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Resource 24 Unit 8 Grammar 1

1 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

when where where that/which that/which

who who whose whose

1 Edward Jenner was the English doctor and scientist who invented vaccination.
2 The stream train was the thing the British inventor, Richard Trevithick,
invented in 1802.
3 Kill Devil Hills was the part of town the Wright brothers first flew their
4 Around 5,000 years ago was the time wheels were first used.
5 William H. Hoover was the American businessman family name became
linked with vacuum cleaners in the twentieth century.
6 Wilhelm Röntgen was the German scientist discovered X-rays in 1895.
7 The Science Museum, London, is a place you can see many old steam trains.
8 This photograph a Frenchman took is a view from his window.
9 Alessandro Volta was the Italian scientist name gave us the word ‘volt’ to talk
about electricity.

2 Read the text and complete the sentences.

Mr Toothbrush
William Addis, an English businessman, was born Then he tied together some animal hairs. He
in 1734. In 1770, Addis was in prison for the fixed these into the holes. In 1780, he started his
crime of street fighting. He was sweeping the toothbrush business. It made bone and animal
floor when he had an idea. He took a bone hair toothbrushes. When William died, his business
from his dinner. He made holes in one end. went to his oldest son. His name was William, too.

1 William Addis was a businessman who came from England.

2 1734 was the year he was born.

3 Prison was the place he found himself in 1770.

4 The 1770s were years there was a lot of street fighting.

5 It was ‘sweeping the floor’ time Addis had his toothbrush idea.

6 He took a bone came from his dinner and made holes in it.

7 He fixed animal hairs in the holes he had made in the bone.

8 1780 was the year he started his toothbrush business.

9 He left the business to his oldest son name was William, too.

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