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Labs Guide

Denodo Platform 8.0

Revision 20200901

This document is confidential and proprietary of Denodo Technologies.
No part of this document may be reproduced in any form by any means without
prior written authorization of Denodo Technologies. Denodo Security Management 1

Labs Guide

Contents 2

User Authentication: 3
Creating a new user 3

User Authorization 5
Creating roles 5
Assigning roles in Solution Manager 8

LDAP Authentication 12
Create a data source from Active Directory 12
Import roles from MS Active Directory 13
Configure database with LDAP authentication 17
Enabling LDAP Authentication in Solution Manager 19

Advanced Privileges 22
Assign advanced privileges to LDAP users 22

Single Sign On 26
Configuring Single Sign On using Keycloak 26

Security in Transit 34
Enabling TLS using the TLS Configurator Script 34
Connecting to a secure data server using TLS 38

Further work 42 Denodo Security Management 2

Labs Guide

User Authentication
Reference: DEN80EDU21S01

Creating a new user

Reference: DEN80EDU21S01LAB01

The aim of this lab is to understand the different types of the Users and authentication available
in Denodo Platform. You will have to:

1. Open the ​Virtual DataPort Administration Too​l and login with credentials

● Username:​ admin

● Password:​ admin

2. Navigate to the Administration from Menu bar and choose ​User Management​.

3. Click “​New​” and enter below details

● Login:​ local_user

● Description:​ Local user created for the Denodo Training 8.0

● User type:​ Normal User

● Click the drop to explore the other options

● Authentication: Normal

● Password: local

● Retype password: local

4. Click “OK” to complete the creation. Denodo Security Management 3

Labs Guide

5. Logout using ​File >​ ​Disconnect​.

6. Login again with

● User name: local_user

● Password : local Denodo Security Management 4

Labs Guide

7. What is the output? Why is there an error what does the error signify?

8. We will look at how to get past this error in the upcoming lab. Denodo Security Management 5

Labs Guide

User Authorization
Reference: DEN80EDU21S02

Creating roles
Reference: DEN80EDU22ADS04LAB01

The Aim of this lab is to explore the user privileges and roles which is a collection of the
assignment of privileges to users. We will continue from the previous lab, where we created a
user called local_user whom we will grant privileges to connect to the Virtual DataPort. Let's get
started, we will,

1. Login to ​Administration Tool​ with default credentials.

2. Navigate to ​File > Role Management.

3. Click ​New ​option provide below values to create the new role.

a. Name:​ vdp_developer

4. Click ​Ok ​to create the role. Denodo Security Management 6

Labs Guide

5. Select the role ​vdp_developer​ and click ​Assign Privileges​ to access the privilege menu.

6. Select the below privileges over denodo_training database

a. Connect

b. Metadata

c. Execute

d. Write

7. Click “​OK​” to set up the privileges.

8. Assign the role to the user we created in the previous lab to allow the user to inherit this
privilege. You have to: Denodo Security Management 7

Labs Guide

a. Navigate to the ​Administration > User Management​.

b. Select ​local_user ​and click on ​Assign role​.

c. Choose the ​vdp_developer r​ ole.

d. Click “​Ok​” to save.

9. Disconnect using ​File > Disconnect​.

10. Login back again with

a. Login: local_user

b. Password: local Denodo Security Management 8

Labs Guide

Assigning roles in Solution Manager

Reference: DEN80EDU21S02LAB02

Aim of the this lab is to help us understand the authorization settings available on Solution
Manager for the users, in this lab we are going to setup a user and role to access various
environments in Solution Manager, the steps are:

1. Open the​ Solution Manager Administration Tool​ login using

a. Login: admin

b. Password: admin

2. Navigate to the ​Configuration > Role Management​.

3. Click “​New​” and provide the below details.

a. Name: developer_solution_manager

b. Description: Developer. Denodo Security Management 9

Labs Guide

4. Click “​Save​” to finish the role creation.

5. Lets create a user for the Solution Manager to inherit the role

a. Navigate to ​Configuration > User Management​.

b. Click “New” and provide the below details

● Name: solution_manager_user

● Password: denodo Denodo Security Management 10

Labs Guide

c. Click the “Assign Role” and choose the role “solution_manager_developer”

6. Now that we have the user and a role assigned, let's continue to configure the
permissions for the role

a. Navigate to Configuration > Permissions. Denodo Security Management 11

Labs Guide

b. Click the Key symbol in the ​Training environment​ and provide all privileges.

c. Click “​New​” and choose the role developer_solution_manager.

d. Click Add role to finalize the privileges.

e. Choose all the privileges and click save.

7. We have all the required user, role and permissions, let's test it.

a. Logout the Solution Manager Administration Tool.

b. Log back in with

● User: solution_manager_user

● Password: denodo Denodo Security Management 12

Labs Guide

c. Choose the environment from the My Applications area to see the tools for
specific environments. Denodo Security Management 13

Labs Guide

LDAP Authentication
Reference: DEN80EDU21S03

Create a data source from Active Directory

Reference: DEN80EDU22ADS05LAB01

Aim of this lab is to explore the set up required by the Virtual DataPort to successfully integrate
with a LDAP in the organization. To achieve this we are going to create a LDAP datasource that
will allow us to communicate with LDAP. The steps are:

1. Login to ​Virtual DataPort Administration Tool​ using default credentials,

a. Login: admin

b. Password: admin

2. Click​ File > New > Datasource > LDAP​ and enter the below details.

a. Name:​ ds_active_directory

b. Server URI:​ ldap://data-server:10389/dc=denodo,dc=loc

c. Login:​ uid=admin,ou=system

d. Password:​ admin

3. Click ​Test Connection​ to validate the details entered.

4. Save the datasource. Denodo Security Management 14

Labs Guide

5. Move the datasource to ​1 - connectivity/1 - data sources ​folder. Denodo Security Management 15

Labs Guide

Import roles from MS Active Directory

Reference: DEN80EDU21S03LAB02

Aim of this lab is to further explore the integration of Denodo Platform with LDAP, in the previous
lab we created the connection to the LDAP from the Virtual DataPort. Lets import the
entitlements, that is, roles for the LDAP Server simplifying the management of the role, we will,

Note​: Please check that these roles do not have any other roles or privileges assigned other
than the once mentioned above.

1. Login to ​Virtual DataPort Administration Tool​ using default credentials,

a. Login: admin

b. Password: admin

2. Navigate to the ​Administration > Role Management​.

3. Click​ Import Roles​ and enter the below details,

a. Database: denodo_training

b. Datasource:​ ds_active_directory

c. Role Base: ​OU=groups, DC=denodo, DC=loc

d. Attribute with role name: cn

e. Attribute with role description: cn

f. Role Search pattern: ​(objectClass=groupOfNames) Denodo Security Management 16

Labs Guide

4. Select all the roles of the LDAP and click ​Create roles​.

5. Click okay on the summary of the roles created.

6. Provide Privileges to various imported roles, the details are,

a. For Role ​Executive Denodo Security Management 17

Labs Guide

● Admin ​privilege for the entire denodo_training database

b. For Role ​Data analyst

● Connect ​privilege for the denodo_training database

● “​Metadata​” and “​Write​” privilege on all the services under “5 - Data

services” folder

● Right click on the folder on the advanced privileges. Denodo Security Management 18

Labs Guide

● “​Execute​” on all views under “2- Integration” folder.

● Click Ok till the screen exits to save the changes.

c. For Role ​Sales Denodo Security Management 19

Labs Guide

● Assign the roles “data_analyst” and “data_catalog_exporter” to this role.

d. For Role ​IT​:

● Assign the role “​serveradmin​” to this role. Denodo Security Management 20

Labs Guide

Configure database with LDAP authentication

Reference: DEN80EDU21S03LAB03

Aim of this lab is to configure the Virtual Database to allow login using LDAP. Continuing with
previous labs, that is, integrating with the LDAP for Authorization, so far we have created a
datasource to connect to LDAP and imported the existing groups as roles, to finish the setup we
will configure the Virtual Database to delegate authentication to LDAP. We will

1. Login to ​Virtual DataPort Administration Tool​ using default admin credentials.

2. Go to ​Administration > Database Management.

3. Choose the database denodo_training and click ​edit​.

4. Choose ​Authentication Type as LDAP​ and enter the below details.

a. Database:​ denodo_training

b. Datasource: ​ds_active_directory

c. User base:​ OU=Users,DC=denodo,DC=loc

d. Attribute with user name:​ uid

e. User search pattern: ​(&(objectClass=person))

f. Role Base: ​OU=groups, DC=denodo, DC=loc

g. Attribute with role name: ​cn

h. Role Search pattern: ​(&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member=@{USERDN}))

5. Click “​Ok​” to save the configuration. Denodo Security Management 21

Labs Guide

6. We have setup the LDAP Authentication successfully, lets validate the settings

a. Logout of Administration Tool.

b. Login with the user with ​IT​ role, use the below credentials.

● cward3 / Denodo00

● Check the privileges, are they as expected?

c. Logout again and login with user of ​Executive ​role

● rmurray2 / Denodo00

● Correlate with the permission we gave earlier, are they expected?

d. Logout and log back in with a user of ​Accounting ​role

● hrice23 / Denodo00

● Are you able to access the server? If not, why? Denodo Security Management 22

Labs Guide

Enabling LDAP Authentication in Solution Manager

Reference: DEN80EDU21S03LAB04

Aim of this lab is to outline the steps for configuring the LDAP authentication with Solution
Manager. Similar to Virtual DataPort you can perform the LDAP integration with Solution Manager
as well, including importing roles and providing relevant permissions, the steps are

1. Open ​Solution Manager Administration tool​ and login with default admin credentials.

a. Login: admin

b. Password: admin

2. Go to ​Configuration > Authentication​ and open the L

​ DAP Configuration​, enter the
below details

a. LDAP Authentication Enabled as Yes

b. Server URI: ​ldap://data-server:10389/dc=denodo,dc=loc

c. Login:​ uid=admin,ou=system

d. Password: ​admin

e. uncheck Use GSSAPI SASL

f. User base: ​OU=Users,DC=denodo,DC=loc

g. Attribute with user name: uid

h. User search pattern :​ (&(objectClass=person))

i. Role base : ​OU=groups, DC=denodo, DC=loc Denodo Security Management 23

Labs Guide

j. Attribute with role name : cn

k. Role Search pattern: ​(&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member=@{USERDN}))

l. Click ​save ​to finalize the settings.

m. Ensure the message with saved successfully is shown Denodo Security Management 24

Labs Guide

3. Import the roles from the LDAP​, follow the below steps

a. Go to​ Configuration > Role Management

b. Click on Import Roles from LDAP, provide the below details for the fields,

● Role Base:​ OU=groups, DC=denodo, DC=loc

● Attribute with role name: cn

● Attribute with role description: cn

● Role Search pattern:​ (objectClass=groupOfNames)

c. Select all the roles of AD and click create roles

4. Inherit a role we have configured in the previous lab to setup permissions, do:

a. Click the assign roles button for the role IT. Denodo Security Management 25

Labs Guide

b. Choose the role ​developer_solution_manager a

​ nd click save.

5. Logout and login as

a. Login: mcrawford9

b. Password: Denodo00 Denodo Security Management 26

Labs Guide

Advanced Privileges
Reference: DEN80EDU21S04

Assign advanced privileges to LDAP users

Reference: DEN80EDU21S04LAB01

Aim of this lab is to configure advanced column and row restrictions for the views to ensure the
data privacy requirements are met, we will

1. Login to ​Virtual DataPort Administration Tool​ with the default admin credentials.

2. Go to ​Administration > Role management​ and select data analyst role

3. Click ​Assign privileges > edit ​option.

4. Provide the ​execute ​privilege to ​bv_hr_employees​. Denodo Security Management 27

Labs Guide

5. Click ​“Assign column privileges​” to open the advanced restriction configuration.

6. Choose the fields ‘employee id’, ‘first name’, ‘last name’, ‘email’, ‘salary’, ‘manager id’,
‘department id’ and 'salary' and click ok Denodo Security Management 28

Labs Guide

7. Click ​Assign restrictions > New Restriction

8. Add conditions by clicking the “Plus” icon and add the below condition

a. concat(getsession('user'),'

9. Select ​reject row if the sensitive field is used​. Denodo Security Management 29

Labs Guide

10. Choose ​Salary ​as a sensitive field by clicking the plus icon next to the field.

11. Click a series of “Ok” to follow to the main screen.

12. Lets perform certain steps to validate the above settings

a. Logout and login with user who has ​Executive ​role

● rmurray2 / Denodo00

● What views can you see? Can you execute all the views?

b. Logout and login with user who has ​Sales ​role

● dcox19 / Denodo00

● Execute the view bv_hr_employees and observe the results. Is there an

error? If so, why? Denodo Security Management 30

Labs Guide

● Lets execute the same view but with selected fields, execute the below in
VQL Shell.

● select employee_id, first_name,last_name from


● Further lets try to access the sensitive field and see what is the results

● select employee_id, first_name, last_name, salary

from bv_hr_employees Denodo Security Management 31

Labs Guide

Single Sign On
Reference: DEN80EDU21S06

Configuring Single Sign On using Keycloak

Reference: DEN80EDU21S06LAB01

Aim of this lab is to walk through the steps required to set up the Single Sign On with Keycloak in
Virtual DataPort. Starting Denodo 8.0, Single Sign On is possible with external iDP using various
schemas, like OAuth, OpenID and SAML, along with the existing Kerberos SSO. Let's go through
the steps, the steps are:

1. First lets check the ​Client configuration​ available in the ​Keycloak​.

a. Login to the KeyCloak, point the browser to ​http://data-server:8585/auth/

b. Choose the ​Administration Console​ from the landing page

c. Credentials: Denodo Security Management 32

Labs Guide

● Username: ​denodo / ​Password: ​denodo

d. Click the ​Clients ​on the explorer on the left side of Administration Console

e. Choose ​denodo80 ​and open client configuration. Denodo Security Management 33

Labs Guide

f. Choose ​Client Scopes​ tab and choose ​Evaluate ​sub tab:

g. Select the user ​cward3 ​and click evaluate to generate a sample token.

h. View the generated token on the Generated Access Token tab

2. Configure the ​Solution Manager​ to use the ​KeyCloak ​to use for SSO.

a. Login to the ​Solution Manager Administration tool​ with admin user.

b. Navigate to the ​Configuration > Authentication​.

c. Expand Single Sign On configuration. Denodo Security Management 34

Labs Guide

d. Toggle the button “enabled”.

e. Choose the authentication method as “​OpenID​”.

f. Configure the required fields as below

● Client id​: ​denodo80

Note​: Get the client ID by clicking on Client in the left side, choose Denodo 80 and copy the
client ID, paste in SM.

● Client Secret​: ​321315dc-83cf-42c6-9e10-3384623828ba

Note​: Get the client ID by clicking on Client in the left side, choose Denodo 80, navigate to
Credentials and copy the client secret, paste in SM.

● User authorization URL​:


● Access token URL​:


● Issuer​:​ http://data-server:8585/auth/realms/denodo


Note: Go to the Realm Settings (available in the left side of the admin console). Click on
OpenID Endpoint configuration. Then enter the values for User authorization URL, Access
token URL, Issuer and JWKS URL from this configuration (mostly based on above format)

● Default process URI​: ​/sso-openid/openid-login

● Scopes​: openid,profile,email,roles

● Check the “Extract Roles from Token”: ​Yes

● Token Role Field​: groups Denodo Security Management 35

Labs Guide

● Click Save to finalize the configuration.

● Wait till the message of successful restart of the authentication server to

finish the process.

3. Validate the roles with permissions to enable users with the role to login.

a. Navigate to the​ Configuration > Role Management​.

b. Ensure that the LDAP roles are present with appropriate privileges were present
as per previous lab

c. Go to ​Configuration > Permissions

d. Ensure that the appropriate permissions are given to the role “IT” which is going
to be used

4. Logout of Solution Manager Administration Tool and log back in using the ​Single Sign On
option, instead of admin use the below credentials on the KeyClock login page

a. Username: cward3 / Password: Denodo00

5. Launch ​Design Studio​ from the My Applications to bring up the Design Studio and access
the tool without again logging in. Denodo Security Management 36

Labs Guide Denodo Security Management 37

Labs Guide

Security in Transit
Reference: DEN80EDU21S08

Enabling TLS using the TLS Configurator Script

Reference: DEN80EDU21S08LAB01

Aim of this lab is to configure the TLS using the TLS Configurator Script, which is a new utility
introduced in Denodo 8 to simplify the Secure connection setup in Denodo Platform. The steps

1. Stop all the servers​ that are running on the Denodo Platform.

2. Change to the Denodo Home Folder and launch the command prompt by typing cmd on
the address bar.

3. Generate a KeyPair, public and private key using the keytool utility of the JRE, use the
below command.

a. .\jre\bin\keytool -genkeypair -alias denodo-server-self-signed

-keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore denodo_server_key_store.jks
-validity 365 -deststoretype jks

b. Use the password as ​denodo ​and retype to confirm.

c. Enter the details for the information requested

● What is your first and last name?: Denodo Virtual DataPort Server Denodo Security Management 38

Labs Guide

● What is the name of your organizational unit?: Denodo Training

● What is the name of your organization?: Denodo Technologies

● What is the name of your City or Locality?: New York

● What is the name of your State or Province?: New York State

● What is the two-letter country code for this unit?: US

● Yes, to confirm the changes

● Press enter to confirm to use the same password as Keystore for the
private key.

Note​: The above values are suggestions, enter the values that suit your case.

Ignore the warning about the JKS and PKCS12 keystores, as the PKCS12 is not compatible with
the Web Tools.

4. Export the Public certificate out of the keystore, use the below command. Denodo Security Management 39

Labs Guide

a. .\jre\bin\keytool -exportcert -alias denodo-server-self-signed

-keystore denodo_server_key_store.jks -file

b. Enter the password, denodo, to initiate the export. If you have used a different
password while generating the keypair, please use it.

5. Create a credentials file as ​​.

6. Encrypt the keystore password and truststore password using the Encrypt script located
under the ​<DENODO_HOME>/bin ​folder. Execute the below command

a. encrypt_password.bat denodo

b. encrypt_password.bat changeit Denodo Security Management 40

Labs Guide

7. Add the content in file in below format:

a. keystore.password=<encryped_value>

b. truststore.password=<encrypted_value>

8. Save the file.

9. Open a CMD from ​<DENODO_HOME>/bin​ folder and execute the following command to
enable TLS (modify accordingly the DENODO_HOME):

a. denodo_tls_configurator.bat --keystore
<DENODO_HOME>\denodo_server_key_store.jks --cert-cer-file
<DENODO_HOME>\denodo_server_public_key.cer --truststore
<DENODO_HOME>\jre\lib\security\cacerts --credentials-file
<DENODO_HOME>\ --denodo-home <DENODO_HOME> Denodo Security Management 41

Labs Guide

10. Restart the servers and open the ​Denodo Platform Control Center​. Denodo Security Management 42

Labs Guide

Connecting to a secure data server using TLS

Reference: DEN80EDU21S08LAB02

Aim of this lab is to configure a web based datasource to check TLS certificates while
establishing the connection. Let's get started, the steps are,

1. Edit the ​ds_product ​data source:

a. WSDL: ​https://data-server:8443/product-ws/services/products-ws?wsdl

b. Select “​Check certificates​” checkbox.

2. As this is a SOAP Web service data source, you have to ​source_refresh ​the
bv_product_by_category ​base view in order to get the new URL configuration. Denodo Security Management 43

Labs Guide

3. Execute a query over the view ​bv_product_by_category ​and check there’s an error (as
the wrapper was not correctly initialized).

a. Use the where condition: ​(parameters).categoryname = 'laptop' Denodo Security Management 44

Labs Guide

4. Get the certificate from the desktop: ​self-signed-tomcat.cer

5. Install the ertificate in the Denodo JRE to make it work:

a. cd <DENODO_HOME>/jre/bin

b. keytool -importcert -alias self-signed-tomcat -file


c. Password: changeit

d. Trust this certificate?: yes

6. Restart Virtual DataPort ​server to read the new certificate. Denodo Security Management 45

Labs Guide

7. Source refresh again the ​bv_product_by_category ​base view and execute a query to get
the results. Denodo Security Management 46

Labs Guide

Further work
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