B where A&B is not introductory
is one that can be built up in the usual way using the
absurdity rule and the so-called "ordinary" intro-
duction and elimination rules from the list below. An Ordinary and Relevant vlntroduction
intuitionistic relevant natural deduction is one that can
be built up using only the "relevant" versions of intro-
duction and elimination rules from the list below.
Ordinary VElimination

List of rules (i) ~-- (i)

where there do not have

The Absurdity Rule to be assumptions A, B
± as indicated to be dis-
A AVB C C charged
Ordinary ~Introduction
Relevant VElimination
~-- (i)
(i) ~ (i)
where there need not be an assumption
of the form A to be discharged where there must be
assumptions A, B as
± indicated to be dis-
~-~ (i) AVB ±IC ±/C charged; and AVB is
C not introductory
Relevant -Introduction
Ordinary Dlntroduction
~-- (i)
-~- (i)
where there must be an assumption of
the form A to be discharged where there need not be an assumption
of the form A to be discharged
~A B
- - (i)
Ordinary -Elimination
A -A

Relevant DIntroduction Ordinary 3Elimination

(i) (i)
where there must be an assumption of where there need not be an
the form A to be discharged assumption of the form A(a) to
be discharged; and a does not
_k 3xA(x) B occur in 3xA(x), B or any
- - (i) (i)
ADB B assumption other than A(a) on
which the upper occurrence of
B depends
Relevant 3Elimination
where there need not be an assumption
of the form A to be discharged
- - (i) where there must be an as-
sumption of the form A(a) to
(N.B.: These rules make D behave differently from the be discharged; 3xA(x) is not
weak and strong conditionals discussed in Tennant 3xA(x) B (i) introductory; and a does not
(1987a, b)) B occur in 3xA(x), B or any
assumption other than A(a) on
Ordinary DElimination
which the upper occurrence of
A ADB B depends
A word of explanation would be in order about
Relevant DElimination the special relevant forms of VElimination and
A ADB where ADB is not introductory
Example: Relevant VElimination allows one to prove
disjunctive syllogism relevantly:
Ordinary and Relevant Vlntroduction

A(a) where a does not occur in any -~-- (1) -A

VxA(x) assumption on which A(a) depends A VB _1_ B
Ordinary VElimination
Call this relevant proof AVB, -A. Let A be the one-step
H0 1-I1
Relevant VElimination
VxA(x) where VxA(x) is not introductory relevant proof AVB "
YIo and I-I~ provide an excellent illustration of our
Ordinary and Relevant 3Introduction main result above. ~ is {-.4 } ; A1 is {A }. We are seeking
a relevant deduction rI of _L or of B from (some subset
A of) the set of accumulated undischarged assumptions
UiAi = {A, -A}. First we graft A1 on top of the occur-
rence of AVB in ri 0. The resulting tree is not in normal
form; nor, strictly, is it an intuitionistic natural deduc-
tion, because of the non-standard form of VElimination

in FI0. But that can be remedied, by supplying an DIntroduction stated separately, if we are to be able to
application of the absurdity rule at the end of the first prove the extraction theorem for the full language with
subordinate deduction for VElimination: D.
Recall our statement of our main result above:
~-- (1) -A For the full language based on -, &, V, D, 3 and V,
A 2_ any intuitionistic relevant natural deductions estab-
AVB --B --B- (1) lishing A0, B 1. . . . . B. ~ A, A 1 ~ B 1. . . . . A. ~ B~
(1) can be converted into an intuitionistic relevant natural
deduction of A or of 2- from some subset of UiAi.
so that we now have a non-normal but standard Schematically we have
intuitionistic deduction of B from {A, ~A}. Then we
normalize it by applying VReduction to get Al An
I'I1, . . . , I'I n
A -A
Bl Bn A (__ t_JiAi)
/~0, B 1 , - . . , Bn ±/A
Finally we extract the application of the absurdity rule 1-10
to obtain as our desired relevant deduction 17 the A
relevant deduction
The proof of the main result proceeds along the
A ~A
_k following lines, already illustrated in the example
above. When the relevant deductions I ' I 1 . . . . , I-In are
of 2_ (rather than B) from the accumulated undischarged grafted onto the respective assumptions B1. . . . . B n of
assumptions A = {A, -A}. the relevant deduction H 0, one obtains a tree that can be
turned into an intuitionistic deduction (albeit possibly
Observation 1. Note that any application of the relevant an abnormal one) by supplying extra applications of the
version of VElimination that has 2_ as one subordinate absurdity rule wherever they are needed in order to turn
conclusion and A as the other can always be turned into applications of relevant VElimination and Dlntroduction
a standard intuitionistic application of VElimination by into applications of the ordinary intuitionistic rules (by
supplying one application of the absurdity rule to get A Observations 1 and 2 above). By the normalization
from 2_ in the case that ends with 2_. theorem one then finds a normal intuitionistic deduc-
tion of A from A. By the extraction theorem one extracts
Observation 2. The same sort of remark applies in the from it all applications of the absurdity rule in such a
case of the extra relevantist portion of DIntroduction. way as to find a relevant deduction of 2- or of A from
In the standard case one does not need to state the first (some subset A of) UiA i. In order to carry the extrac-
half of relevant DIntroduction separately: tion through, the liberalized versions of VElimination
and Dlntroduction are crucial.
~- (i) The proof of extraction is by induction on the length
where there must be an assumption of of intuitionistic deductions in normal form.
the form A to be discharged
Basis. Obvious.
(i) Inductive hypothesis. The result holds for all normal
intuitionistic deductions less complex than II.
since the presence of the absurdity rule allows one to
turn any application of it into an application of the Inductive step. By cases, according to the last rule
ordinary form o f Dlntroduction. But in the case of applied in the normal intuitionistic deduction Yl. The
intuitionistic relevant deduction, where we cannot use only cases where care is required are VElimination and
the absurdity rule, it is vital to have that first half of Dlntroduction; but I shall also illustrate the ideas in

the more routine cases by dealing with the absurdity VElimination

rule, -Introduction and VElimination.
Some paradigmatic, noteworthy or non-trivial cases Suppose the normal intuitionistic deduction II is of the
in the inductive step of the proof of extraction (other form
cases are left to the reader):
Absurdity rule
Suppose the normal intuitionistic deduction I-I is of the Since I1 is normal, the indicated occurrence of VxA(x)
form is not introductory.
By inductive hypothesis applied to £ there is a
relevant intuitionistic deduction ~2 of Z or of VxA(x)
± for some subset F of A. If F ends with ±, take F as the
required relevant intuitionistic deduction corresponding
to H. If, on the other hand, f2 ends with VxA(x), then
By inductive hypothesis applied to E there is a relevant by inductive hypothesis applied to Z that final occur-
intuitionistic deduction of ± from some subset of A. rence of VxA(x) is not introductory. Thus we can apply
Take it as the required relevant intuitionistic deduction relevant VElimination to obtain
corresponding to H.
Suppose the normal intuitionistic deduction H is of the as the required relevant intuitionistic deduction corre-
form sponding to Yi.

A,A- (i)
£ VElimination
(i) The complication that may arise when rI ends with an
application of VElimination with (non-introductory)
where A is not in A. By inductive hypothesis applied to major premiss AVB is that the relevant deductions
E there is a relevant intuitionistic deduction ~ of ± guaranteed by inductive hypothesis may not have the
from some subset F o f A U {A}. I f A is not in F, take same conclusions: one may end with ± (and involve the
g~ as the required relevant intuitionistic deduction case assumption A), the other may end with C (and
corresponding to H. If A is in F, then F = • U {A} involve the case assumption B); or the other way round.
where A is not in O, and we can construct In either case, the relevant form of VElimination is
specifically designed to cope: one may apply it to the
sub-deductions guaranteed by inductive hypothesis to
O,A- (i) obtain overall a relevant intuitionistic deduction of C
Y~ from some subset of the assumptions of Yl.
~/~ (i)

D lntroduction
as the required relevant intuitionistic deduction corre-
sponding to H.
Suppose the normal intuitionistic deduction II is of the

A,')-- (i) (2) ~ -L--

X (1)
Z ± -~- (1)
B (-A)VB A-DB (2) A--D-B
(i) (1)
where A is not in A. By inductive hypothesis applied to Note how in the second case proof DIntroduction is
E there is a relevant intuitionistic deduction fl of I or applied without discharging any assumption of the form
of B from some subset F o f A tJ {A}. I f A is not in F A.
and fl ends with _1_,then take tl as the required relevant (2) Another property of D that changes in I R i s the
intuitionistic deduction corresponding to rI. If A is in general validity of the deduction theorem. One direction
F (F = • U {A }, A not in O) and t-I ends with 3_, then is still true:
If B is deducible in IR from A 1. . . . . An
then (An D B) is deducible in IR from
O, ~ (i) A1. . . . . An_l;
but the other direction needs qualification. For in IR
(i) ADB is deducible from ~A, while yet B is not deducible
from A, ~A. The extraction theorem, however, has the
as the required relevant intuitionistic deduction corre- following corollary:
sponding to II. If, finally, fl ends with B, then take
If (A. D B) is deducible in IR from Al . . . . . An_l
then either B or A_ is deducible in IR from
I~{A}, ~ (i) A1. . . . . An
(3) The statement of the generalized G6del-
(i) Glivenko theorem for intuitionistic relevant logic (given
in Chapter 24 of Tennant, 1987b) can be strengthened
as the required relevant intuitionistic deduction corre- to: In the language based on ~, &, V, D, 3: every
sponding to H, and note that it does not matter whether classical proof of A [resp. _k] from A can be converted
A is available as an assumption to be discharged.[~ into an intuitionistic relevant proof of ~~A or of _1_
[resp. 3_] from ~~A; and the result extends to V if we
insert - - immediately after every universal quantifier
Further remarks prefix in -~A and in members of ~~A. As inspection of
the earlier proof (at p. 271) reveals, the schemata used
(1) Since every rule of IR is either primitive or for DIntroduction are available in IR, since one can use
derivable in intuitionistic logic, and the conditional D a single application of the first half of the new relevant
is independent, within intuitionistic logic, of the other rule in place of any pair of steps consisting of an
connectives, it follows that D is independent of the application of the absurdity rule to get B, followed
other connectives in IR. This holds despite the apparent immediately by a non-vacuous DIntroduction to get
motivation, in formulating the rule of relevant ADB.
Dlntroduction, to make ADB (~A)VB. It (4) It might be tempting to conjecture finally, for the
remains impossible in IR (since IR is contained in full language including D, that the intuitionistically
intuitionistic logic) to prove that ADB logically implies relevantly provable sequents of the form A ~ A are
(-A)VB. The converse implication, however, holds in precisely the substitution instances of those intuitionis-
IR: tically valid sequents that have no intuitionistically valid
proper subsequents. This would be the intuitionistic
analogue of the result for the classical case without D
that was established in Tennant (1984). But the conjec-
ture is false. Milne (in press) points out the following

c o u n t e r e x a m p l e : the s e q u e n t A, B, AVB: A & B is References

p r o v a b l e in IR, b u t is not a s u b s t i t u t i o n i n s t a n c e o f a n y
i n t u i t i o n i s t i c a l l y v a l i d s e q u e n t that has n o i n t u i t i o n i s t i - Milne, P.: 1994, 'IntuitionisticRelevant Logic and Perfect Validity',
cally v a l i d proper s u b s e q u e n t s . Analysis (in press).
Prawitz, D.: 1965, Natural Deduction: A Proof-Theoretical Study,
Almqvist and Wiksell, Stockholm.
Tennant, N.: 1978, Natural Logic, Edinburgh University Press,
Note Edinburgh.
Tennant, N.: 1980, 'A Proof-Theoretic Approach to Entailment',
* This paper grew out of discussion of a survey talk, on earlier work, Journal of Philosophical Logic 9, 185-209.
that I gave to the 5th A.N.U. Paraconsistency Conference in January Tennant, N.: 1984, 'Perfect Validity,Entailment and Paraconsistency',
1988. I am greatly indebted to the suggestion by Michael MacRobbie Studia Logica 43, 179-198.
on that occasion that I investigate the so-called "non-Ketonen" form Tennant, N.: 1987a, 'Natural Deduction and Sequent Calculus for
of the sequent rule for D on the right. That suggestion inspired the Intuitionistic Relevant Logic', Journal of Symbolic Logic 52,
correspondingly modified rule of Dlntroduction in the system of 665-680.
natural deduction given above. Tennant, N.: 1987b, Anti-Realism and Logic, Clarendon Press,

The Ohio State University and

Churchill College, Cambridge

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