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37. It is observed that in many countries not enough students

are choosing to study science subjects. What are the causes?
And what will be the effects on society?

- Body 1: Causes
There are many causes to the ever-growing number of students choosing
a different subject instead of science ones:
+ The knowledge surrounding science subjects generally requires the learners to exert a
highly intensive logic processing => difficult to assimilate and grasp => an overall lower
grade compared to that of other subjects => cause science subjects to be infamously
known among students => This induces a fear of science subjects among students and as
such, causes them to distance themselves away from these subjects.

Ex: Some of the most difficult problems in Mathematics require the memorization and
the smart application of many different formulas and patterns to achieve the desired

+ The theory of science subjects includes many explanations for the inner workings of
various things that is only used for the professions related to those subjects => very
technical and specialized => less applicable in everyday life unlike other subjects.

Ex: Biology students learn about bacteria, flora and fauna, how the human body works,
and such specialized knowledge that isn’t used often in our daily lives.

+ The stereotype of science subjects is that they are overtly rational => students view
them as dry, less fun, and exciting to study => might discourage more cultural and active
students from learning science subjects

Ex: a student who likes making music might thinks science subjects are boring.

- Body 2: Effects
Due to the problem of dwindling numbers of students in science subjects,
it might have many implications on society:
+ Less people will later graduate and get a profession in these fields => less researchers,
professionals and professors in these areas => slower development and less

Ex: The essential advancement of the computer which required many researchers of
various expertise’s combined efforts would not have been possible if there had been a
lack of manpower.

+ Peer pressure will discourage future students from learning science subjects => even
less students learn these subjects.

Ex: if future students saw Physics being extremely unpopular, it will make them think
these subjects are unimportant, and thus, not study them.

+ Science subjects improve our cognitive functions => less students studying them
means there will be an overall decrease in critical thinking => A reduction in rational

38. Some people think that teachers should be responsible for

teaching students to judge what is right or wrong so that they can
behave well. Others say that teachers should only teach students
academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

- Body 1: View 1
+ Will make students realize what is wrong due to restrictions from school => helps
shape them into better-behaving children => become law-abiding citizens when they
reach adulthood. => society will have less crimes and unlawful acts committed

Ex: a student that is taught to not hurt animals from a young age will be less likely to
commit animal cruelty later in life.

+ When students have a good morals compass, they will not break the rules of the school
=> more concentrated on studying => Create high quality students

- Body 2: View 2
+ This will somewhat improve students’ results as they will focus more on studying.

+ Students will view school as a more suitable place to learn these academic subjects and
thereby will think of school first if they need knowledge about such subjects.
39. Some people believe that it is more important to teach children
the literature of their own country than of other countries. Do you
agree or disagree?


+ Literature is an abstract way of representing our love for the beauty of our country. =>
Knowing the literature of your country is extremely important for preserving the cultural
values of your people since if you don’t love your own country, you cannot proclaim
yourself as being a citizen of it.

+ Literature of your own country bears many important values that only you can
understand =>Literature of other countries might have many of its own values but is only
of secondary importance to that of your own.

+ If we were to teach students only literature from other countries, we could cause future
generations to completely forget our traditions and customs => our country will lose the
main factor that helps us distinguish from others => lose the fundamental basis for a

40. In the modern world, more and more emphasis is being

placed on acquisition of practical skills rather than knowledge
from text books of other sources. Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of this trend.

- Body 1: Advantages
+ Children will learn various skills that are necessary in everyday life => means they can
cater for themselves instead of relying on others => enable them to live more
independently => will not be too surprised when they grow up and live alone.
+ Some jobs will be done more easily when you know the ins and outs of the respective
skills, and some even require you to know them => Practical skills are very important
when you are applying or working for a job.

- Body 2: Disadvantages

+ Less importance will be attached to learning academic resources => students will
perform worse in standardised tests => an overall reduction in their marks.
+ Since people will learn more practical skills, there will be less room in the curriculum
for more advanced theoritical knowledge textbooks.. Practical skill may have an edge in
implementing basic knowledge, but more in-depth knowledge are necessary for higher
quality manpower.

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