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Social media and influencers

Social media, as we all know, has been a part of our lives for a very long time. During
this time, it has suffered many changes: it started as a way to share our days, thoughts,
and vacation pictures with our friends, but nowadays it has become a way to make
money and to influence other people. There are many negative aspects as well as
positive regarding social media.
Some of the most challenging negative aspects of social media that we need to face,
especially as teenagers are the addiction it causes, the unhealthy stands on body
image, social status, and one’s life overall, it blurs the line between reality and viral
life, limits Human interactions and Real-time human connections take a back seat. It
also displays your life and mental health, which opens you up to bullying, abuse,
anxiety, and judgment from people who have no say in your life.
On the other hand, there are many positive aspects of social media usage. It can
empower you through education, boost global connectivity, build many communities,
provide support and solidarity, raise awareness, and brings people together.
How do celebrities take part in these aspects?
Celebrities are paid to promote products or diets and lifestyles that are really
damaging to us and our perspective of the things we buy. They also engage in setting
unrealistic beauty standards that damage our self-esteem, especially as teenagers
because as teenagers we tend to look up to others without realising that they are older
than us and live in a different “reality” than us. But then again, celebrities can use their
platforms to raise awareness about certain topics. They can use them to raise money
for noticeable causes and they can also help us with our self-esteem by showing us
their real selves, without filters or makeup.
Celebrities are commonly associated with beauty and perfect bodies and when teens
see that, they want to look like them. The media puts permanent reminders in our
minds that we must achieve the celebrities’ beauty and bodies.
I mean how many times have we come across headlines such as: “Get Kim
Kardashian’s body with this diet”; “How to get Kylie Jenner’s flawless makeup look?”
Of course, this is going to be very damaging to ourselves because these celebrities
went through many beauty procedures and had their bodies Photoshopped.
What teenagers don’t know when they see “perfect” celebrities on social media is that
those celebrities have been through hours of makeup, hairstyling and beauty
procedures. Teenagers are trying to achieve a beauty that doesn’t even exist.
Some celebrities use their platforms to fight for social change and justice or even to
use their voices for change. There are some celebrities who show their real selves and
their realistic lifestyle, who promote self-love and things like that.
 Celebrities and social media

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