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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Human Resource Frame Worksheet

Cassidy Carmichael

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the human resource frame
2. Apply the human resource frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.
• Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.
My role within Starbucks is shift supervisor. I have been in the shift supervisor role for
going on four years now. I started as a barista but since I had manager experience at a different
company before I worked for Starbucks, they promoted me to shift only after about five months.
My role is to take care of the cash drawers each morning, along with some paperwork type of
things like submitting product orders. I also control the floor and I make sure that everyone is in
a role that they can be successful in. The situation that I want to analyze for the remainder of the
class is the sudden loss of support from the corporate side of things that has happened within the
last few years. Starbucks started to become a lot more strict and somewhat harsh with their rules
and expectations. I know for a lot of places the pandemic helped them change some things for
the better, but it was kind of alarming to me while at Starbucks. Suddenly we had two partners
get fired right on the spot, along with not having free access to food and drinks while not on the
clock, a benefit we had during COVID times, the absurd amount of labor that was cut, along with
changing the minimum hours that you needed to work jumped from 15 hours a week to 22 hours
a week.
• Describe how the human resources of the organization influenced the situation.
Human resources influenced the situtation because they had to help enforce the changes.
The Starbucks HR department claims to be "working closely together as advisors to
attract, support and develop the right people at the right time." (Starbucks, 2023). Which
sounds wonderful, but it felt like instead of them wanting to help develop the people who
have already given their time and efforts, they made it more strict, causing some people
to have to leave the job. The amount of labor that was cut from everyones hours caused
people to have to quit and find different work because they weren't able to pay their bills
and other expenses. Personally, I had to look into transsferring store locations a whole
month earlier than I thought I would due to my hours being cut so much. Thankfully I
found a brand new store that was looking for a full time shift supervisor. I am not fully
sure on what else HR could be responsible for due to there not being a whole lot of
information about it.
• Recommend how you would use the human resources for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.
Starbucks HR says that they "build and deliver relevant programs and reasources that
shape careers to help our partners become the very best they can be." (Starbucks, 2023).
While I do think there is some truth to that statement, Starbucks does offer a lot of
different reasources to help the partners with a lot of different things but there is always
room for change. For my case, I would want HR to take a better stand for their partners.
The labor shortage was something that impacted so many people, and it seemed like
Starbucks didn't care about the loss of those partners. They also then made the part time
requirement go from 15 hours a week to 22.
If I could make any change, I would make sure that we had the budget to not have
to cut labor during our shifts. If we were slow and decided to, then that's fine but if we
did not cut labor for that day, we wouldn't get pentalized for it. I would make the hours
that you could minimally work be a lot more flexible. For example, if you took time off
and then were only working 11 hours that week, it wouldn't harm you. I would also want
there to be exceptions for the people who are still in high school or college, I would want
our working student partners to have a secure work place that they could earn extra
money during their free time, making sure they are prioritizing school.
• Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.
During this frame, I have learned I would want to do things differently. Starbucks
does do a good job at making their partners feel supported, just not in every aspect. There
has a been a lot of complaints that I have personally heard about and have seen from
other partners on social media. I just wish Starbucks would be more willing to hear us out
and give us the changes that we are asking for. I am hopeful for change, I have even
considered working for coporate Starbucks once I complete my degree, but I am still up
in the air about it.

Reference or References
Corporate. Starbucks Coffee Company. (n.d.-a).

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