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Chapter 3 — Question 6

In Figure 3.3 and Table 3.5 we illustrated the structure of our example database. In what
(fundamental) way does the table differ from the figure? Why have the attributes been
grouped the way they have? (Hint: look for the obvious explanation.)

The fundamental difference between Figure 3.3 and Table 3.5 is that the first
illustrates a database instance and the second the database schema. Thus, the first
shows real data (as considered valid data right now), the second only shows the
intent that we have with these tables. It also provides the data domain for each
attribute, and indicates what is the primary key of each table.
The attributes have been grouped per table. Obviously, this was done in
such a way that each table will store ‘complete’ facts about entities. For instance,
BirthDate is an attribute relevant for parcel owners, so this is why it is grouped
with other PrivatePerson attributes. (Observe that there is nothing profound in
what we say here . . . it is almost a triviality.)

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