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The Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered People

Good Morning Everyone. I am Leysel Solis, a graduating student of Visayas

Christian Institute of Technology (VCIT). Today, I am going to talk about the Rights of
LGBT people and how they must treated equally.
LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) people are discriminated against,
terrorized, and protested against. They have barely any laws guarding their rights. All
Americans are supposed to have all the rights needed for their pursuit of happiness, yet
LGBTQ+ citizens do not. This needs to stop. And the U.S., while still quite far away, is
slowly on its way to equity for all of its citizens. But good LGBT Americans are mostly
treated unfairly.
One reason why LGBT Americans are mostly treated unfairly is because
currently, LGBT Americans only have a handful of rights. One of the biggest milestones
was when on June 26th, 2015, LGBTQ+ marriage was legalized at a federal level in all
50 of the United States. And the LGBT community is popping up more and more in the
media. This article states "The struggle of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgendered) people for equal rights has moved to center stage.
LGBT people are battling for their civil rights in Congress, in courtrooms and in
the streets. Well-known figures are discussing their sexual orientation in public. Gay and
lesbian people are featured in movies and on television - not as novelty characters, but
as full participants in society."
In some states, discrimination of LGBT people is illegal. LGBTQ+ people's lives
are improving, and the amount of laws protecting them is growing. Slowly but surely, full
protection is drawing nearer. Another reason why LGBT Americans are mostly treated
unfairly is because although LGBT rights are building up, there is still a very long way to
go. LGBT citizens do not have any federal level laws prohibiting discrimination in the
workplace, or school for that matter. LGBT students can legally be kicked out of schools
and denied by colleges just because of their sexuality. In some states, if a landlord
evicts a same-sex couple from their home, they have no legal recourse. Multiple states
have banned same-sex couples from adopting or foster caring.

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