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Similarities and differences.

Write , then talk about free time in your family.

Free- time activities in our family

Paragraph I: Write about popular free time activities.
Write what teenagers and their parents usually do in their free time.
Are their free-time activities similar or different?
Paragraph II: Write about similarities. Say which activities you have in
common with other family members.
What free-time activities do you and other of your family members
enjoy ?
What you don‘t like doing? Why?
What hobbies do you have?

Paragraph III. Write about differences. Say which activities you enjoy but other
family members do not.
Paragraph IV. Conclusions. (do you spend enough time together?/what you like
doing together/ what you would like to do )

Helpful tips:

Synonyms of the word „like“:

love be keen on
enjoy be fond of ...
prefer excited about...
be interested in (are) into...

You can watch a youtube lesson: How to talk about your free time and hobbies

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