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K11- 2017

WORD CHOICE (5 marks)

1. John argued, ‘if you know about a crime but don’t report it, you are………… that crime because you
allowed it to happen.’
A. acquitted B. steadfast C. complicit D. nullified
2. The speeding car only missed us by a hair's…………..
A. width B. height C. breadth D. length
3. With her ...................... eyesight, Christina spotted a trio of deer in the hillside and she reduced the speed
of her car.
A. keen B. impressionable C. ductile D. conspiratorial
4. ‘You won’t get away with this!’ the old woman....................angrily.
A. chirped B. chattered C. screeched D. croaked
5. The.................... section of our supermarket has a wide range of fresh fruits and vegetables.
A. production B. produce C. product D. productive
6. The government has.................... the idea until at least next year.
A. stockpiled B. overthrown C. shelved D. disrupted
7. Journalists were.............. around the hotel, waiting to interview the star.
A. staggering B. trudging C. milling D. sauntering
8. It was a hot summer day and ice cream salesmen were doing a .............. trade.
A. busy B. lucrative C. bustling D. roaring
9. It’s hard to get back into the.............. of things after a long holiday.
A. pace B. swing C. way D. rhythm
10. The old lady was becoming increasingly affected by .....................
A. masculinity B. senility C. virility D. audacity
11. Closure of schools took place ..................... falling numbers of pupils.
A. in the context of B. with regard to
C. with a concern for D. in consideration of
12. Our hotel room was surprisingly....................., especially taking into consideration that it was very
reasonably priced.
A. decadent B. languid C. vivacious D. commodious
13. Georgina…………admiration and adoration which is no doubt why she’s such a successful film- star and
an impossible wife.
A. blooms on B. thrives on C. profit from D. grows up on
14. Executives in international companies usually have to do at least a three year................... abroad.
A. span B. service C. run D. stint
15. The High Street in Cambridge is blocked by a lorry that has ..................... its load.
A. slipped B. shed C. loosed D. overturned
16. The country has a large………….on its balance of payments.
A. extra B. addition C. overflow D. surplus
17. He looked rather untidy as there were two buttons………….from his coat.
A. loosing B. losing C. off D. missing
18. Most people feel a slight......................of nostalgia as they think back on their schooldays.
A. feeling B. surge C. pang D. chain
19. Of all entries received, his was.....................out for special raise.
A. isolated B. brought C. opted D. singled
20. The matter has been left in ...................... until the legal ramifications have been explored.
A. recess B. suspension C. abeyance D. criticism
21. He's so lazy! We all have to work harder because he's always...................... his duties.
A. evading B. shirking C. ducking D. dodging
22. There has been a slight, improvement in his health, but he is not out of the …………….. yet.
A. forests B. woods C. mountain D. cave
23. She bought that ugly big house because she has got more money than…………….
A. sense B. mind C. thought D. reason
24. People in this village has an ..................... appetite for news.
A. inevitable B. inexorable C. insatiable D. inedible
25. Tome said something disgusting, from which and a heated argument.....................,the result of which was
that they broke up.
A. ensued B. eventuated C. supervened D. transpired
26. The modification has been the ..................... on the cake for both of us, for a lot of hard work has gone
into the design and development of the course.
A. chilling B. cooling C. freezing D. icing
27. Most academic articles bounce around from topic to topic, really without…………, but are informative.
A. common or garden B. hell or high water
C. let or hindrance D. rhyme or reason
28. The new manager is.....................easy-going. He is always very serious about the work.
A. by no means B. by means of
C. by all means D. in the mean time
29. He was arrested for trying to pass................... notes at the bank.
A. camouflaged B. fake C. counterfeit D. fraudulent
30. We all make mistakes; no-one is ...................
A. fallible B. infallible C. mistaken D. unmistakable
31. The smell of the burnt cabbage was so ................... that it spread to every room.
A. pervasive B. effusive C. extensive D. diffuse
32. He managed to ................... the flow of blood by tightly bandaging the wound.
A. restrain B. check C. curb D. inhibit
33. It was only when he had been unemployed for six months that Neil’s situation hit ....................
A. base B. head C. home D. back
34. The art teacher gave the children a free................... in their creative compositions
A. offer B. gift C. kick D. hand
35. He preferred to .................any profits he made back into the business.
A. sow B. plant C. plough D. dig
36. Thanks to generous support from parents, the threat of the college being closed down has now ...............
A retreated B. revised C. retired D. receded
37. Social differences tend to be.............. when private and state schools exist side by side.
A. raised B. augmented C. added D. elevated
38. The company managed to ................ the last economic depression by cutting its work force.
A. surmount B. override C. weather D. float out
39. After the team’s latest disatrous defeat, the future of the manager hangs in the .............
A. balance B. thread C. scales D. yam
40. Numbers at the evening class have …………..rather badly. In fact, if attendance gets any worse, we may
have to cancel the course altogether.
A. lessened B. dwindled C. deteriorated D. crumbled
41. There can be no …………..fixes or magic solutions to the problem of unemployment.
A. fast B speedy C. quick D. sudden
42. You need to ………….. out your argument with a few more examples.
A. flirt B. blurt C. flesh D. flatter
43. By making it easier to trace who is phoning, companies have reduced the number of…………..calls.
A. evil B. malignant C. malicious D. wicked
44. By creating an improved smile, a dental surgeon can dramatically alter a person’s whole ……………… of
A. perception B. observation C. discernment D. consciousness
45. Products in supermarkets should be laid before customers as ……………… as possible.
A. adoringly B. enticingly C. magickingly D. dazzlingly
46. He was engrossed in the paperwork to the ……………… of his own interests and the annoyance of
everybody concerned.
A. damage B. harm C. detriment D. disadvantage
47. The results of the ……………… research can be interpreted in many ways .
A. quality B. qualified C. qualifier D. qualitative
48. We put some……………of bread every day out for the birds.
A. chunks B. crumbs C. cubes D. chops
49. The heavy rain lashed on …………… throughout the night without letting up.
A. continually B. continuously C. perpetually D. eternally
50. Everything included, the cost of our new living room came to a ……………total of $10, 000.
A. full B. great C. gross D. grand
51. On Saturday, Vivian studied for seven hours…………….
A. on end B. at once C. in full D. at length
52. The company seeks to ………….. staff and has a generous package of benefits.
A. possess B. retain C. own D. grasp
53. All the members of the board were………….. themselves to please the Chairperson.
A. coming about B. jumping over C. carrying off D. falling over
54. I don't know how George could ever find anything as his desk was always…………..
A. messed B. cluttered C. jumbled D. cramped
55. I'm afraid we got our………….. crossed. I thought my husband would be picking up the children and he
thought I was doing it.
A. minds B. purposes C. fingers D. wires
56. It took me a long time to get the………….. of my new computer.
A. hang B. knack C. habit D. use
57. This report………….. the current problems faced by commuters and suggests a number of improvements.
A. encapsulates B. encloses C. inspects D. involves
58. Immigrants live in …………... conditions, with up to 15 sharing a small room.
A. spacious B. cramped C. restrained D. constrained
59. The Minister…………... tribute to rescue workers for their “courage in the face of adversity”.
A. sold B. paid C. lent D. spent
60. If she doesn’t get what she wants, she throws a …………..., stamping her feet and screaming her head off.
A. outburst B. tantrum C. steam D. rage
61. I do wish these documents were written in …………...English - they’re far too complicated to understand.
A. good B. avid C. plain D. rough
62. There wasn’t a …………... of truth in what he said.
A. ray B. lump C. grain D. pinch
63. Hedgehogs, bears and other animals that hibernate remain …………..during winter.
A. deactivated B. dormant C. impassive D. inert
64. Despite the fog, we were able to discern a …………..of cottages in the distance.
A. cluster B. clutter C. congregation D. constellation
65. The police have been…………..the district for the murderer, leaving no stone unturned.
A. brainwashing B. penetrating C. ransacking D. scouring
66. A student on the ………….. of a new life at university killed himself with a massive tranquiliser
A. inception B. kick-off C. portal D. threshold
67. We are fighting to make peace in the Vietnam Waters, but negotiations are ………….. with difficulties.
A. bedeviled B. beleaguered C. beset D. besieged
68. The bus stopped at the traffic lights with a ..................... of the brakes.
A. screech B. howl C. crash D. grind
69. The police promised him ...................... from prosecution if he co-operated with them fully.
A. safety B. protection C. immunity D. absolution
70. Salted butter was developed to prevent spoilage; and to mask the taste of .................. butter.
A. mouldy B. rotten C. bad D. rancid
71. There were so many people ............ me in the crowd that I couldn’t hold the camera steady.
A. jostling B. jerking C. obstructing D. agitating
72. I thought you were looking a little .................... this morning.
A. tumble-down B. downcast C. run-down D. down-and -out
73. The crew on the stage had to move the ................. scenery during the play. It is a good thing that they are
A. cumbersome B. spurious C. spasmodic D. perennial


74. The papers are full of scandals, but in a few days it will all have......................away.
A. given B. taken C. thrown D. blown
75. He was hoping to sell his house for $100,000, but he had to settle....................$80,000.
A. by B. at C. for D. in
76. You should see.................... getting your hair cut.
A. about B. over C. around D. through
77. John: “Have you been able to persuade your father to buy a computer?”
Edward: “No, he is dead....................the idea.”
A. on B. against C. forward D. out
78. Mrs. Stannard shook hands, her eyes taking.................... Karin from head to foot.
A. at B. on C. onto D. in
79. I was promised a good job from January this year, but it’s April now and I’m afraid that they are
just.............. me along.
A. cheating B. swindling C. stringing D. bringing
80. When he suddenly.....................up the subject of genetic engineering, there was an embarrassed silence
A. took B. brought C. showed D. came
81. After she ate the chocolates, her face broke..................... in a rash.
A. out B. in C. off D. up
82. While Diana was very much ................... awe of her grandfather, she adores her grandmother.
A. in B. by C. for D. on
83. I was trying to catch up ................... the work I’ve missed.
A. on B. with C. in D. under
84. To get his proposal accepted, the Finance Manager had to ..................... heavy pressure from colleagues.
A. fend off B. laugh off C. send off D. push off
85. The staff can’t take leaves at the same time. They have to take holidays...................rotation.
A. on B. under C. by D. in
86. We have been really busy, but things are starting to slacken
A. away B. off C. out D. on
87. This song is really .................... me.
A. growing on B. getting on C. picking up D. coming out
88. When he suddenly ……………. the subject of genetic engineering, there was an embarrassed silence.
A. took over B. showed up C. brought up D. came up with
89. Country life differs from urban life in .....................a sense of community generally binds the inhabitants
of small villages together.
A. it B. what C. which D.
90. after another, parallel computers perform groups of operations at the same time.
A. Conventional computers, by handling tasks
B. Since tasks being handled by conventional computers
C. Whereas conventional computers handle tasks
D. While tasks handled by conventional computers
91. We had a terrible row a few years ago and we still haven’t made it ....................
A. out B. up C. for D. of
92. Before they open a new factory, a lot of young people round here were...................the dole.
A. in B. on C. at D. up
93. The doctor advised us...................travelling to Egypt without having the proper inoculations first...
A. from B. of C. against D.
94. The party ................... rather well. Everyone seemed to have enjoyed themselves.
A. went off B. came forward C. folded up D. got over
95. He................... all his savings on that venture which fortunately succeeded.
A. went on B. put on C. laid out D.
took on
96. Even though he was proved wrong, he absolutely refused to ...............
A. change after B. back down C. hold back D. feel off
97. The corruption scandal caused the resignation of three minister and eventually, even the prime
A. kept down B. stood down C. made off D. lay down
98. We were so close to finalizing the contract, but it ......... at the last minute due to the customer having
financial concerns.
A. backed away B. passed off C. fell through D. showed
99. The two brothers fight continually, mainly…………... jealousy.
A. out from B. in view of C. with a view to D. out of
100. Unfortunately some really ill animals have to be ………… our center.
A. put down B. turned over C. passed away D. taken out
101. They offered to buy her a BMW but she’s ……………… a Porsche.
A. holding on B. holding out for
C. going on with D. going through
102. I’ve been playing tennis for years, if this complete beginner beats me, I’ll never ……………….
A. look up to it B. take after it C. cut down on it D. live it down
103. The smell of paint from outside……………… my breakfast, I’m afraid.
A. held up B. gave off C. came up against D. put me
104. She played………………the fact that I’d enjoyed studying Shakespeare at school and suggested that I
audition for a part.
A. off B. over C. by D. up
105. We found a journalist………….. in our backyard.
A. leaking out B. nosing about C. climbing down D. hopping out
106. After a difficult childhood, Jeannie bounced………….. when she was adopted by a caring family.
A. up B. off C. back D. over
107. He really gets……………. my nerves. He never stops complaining.
A. down B. up C. in D. on
108. A retired woman has been tricked……………. of her life savings by a bogus financial adviser.
A. into B. out C. on D. for
109. It is his versatility that ……………. him apart from other actors of his generation.
A. puts B. makes C. sends D. sets
110. I know I ought to go to the dentist’s, but I never seem to ……………. round to making an appointment.
A. get B. come C. bring D. put
111. Serious things have happened and it’s no good people letting…………..that they didn’t.
A. down B. in for C. in on D. on
112. At first, Tim insisted he was right, but then began to....................
A. back down B. follow up C. drop off D. break up
113. No agreement was reached. The strikers decided to ...................... out for a better deal.
A. keep B. watch C. hold D. draw
114. Gareth Bale is a brilliant young footballer who is ......................the up and up.
A. in B. to C. through D. on
115. In his speech, he ....................the plight of the sick and the hungry.
A. dwelt on B. glossed over C. drummed up D. sounded off
116. I have tried asking Stephanie, but she’s proving difficult to ....................a particular date.
A. let in on B. pin down to C. tie in with D. creep up on
117. There is nothing like a spa treatment to end...................a relaxing day spent on the beach on an Olu
Deniz holiday.
A. up B. in C. off D. with
118. We will have to economise..................... heating or we’ll won’t be able to pay the bill.
A. about B. with C. on D. over
119. The government has been forced to ......................the issue of increased tax.
A. climb down over B. walk out on C. crack down on D. read up on

120. They accepted what he had said………………default of any evidence to disprove it.
A. to B. for C. with D. in
121. The damage to the building is………………over $1 million.
A. put at B. put in C. put up D. put forward
122. She got the job ……………… virtue of her greater experience.
A. by B. from C. in D. for
123. Many collectors are willing to pay ………………the odds for early examples of his work.
A. over B. above C. up D. beyond

124. It’s urgent...................of the problem as soon as humanly possible.
A. the boss be informed B. to be informed the boss
C. the boss’s being informing D. informing the boss
125. The accountant broke the law, so it would be irresponsible of the firm....................
A. not to fire him B. if they won’t fire him
C. that they not fire him D. for not firing him
126. I hope everything’s OK. They .................... several hours ago.
A. would have called B. must have called
C. were to have called D. supposed to call
127. “Which is more important? Luck or effort?” - “Luck is................... effort.”
A. on the same importance B. of the same importance as
C. the same importance as D. as the same importance as
128. ..................., we stayed inside the house.
A. The stormy day it was B. It were a stormy day
C . It is a stormy day D. It being a stormy day
129. It seems they aren’t planning to recall their ambassador,................... their usual procedure in such cases.
A. as is B. as it is C. since it is D. that is
130. I don’t know why nobody ever listens to Ted. He’s ................. as intelligent as his brother.
A. rather B. fairly much C. somewhat D. every bit
every bit
adv. to the same degree (often followed by `as')
131. It is estimated that …………... 10% of the population goes to university.
A. any B. a C. some D. the
some 500 people/50%/£100 etc
an expression meaning about 500 people, 50%, £100 etc - used especially when this seems a large number or
She gained some 25 pounds in weight during pregnancy.
132. We’re having ………………dinner to welcome the new manager.
A. Ø B. some C. the D. a
133. “Did the minister approve the building plans?” - “Not really. He turned them down………………that
the costs were too high.”
A. on the grounds B. provided C. in case D. supposing
134. “Why doesn’t Constance buy a dishwasher?” - “She can’t ………………because there isn’t enough
space in the kitchen.”
A. have installed one B. have one installed
C. have one install D. have install one
135. The planes were delayed and the hotel was awful, but………………we still had a good time.
A. on the contrary B. by the same token
C. on top of all that D. for all that
by the same token
used to mean that something you are about to say is also true, for the same reasons as what has just been said:
I don't think that prices will go up but, by the same token, I don't see them going down either.
136. ………….. , he tried to fix the machine.
A. Not being a computer expert with standing
B. Despite of not being a computer expert
C. Though no computer expert
D. In spite of no computer expert

Động từ trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ là động từ “to be” hoặc động từ
nối (linking verb)
Nếu động từ trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ là động từ “to be” hoặc động từ nối (linking verb), thì ta bỏ
luôn cả động từ, chỉ giữ lại danh từ hoặc tính từ.
Rút gọn mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian thường dùng với các liên từ mang ý nghĩa tương phản,
trái ngược như although, though, while.
Ví dụ:

 Although Anna felt stressed, she decided to keep the job.

⇒ Although stressed, Anna decided to keep the job.

 Though Minh is an excellent student, he failed the test.

⇒ Though an excellent student, Minh failed the test.

137. For the first few months, the babies looked so alike I couldn’t tell………….
A. who is whom B. which is which
C. which from which D. whom with whom
138. As soon as John………….., we can leave.
A. has the car starting B. has got the car started
C. got started the car D. was got starting the car
139. “Does your uncle earn much?”
“Of course not. Otherwise, he…………..on his parents all the time.”
A. would not have had to relyB. doesn’t have to rely
C. would not have to rely D. won’t have to rely
140. -A: You’re sitting on my bag, Linda
-B : …………... Sorry.
A: So, am I B. So I am C. So do I D. So I do
So I am = you are right
141. Tickets will not be redeemable for cash or credit at any time,……………..will they be replaced if lost or
A. but B. though C. only D. nor
142. I stopped the car, and up……………..
A. did a policeman walk B. a policeman walked
C. walked a policeman D. walk a policeman
143. …………….before, his first performance for the amateur dramatic group was a success.
A. Though having never acted B. Despite he had never acted
C. As he had never acted D. In spite of his never having acted
144. ……………., dolphins have no sense of smell.
A. As known as far B. As far as is known
C. It is known as far D. Known as far as it is
145. Would you letter while I am away?
A. too good as to forward B. as good as forward
C. so good as to forward D. so good as forwarding

would you be so good as to do s.t = would you be good

enough to do something
: used for asking someone very politely to do something

Would you be good enough to wait in the lobby?

146. On the top of the mountain..........................where my father was born.

A. the cabin is located B. is the located cabin
C. is located the cabin D. located is the cabin
147. I went to have a look at the room where I ..................... that afternoon.
A. was to have talked B. was to talk
C. should have talked D. must have talked
148. If he another woman, I’ll kill him.
A. as to look B. much as to look
C. much as looks D. much as looking

so much as (not comparable)

1. Even; suggests a minimum, especially regarding what might be expected.
Without so much as asking, he walked into the office and started digging through their files.
If she so much as looked at another man, I’d divorce her!

149. .................and terrifying, coral snakes can grow to 4 feet (1.2 meters) in length.
A. They are extremely poisonous B. The poisonous is extreme
C. Extremely poisonous D. An extremely amount of poison

WORD FORMS (20pts)

2. Trường THPT chuyên Hoàng Lệ Kha – Tây Ninh 208

6. A number of ............... are still researching into telepathy and hypnosis. (PSYCHOLOGY)
7. Many studies have examined various psychological correlates of...............perception scores, such as
personality traits. (SENSE)- EXTRASENSORY
10. Ava told me something...............under her breath, which I could not make head or tail of.

3. Trường THPT chuyên Lê Thánh Tông – Quảng Nam 218

1. My friends started going out late to nightclubs so I decided to .......................myself from the group.
4. My father is a strict.................who always believes in 'spare the rod, spoil the child'. (DISCIPLINE)
5. Sales forecasts indicate a poor............. for the clothing industry. (LOOK)
6. An alarm sounds when the temperature reaches a .............................level. (DETERMINE) -

4. Trường THPT chuyên Quang Trung – Bình Phước 228

3. They were accused of ..................... of the terms of the contract. (OBSERVE)

10. A ..................... person always tries to be fair and rea son able, and always listens to other people's
opinions. (MIND)

6. Trường THPT chuyên Nguyễn Thiện Thành – Trà Vinh 247

1. Both countries are signatories to the Nuclear......................Treaty. (PROLIFERATE)- NON-
2. I admire her ......................way of dealing with people. (RIGHT)- FORTHRIGHT
4. He demanded......................sentences for those behind the violence. (EXAMPLE)
10. Most people believe that the government dispenses...................... justice. (HAND)

8. Trường THPT chuyên Nguyễn Tất Thành – Kon Tum 264

botany reveal molecule please compare

evolution pollinate ordinary distant like

Rafflesia is a rare parasitic plant species found in Southeast Asia. Rafflesia has been (11).................. to a
fungus because it lacks chlorophyll and is incapable of photosynthesis. Perhaps the only part of Rafflesia that
is discernible as distinctly plant-like is the flower, which is said to be the world ’s largest.
Many (12 ).................have been keen to discover why the flower is so large, so they recently conducted
(13).................analysis on the plant. This resulted in the (14 )................. that it has evolved almost 80 times
from its origin as a tiny bud to today’s seven-kilo mega-bloom. Although this (15).............. transformation
took tens of millions of years, such an (16)...................... spurt is still one of the most dramatic size changes
ever reported. Such growth rates in humans would be (17)................. to us being 146 meters tall today.
The plant is also unusual in another way. Its smell is extremely (18).................but this horrible trait attracts
such (19).................. . as flies. It is thought that Rafflesia’s huge flower helps radiate the smell over long
(20) ......................

10. Trường THPT chuyên Nguyễn Du – Đắk Lắk 283

onus child fatigue mind able

white take access enter climate

There is no other race quite like it; no other race in a place so (1).................. ; no other race which puts the
body through a test of (2).................. of such extremes. The Antarctic Ice Marathon was the (3).................. of
Richard Donovan, whose company, Polar Running Adventures, gives runners the opportunity to
(4) a race through the barren wasteland that is the snow-covered Union Glacier. Last year, there
were some 34 participants in the race, and, this time, the number of (5).................. is expected to be higher
still; such has been the level of interest shown by members of the public, amateur and professional athletes
and the media alike. But, while the prospect of being part of as unique an experience as the Antarctic Ice
Marathon is, seems, on the face of it, a rather agreeable notion, those considering putting their names in the
mix would do well to be (6).................. of just how intense and (7).................., both physically and
psychologically, the event can be. You will be cut off completely from civilization, with not even a penguin
there to cheer you on, and you may have to face temperatures dipping considerably lower than the levels your
body would (8).................. itself to dealing with, not to mention the (9) ................ of Tine weather - think
instead near (10).................. conditions and zero visibility. But, if you still fancy giving it a go, get in touch
with Richard and he can make your dream (or nightmare) come true.
11. Trường THPT chuyên Thoại Ngọc Hầu – An Giang 293

A. Put the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. The careless driver was.........................................about his bad behavior, which made all the witnesses fly
into a rage. (APOLOGIZE)
2. The pregnant woman is looking at the collection of ....................................... clothes. (MATERNAL)
3. There was a /an..................................... change in the tone of her voice.
Almost nobody could recognize it. (PERCEIVE)
4. The slight ................ ........ in his left hand was corrected by surgery. (FORM)
7. The company has established total........................ over its rivals. (SUPREME)
8. Bard is a very good employee, and is very ............................ (CONSCIENCE)
9. He achieved..................................for failing a drug test after winning an Olympic final. (NOTORIOUS)
10. Before enrolling on a course, you should first ensure that it has been ......................... by an officially
recognized body. (VALID)

12. Trường THPT chuyên Tiền Giang – Tiền Giang 302

WORD FORM 1: Give the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. To contrast and relate the two styles of Picasso, you should have his early drawings .....................with his
later works in the exhibition. (POSE)
2. It is common knowledge that oil and water are ............... . For example, pouring olive oil into water results
in two distinct layers. (MIX)
5. Our principal is virtually ............... in English, Chinese and Vietnamese (LANGUAGE)
6. The last recession......................the economy. (VITAL)
7. Like many..... of his generation, he was fascinated by the Internet (technology)
8. Since most problem are ................... there are several alternatives to choose from each with unique pros and
cons. (FACET)
9. I don’t think Tom’s getting too much sleep lately. His eyes are terribly................. (BLEED)

13. Trường THPT chuyên Trần Đại Nghĩa – Tp. Hồ Chí Minh 311

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the capitalized words in brackets.
2. Though she had spent hours fixing the computer he …………..her efforts. (LITTLE)
3. He ran a hot bath and……………in it for half an hour. (LUXURY)
5. If the cabin ………….., oxygen masks will automatically drop down. (PRESS)
7. An ………….. person tries to make other people do what he or she wants in an unpleasant and forceful
14. Trường THPT chuyên Trần Hưng Đạo – Bình Thuận 321

A. Give the correct form of each word in brackets to complete the sentence.
1. A combination of boredom and, increasingly, ……………..ensured that the standard of the son’s work
declined alarmingly. (ABSENCE)
2. Distances between the stars are……………..vast. (IMAGINE )
3. The locals are advised to stay away from …………….. rioters. (CONFRONT)
4. He sounded…………….. enthusiastic about the idea. (EXCESS)
5. Although he is not a native speaker, his foreign accent seems almost……………...(PERCEIVE)
6. The paint will cover any…………….. in the surface of the walls. (REGULAR)
7. The movie has been criticized for apparently……………..violence. (LEGITIMATE)
8. A conspicuous indication of his promising career wrecked by scandal is that he has been…………….. to a
lower range. (PROMOTION)
9. He was …………….. about losing and said that he’d be back next year to try again. (PHILOSOPHER)
10. The plan to …………….. the inner cities has been unanimously approved by the committee. (VITAL)

B. Choose a word from the box and give it a proper form to fill in each gap to complete the passage.
design execute enhance drama out
demand orientate company acquire sleep

Power napping is an effective and under-used tool, it is a quick, intense sleep which (1) …………… improve
alertness. These naps are especially useful for those whose sleep is constrained by a (2) ………… schedule:
for example, mothers of small children or traveling business (3)……………. However, the
conditions must be right and practice is required for maximum effect.
Power naps should be short, between ten and twenty-five minutes, to prevent (4) ……………on awakening.
Some people believe it is impossible to fall asleep in such a short time, but (5) …………… of the habit is
simply a question of practice. At the (6) …………… , it is more important to relax for a while than actually
fall asleep.
Power napping is not a good idea if you find it difficult to wake up at the (7) ……………time to have
problems sleeping at night after a power nap in the day. The kind of dozing that can (8) ……………a
sensation of overwhelming (9) …………… is not a true power nap, but a desperate attempt to compensate for
a poor sleep routine.
However, with practice, you will find that power naps can lead to a welcome (10) …………… of your,
performance when you need it most.

15. Trường THPT chuyên Mạc Đĩnh Chi – Tp. HCM330

1. She had had a .......................... of what might lie ahead. (PRESENT)

3. Her willingness to work hard is what...................... her from the other students. (SIGN)
4. The impact on the environment of this massive oil spillage is................. (PONDER)
6. Tuesday’s news report of another baby mix-up case sadly last night’s TV drama on a
similar subject. (TOPIC )
7. Many governments are.......................... after 50 years. (CLASS)
8. The car veered onto the wrong side of the road and collided with a(n)..................... truck. (COME)
9. The opening of the new theatre a month ahead of schedule brought........................all round. (SLAP)
16. Trường THPT chuyên Bình Long – Bình Phước 339

2. The government imposed a ………….tax on some industries. (FALL)

3. The role of clouds is one of the big conundrums of ………….. (CLIMATE)
4. My uncle is a …………. , whose job is to advise people on what kind of food they should eat to keep
healthy. (DIET)
7. Actually, scientists say that cloned animals will not be exact replicas of their…………. (GENE)
9. My friends started going out late to nightclubs so I decided to………….myself from the group. (SOCIAL)
10. In buying their business , the company gains a major………….in a market it considers critical to the
future of the industry. (HOLD)

17. Trường THPT chuyên Nguyễn Thượng Hiền – Tp HCM 349

1. He was fined £500 and……………from driving for three years. (QUALIFY)

10. A heavy……………before the start of the match left the pitch looking rather like a swimming pool.

18. Trường THPT chuyên Phan Châu Trinh – Tp Đà Nẵng 359

3. My mother was unable to get over her..................... since she was never a part of the high-tech generation,
for whom computers must have been a living nightmare. (PHOBIC)
4. People coming from the Southern Vietnam always enjoy home cooking, especially the snakehead fish done
slowly in .....................pots over fires then served with rice and vegetables. (EARTH)
6. The jailbreaking of iOS is led by a (n)..................... talented and pre-eminent group of hackers, whose jobs
are much more complex than its simple elements might imply. (PASS)
7. The mind-boggling TV series Sense8 has posed a serious question: What happens when our convictions
and callings clash..................... with those of ordinary people? (CONCILIATE)
10. While many people argue that taking a gap year and travelling before college is merely a waste of time
and money, others consider it a (n)..................... experience that provides insight into real life. (EYE)

20. Trường THPT chuyên Lê Quý Đôn – Bà Rịa – Vũng Tàu 378

3. How can a loving, (POTENT).............. God permit disease, war and suffering?
6. As the clock ticked (TONE).....................on the wall Mr Simons slowly and methodically cut up and ate his
7. He knew hundreds, perhaps thousands, of song off the top of his head, but he was not a
(VIRTUE) ....................musician.
9. I fought some guy on the weekend and (HEAD)..........his ass into the ground.

1. Trường THPT chuyên Bảo Lộc – Tp. Bảo Lộc 199

IV. (20 marks)

Rewrite each of the sentences with the given word or the given beginning so that the new sentence has
3. I'm sure Jemma is going to become a famous model one day.
- I think it’s only.....................................................................................................
4. Most of the children ignored what the teacher had told them.
- Few of the children..............................................................................................
10. The public reacted angrily to the minister’s remarks. DREW
- The .................................................................................................. the public.

2. Trường THPT chuyên Hoàng Lệ Kha – Tây Ninh 208

8. The fact that he will never race again is something he cannot accept. (TERMS)
→He can not ................................................................................................................................

3. Trường THPT chuyên Lê Thánh Tông – Quảng Nam 218

3. I think he’s at last beginning to agree with me. ROUND

I think he’s …………………………………………………………………………………………
6. What he told me made me very curious to hear the rest of the story. APPETITE
7. Competitors were amazed by how shrewdly he conducted his business affairs. MARVELLED
Competitors.......................................which he conducted his business affairs.

4. Trường THPT chuyên Quang Trung – Bình Phước 228

3. The Mountain Rescue Team is pessimistic about the missing climbers.

→ The Mountain Rescue Team doesn’t hold ................................................................
5. Despite difficulties there may be, I promise to protect her.
→ Against .......................................................... ...........................................................
6. You have to use logic and lateral thinking in equal measure in this job. (strike)
→ You have to................................................................................................................
8. Ours is the only company allowed to import these chemicals. (monopoly)
→ Our company has.....................................................................................................
9. The handling of the matter has been heavily criticised by the press. (scorn)
→ The press..............................................................................................the matter.
10. Joan was not sure if it was a good idea to employ such young staff. (misgivings)
→ Joan ...................................................................................................young staff.
6. Trường THPT chuyên Nguyễn Thiện Thành – Trà Vinh 247

6. I always had the feeling she was not pushing our friendship forward. (ARM)
10. It all boils down to one thing - we need another ten thousand dollars to complete the project. (BOTTOM)

8. Trường THPT chuyên Nguyễn Tất Thành – Kon Tum 264

5. We were lucky to find somewhere to park so quickly. STROKE

It was…………………………………………………….. somewhere to park so quickly.
10. I can’t cope at all with my new job, and that bothers me. DEPTH
I wish…………………………………………………… new job.

9. Trường THPT chuyên Nguyễn Quang Diệu – Đồng Tháp 273

52. My salary is half what it would be in the job I was offered in January.
If I had ...........................................................................................................................
53. “Without the rapid growth in population there would be fewer food shortages.”
He blamed ......................................................................................................................
55. You could be arrested for not giving a breath sample to the police. (REFUSAL)
57. The offer to go and work in Brazil was a complete surprise. (BLUE)
58. He is the kind of man who will do anything to crush the competition (GO)
He is the kind of man ..................................................crush the competition.
10. Trường THPT chuyên Nguyễn Du – Đắk Lắk 283


A. Finish each of the sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed
before it
1. The underprivileged were no worse-off fifty years ago than they are now.
The underprivileged were every.......................................................................
2. That the press heaped scorn on the handling of the crisis is immaterial to us.
3. In a nutshell, Joseph’s not up to the job.
The long and....................................................................................................
4. There aren’t many other books which explain this problem so well.
In few other books .........................................................................................

B. Rewrite each of the following sentences with the given words in such a way that the second sentence
has the same meaning as the first one. Do not change the form of the words ill brackets.
1. Although the signs are optimistic, there are imminent dark cloud. (TEETH)
On the ...........................................................................................................optimistic signs.
2. We only ingratiated ourselves with our teacher because Kate insisted (CURRIED )
It was .........................................................................................................our teacher.
3. Nobody expected it of him but Sam was laid off. (RANKS)
Against......................................................................................................... unemployed.
4. If the candidates didn’t work harder, they would fail the exam. (SOCKS)
The can didates,......................................................................................................... grade.
6. He was really jealous when he saw his opponent make it through to next round. (ADVANCE)
He was green ........................................................................................................................

11. Trường THPT chuyên Thoại Ngọc Hầu – An Giang 293

4. You must concentrate on your work more.

→You must apply..............................................................................................
2. I suddenly realized the meaning of a “freebie”. (DAWNED)
→ ..............................................................................................................

12. Trường THPT chuyên Tiền Giang – Tiền Giang 302

10. Harry was close to swimming the big race. (ace)

Harry was...................... ................................................. ...........................................

13. Trường THPT chuyên Trần Đại Nghĩa – Tp. Hồ Chí Minh 311

5. I felt relaxed at Gita’s house because her parents greeted me so warmly. (EASE)
→ Gita’s parents………………………………………………… of their greetings.
7. You should observe the task carefully before you decide. (WEATHER)
→ You should………………………………………………………………………
8. Since there wasn’t a better alternative, I accepted the job. (ABSENCE)
→ In ………………………………………………………………………………..
9. It seems to me that my parents cope calmly with everything I do. (STRIDE)
→ I’m under………………………………………………………………………..

14. Trường THPT chuyên Trần Hưng Đạo – Bình Thuận 321

PART A. Finish each sentence below so that its meaning remains unchanged.
1. The judge said that it was only because of the woman’s age he had not sent her to jail.
The judge said that had ...............................................................................................
2. The two children began to argue fiercely about who had damaged the bicycle.
A fierce argument..........................................................................................................
3. Celia finally managed to buy her own house after years of saving.
Only after..................................... ................................................................................
4. The head teacher is well known for his reliability and dedication.
The head teacher is reputed to......................................................................................
5. The gun going off was the signal for everyone to panic.
As soon .........................................................................................................................

1. Would she feel offended if I offered to help?
Would she take ................. ........................................ (AMISS)
5. He got promoted so quickly because he knew important people who could help him.
He got promoted so quickly because he had ...................................................... (FRIENDS)

15. Trường THPT chuyên Mạc Đĩnh Chi – Tp. HCM330

5. He has an obsession about the dishonesty of lawyers. (BEE)

He ....................................................................................................................
9. The pop star insisted that there was no basis to the claims made against him. (UNFOUNDED)
The pop star ...................................................................................................
10. We are not responsible for valuables that are not left in the hotel safe. (DISCLAIM)
We .................................................................................................................

16. Trường THPT chuyên Bình Long – Bình Phước 339

1. Nowadays many doctors are too busy with their work, so they have less time for their children. (BOUND)
→ Nowadays……………………………………………. to have time for their children.
3. I did not attend the farewell party last night because I had a lot of work to deal with. (NECK)
→ If I………………………………., I would have attended the farewell party last night.
5. Sam’s impressive speech helped her achieve very good results for her promotion. (MIRACLES)
→ Sam’s impressive speech helped her…………………………………………
7. When the year is coming, all members are excited. (FEVER)
→ When the year is coming,…………………………………………………….
8. The singer was willing to sacrifice her happiness to become famous. (ALTAR)
→ …………………………………………………………………………………
10. In the court, a lawyer made every effort to find mistakes in the witness’s statement. (HOLES)
→ …………………………………………………………………………………

17. Trường THPT chuyên Nguyễn Thượng Hiền – Tp HCM 349

3. I regret not having the feeling of achieving anything after reaching the summit but 1 was too exhausted.
I wish I ………………………………………after reaching the summit but I was too exhausted.
6. Most employees used to be proud of working for the same company all their lives but not anymore.
Most employees no …………………………… working for the same company all their lives.
8. He thinks his friends do not appreciate him. (GRANTED)
He disliked ……………………………………………………. by his friends.
7. They still haven’t carried out a full assessment of the effects of these changes. (FULLY)
The effects of these changes have yet……………………………………………………..

18. Trường THPT chuyên Phan Châu Trinh – Tp Đà Nẵng 359

2. That the press heaped scorn on the handling of the crisis is immaterial to us.
- Of ......................................................................................................................
3. The last time there was such an environmental catastrophe was a thousand years ago.
- Not................................................................................................................... proportions.

1. I was not well enough to play football that day.

- I didn’t feel...................................................................................................................
3. John advised starting the project over again from the beginning to get it perfect. (SCRATCH)
- It was on ...................................................................................................................perfection.
5. People always hold fate responsible for whatever’s going wrong in their life. (UNTOWARD).
- People always pin ................................................................................................................... happens.
6. People say that Nguyen Chi Thanh was once an example of an exceptionally green street. (SINGLED)
- Nguyen Chi Thanh ...................................................................................................................

19. Trường THPT chuyên Hùng Vương – Bình Dương 370

1. I rarely sleep in the afternoon.

→ I'm not in ........................................................................................................
3. It was not until five years had elapsed that the whole truth about the murder came out.
→ Not for............................................................................................................
4. People became aware of the damage to the ozone layer when an enormous hole was discovered over the
South Pole.
→ It was the........................................................................................................
7. The Mediterranean is warm, whereas the North Sea is much colder. (NOTHING)
→ The North Sea is ..............................................................................the Mediterranean.
8. My father persuaded me to learn another foreign language. (TALKED)
→My father ....................................................................................another foreign language.

20. Trường THPT chuyên Lê Quý Đôn – Bà Rịa – Vũng Tàu 378

3. Jane was extremely exuberant when he saw Cape Town.

Jane could feel nothing..................................................................................of Cape Town.
5. There was absolute quietness after the manager said the factory would be closing. (DROP)
You could .. ................................................................... closing.
9. Given their recent matches, it’s unlikely that the Spanish team will win the cup. (EVIDENCE)’s unlikely that the Spanish will win the cup.
10. While most writers earn only modest royalties, a lucky few create a bestseller. (STRIKE)
A few writers ........................................................................... norm.

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