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Ralph is standing outside a door, looking nervous.

He is fiddling with his hands for a

while, but he stops to ring the doorbell.
He stands there for a while, and he begins to turn away, until a woman answers the
door. It is Piggy’s aunt - Anne.
Anne: Hello, it’s Ralph right?
Ralph: Yes, sorry I didn’t mean to disturb you, I just wanted to talk to you about…
He stutters
Anne: About the island? Come in.
Ralph enters the house, it is crowded with newspaper articles and letters, all about
what happened on the island. They sit on a couch, which seems to be the only thing
that isn’t covered in papers.
Anne: Sorry about the mess, I’ve just been trying to figure out exactly what
Ralph: Well, that’s why I came here, to tell you what happened … you deserve to
He takes a breath.
Ralph: I just wanted you to know that I am so sorry for everything that happened
there, especially what happened to Piggy, he was such a good friend, and yet I didn’t
care enough about him. I should have helped him!
He starts to cry
Ralph: I’ve been trying to move on, my parents have started making me go to a
counsellor every week, and aren’t letting me look at any of the news broadcasts,
because they said it might harm me. But, no matter what, I can’t ever forget that
place, and the things that happened there. I mean, poor Piggy! He didn’t deserve to
die, all because of Jack and his group! Those savage boys - ever since I left the
island, I swore to myself that I would never speak to them again!
Anne: Ralph, you have to understand that being on that island was difficult for all of
you, but you all reacted differently to it. So it’s no use being so angry at Jack, he
couldn’t control himself.
Ralph: And how do you know that? I was on the island as well, but I didn’t kill
Anne: Because Jack also came to talk to me.
Ralph: He did?
Anne: Yes, but he didn’t actually manage to get any words out, instead he sat right
where you are sitting now, and cried to me. Ralph, if you were there, you would have
seen all the guilt he carries around with him…
Ralph stays silent
Anne: I contacted his parents, and they told me that he is now in a mental institution,
where he is getting the help he needs
Ralph: Have…Have any of the other boys come to talk to you?
Anne: Well, I’m not sure if you’re supposed to know this, but I have been told that
Roger has been sent to a juvenile jail
Ralph: Because he killed Piggy? But then why hasn’t Jack been sent there as well?
Anne: The thing is, after coming back from the island, Jack’s behaviour has seemed
to improve, but Roger … he was sent to the jail because he was still showing violent
behaviours, he recently got in trouble for punching another inmate in the nose.
Ralph doesn’t say anything to this, he seems to be lost in thought. After a while, he
speaks again
Ralph: I think I’m going to forgive Jack. I can’t blame him for what he did on the
island. But … I don’t think I will ever forget what happened
Anne: And that’s okay, it was hard for all of you, but I’m glad you’ve decided to move
Ralph: I think I better get going, my parents are probably waiting for me. I just
wanted to say thank you … for everything
Anne: Of course.
Ralph begins to go, but before he leaves, he turns around to say one final thing.
Ralph: I’m sorry

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