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Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023

Veronica Bradbury

Resource Review Assignment

Manipulatives in the classroom are essential to student success. They are a great tool as
they allow students to see and touch the concepts they are learning, making it easier for them to
understand. Manipulatives can be used to teach a variety of math concepts, from basic counting
and addition to more advanced topics like geometry and fractions. Some common manipulatives
include blocks, dice, base ten blocks, and pattern blocks. Educators can help students develop a
deeper understanding of math and build important problem-solving skills by incorporating
manipulatives into their lessons. The Ontario math curriculum covers a variety of topics,
including number sense, measurement, geometry, and patterning. Manipulatives can be used to
teach these concepts in a hands-on and interactive way. For example, students can use pattern
blocks to explore geometric shapes or use dice to practice addition and subtraction. Overall, math
manipulatives are a valuable resource for any classroom and can be used to enhance learning for
students of all ages and skill levels.

IXL is an online platform that provides students and educators with interactive math
exercises, explanations and games that cover a wide range of topics that align with the Ontario
math curriculum for all ages. IXL uses adaptive technology to personalize the learning
experience for each student. It assesses a student's skill level and adapts the difficulty of
questions accordingly. This means that students are challenged at their individual level, whether
they need extra practice on foundational concepts or more advanced material. It also presents
content in an interactive and gamified format. Students earn points, awards, and certificates for
completing tasks, which can be motivating and engaging for learners. The immediate feedback
provided after each question helps students understand their mistakes and learn from them. It
also offers diagnostic assessments that help identify areas where students may be struggling or
excelling which can be valuable to students, teachers and parents who can monitor student
progress through the website. While IXL has many advantages, it's important to note that its
effectiveness may vary depending on individual learning preferences and needs. Some students
may thrive with the gamified approach, while others may prefer different learning styles. It's
essential to use IXL in conjunction with other educational resources and strategies to provide a
well-rounded learning experience.

The addition of coding to the Ontario curriculum aimed at improving the computational
thinking of students. One of my favourite things about coding is that this goal can be achieved
while reinforcing learning of other math expectations. There are many websites that introduce
coding in an engaging way that students can easily grasp. For the junior curriculum, I would
recommend Scratch. It is a visual programming language and online community that is beneficial
and accessible for students of all ages and skill levels. It is a great introduction to coding using a
block-based coding interface which introduces the fundamental concepts of coding without the
requirement of typing lines of code. It incorporates colourful and engaging game-like elements
that encourage exploration and creativity. Activities range from beginner to advanced and align
with educational standards. For example, while teaching probability, educators can have students
design a simple probability game such as a virtual coin toss or dice roll and use the program to
calculate the probability of different outcomes. In summary, Scratch's user-friendly interface,
emphasis on creativity and exploration, educational value, and supportive community make it a
versatile platform suitable for learners of all ages. It encourages a positive and engaging
introduction to coding and computer science concepts while offering opportunities for continued
growth and learning.

Mystery Science is an excellent online resource that provides teachers with detailed lesson
plans, videos, and materials that align with the Ontario science curriculum. Mystery Science
lessons are designed to be engaging and interactive. They often incorporate real-world problems,
hands-on activities, and intriguing scientific mysteries that capture students' curiosity and
enthusiasm for science. It promotes inquiry-based learning, which is a key component of the
Ontario science curriculum. It encourages students to ask questions, investigate, and seek
answers to scientific questions through experimentation and exploration. The platform offers
lessons that can be adapted to different grade levels, allowing teachers to differentiate instruction
based on their student's needs and abilities. It often integrates other subject areas, such as literacy
and mathematics, into science lessons. This interdisciplinary approach helps students see the
connections between science and other aspects of their education. Mystery Science also includes
diverse perspectives and topics in its lessons, helping students see the relevance of science in
their lives and the world around them. Similar to the IXL math resource, this tool should be used
to reinforce learning but should be accompanied by hands-on methods and strategies to provide
students with more in-depth learning.

Science kits offer numerous benefits for both educators and students, as they provide hands-
on, experiential learning opportunities that can enhance understanding and engagement in
scientific concepts. They enable students to apply theoretical knowledge acquired in the
classroom to real-world situations, reinforcing their understanding. Using science kits
encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills as students analyze data, draw
conclusions, and make predictions based on their experiments. They also promote collaboration
and communication among students as they work together to complete experiments. Some
experiments may allow students to design their own procedures or modify existing ones,
fostering creativity and innovation. Another benefit that science kits provide is memory retention
as experiential learning often leads to better memory retention of scientific concepts and

Using science kits in the classroom can have both advantages and disadvantages with regard
to pedagogical value, student engagement, diversity, and learning styles. When it comes to
pedagogical value, science kits can provide students with interdisciplinary connections and real-
world relevance where students can see the practical applications of scientific principles, inquiry-
based learning, and hands-on learning which follows a kinesthetic approach to learning that aids
in information retention. On the other hand, some science kits may focus on specific topics or
experiments, limiting their applicability to a broader science curriculum. This can result in gaps
in students' understanding of other scientific concepts. Additionally, setting up and conducting
experiments with science kits may require additional class time, which can be challenging when
adhering to a strict curriculum schedule. Science kits promote active learning, where students are
actively involved in the learning process. This can increase motivation and enthusiasm for
science, as students see the practical applications of what they are learning. Regarding diversity,
some science kits are designed to be culturally responsive and inclusive, featuring diverse
perspectives and content that reflects the backgrounds and experiences of a diverse student
population. Although they are a great resource, they may have some cost and accessibility factors
as they can be expensive, and schools or educators may not always have the budget to purchase
them which can limit access for some students and schools. Finally, when considering learning
styles, science kits can cater to various learning styles, including visual, auditory, kinesthetic,
and tactile. Students with different preferences can engage with the materials in ways that suit
their individual styles. While science kits offer multiple engagement options, they may not align
perfectly with every student's learning style, potentially leaving some students less engaged or
struggling to connect with the material. In conclusion, science kits can be valuable tools for
enhancing science education, catering to diverse learning styles, and promoting engagement.
However, they also come with challenges related to cost, accessibility, and teacher training. The
key is to use science kits strategically, complementing traditional instruction and adapting them
to suit the specific needs and resources of the classroom. Additionally, ensuring equity and
inclusion should be a priority in selecting and using science kits to provide all students with
equal access to enriching science experiences.

One way this tool can be used in the classroom is by using a rocks and minerals science kit
with a grade four class. At the end of the rocks and minerals unit, students can consolidate their
learning by building a display based on a rock collection. To begin, divide the students into small
groups and provide each group with a variety of rocks and minerals from the science kit. Explain
to the students that they will work together to create a rock collection display that showcases the
different physical properties of the rocks and minerals. Provide them with materials such as
poster boards, glue, coloured paper, magnifying glasses, and labels. Instruct the students to
arrange the rocks and minerals on the poster board in an organized and visually appealing way.
Students must choose one rock or mineral that they will draw using their choice of art supplies
(coloured pencils, markers, paint) and include important details of the subject. They can use the
magnifying glasses to examine the physical properties in more detail and write labels describing
each rock or mineral. After the groups finish creating their rock collection displays, have an
exhibition where each group presents and explains their display to the class. This activity not
only encourages students to investigate and compare the physical properties of rocks and
minerals but also enhances their organizational and presentation skills. Guidance and assistance
can be provided throughout these lessons, ensuring that students have a thorough understanding
of the social and environmental impacts of human uses of rocks and minerals, as well as their
physical properties.

Specific expectations:
Grade 4, Science - 2.2 use a variety of tests to identify the physical properties of minerals (e.g.,
hardness [scratch test], colour [streak test], magnetism).
Grade 4, Science - 2.3 use a variety of criteria (e.g., colour, texture, lustre) to classify common
rocks and minerals according to their characteristics.
Grade 4, Science – 2.4 use scientific inquiry/research skills to investigate how rocks and
minerals are used, recycled, and disposed of in everyday life.
Grade 4, Science - 2.5 use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, including hardness,
colour, lustre, and texture, in oral and written communication.
Grade 4, Science - 2.6 use a variety of forms (e.g., oral, written, graphic, multimedia) to
communicate with different audiences and for a variety of purposes
Grade 4, Science - 3.1 describe the difference between rocks (composed of two or more
minerals) and minerals (composed of the same substance throughout), and explain how these
differences determine how they are used.
Grade 4, Science - 3.2 describe the properties (e.g., colour, lustre, streak, transparency,
hardness) that are used to identify minerals.
Grade 4, Art - D1.4 use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to determine solutions to
design challenges.
Grade 4, Language – 1.4 demonstrate an understanding of the information and ideas in a variety
of oral texts by summarizing important ideas and citing important details.
Grade 4, Language – 2.3 communicate in a clear, coherent manner, presenting ideas, opinions,
and information in a readily understandable form.

Differentiating this activity to accommodate diverse learners involves tailoring the

learning experience to meet the varied needs, interests, and abilities of students. This can be
achieved by allowing students to choose their rocks and minerals based on their interests or
preferences. Some may be more fascinated by gemstones, while others may prefer igneous rocks.
Educators can provide both simplified and more detailed information sheets at varying reading
levels or in multiple languages to support diverse literacy levels and English Language Learners.
This activity also offers a tactile experience by including texture samples or tactile diagrams for
students with sensory sensitivities or tactile learning preferences. As for the information on their
diagrams, teachers can provide guided questions that prompt critical thinking and observation.
Teachers can offer additional support for students who need it and allow more advanced students
to explore open-ended questions.

This activity can be assessed in a multitude of ways. For this grade level, a rubric may be
used but depending on the level of students an alternative assessment method may be more
beneficial. For example, I would use a checklist that the students would help create. It would
outline the specific expectations, steps, or criteria students should address in their display. It
provides clear, actionable feedback and allows students to track their progress. Ultimately the
choice of assessment method or tool should align with the learning objectives, the nature of the
assignment, and the developmental level of the students. It's important to maintain a balance
between providing feedback that supports learning and simplifying assessment methods to make
them more accessible and meaningful to students.

Scratch. (n.d.). Imagine, program, share. Retrieved September 29th, 2023, from

IXL Learning. (n.d.). IXL: Math and English language arts practice. Retrieved September 29th,
2023, from

Ministry of Education. (2009). The Ontario Curriculum Grade 4- The Arts. Curriculum.
Retrieved September 29th, 2023, from

Ministry of Education. (2009). The Ontario Curriculum Grade 4- Science and Technology.
Curriculum. Retrieved September 29th, 2023, from

Ministry of Education. (2009). The Ontario Curriculum Grade 4- Language. Curriculum.

Retrieved September 29th, 2023, from

Mystery Science. (n.d.). Mystery Science. Retrieved September 29th, 2023, from

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