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Huánuco is a region located in the central part of Peru, in the central zone of the Andes.,
Huánuco has a variety of microclimates due to its diverse topography that ranges from
high mountains to tropical jungles. However, in general, the climate of Huánuco can be
described as temperate and humid.


Huánuco has a rich culinary tradition that is reflected in its typical dishes and drinks.
Here are some examples:


- Picante de Cuy: A spicy stew made with guinea pig meat, chili, aromatic herbs and
potatoes. It is one of the most representative dishes of the region.
- Pachamanca: An ancestral preparation in which meats (pork, chicken, lamb), tubers and
corn are cooked in an underground oven with hot stones. The result is a juicy and flavorful
- Caldo de Cabeza: A soup made with beef head, seasoned with herbs and spices, and
accompanied by potatoes, cassava, mote (cooked corn) and corn.
- Chicharron de chancho: Pieces of pork fried until crisp and golden. It is served with mote
and criolla sauce.


-Masato: A fermented drink made with rice and cassava. It is sweet and slightly foamy, and
is usually eaten at festivities and celebrations.
-Chicha de jora: An alcoholic beverage prepared from fermented corn. It has a sweet taste and is
very popular in the region.

-Coctel de Frutas: Huánuco is known for its great variety of tropical fruits. You can find
delicious cocktails of fresh fruits such as pineapple, mango, papaya, passion fruit and
-API: A hot drink made with purple corn, cinnamon, and other ingredients. It is a
comforting drink and is served mainly in cold times.


Huánuco is characterized by its biological diversity and varied landscapes. Different
ecosystems are found here, from the Andean peaks to the tropical jungles. Some
representative species of flora and fauna are:


-Puya Raimondi: Also known as "the queen of the puyas", it is a giant plant endemic to the
Peruvian Andes and is found in the Huánuco area.
- Queñua: A tall tree that adapts to the extreme conditions of the Andean mountains and
forms forests known as "queñuales".
- Orquideas: The region has a great variety of orchids, some of them endemic and
considered true botanical jewels.


-Oso de Anteojos: It is the only bear native to South America and is found in the highlands
of Huánuco. It is a symbol of the conservation of biodiversity in the region.
-Gallito de las rocas: Emblematic bird of Peru, known for its striking orange plumage and
its mating behavior in groups called "leks". It can be found in wooded areas of Huánuco.
-Sachavaca: Species of large and herbivorous mammal that inhabits the tropical forests of
Huánuco. It is known for its peculiar appearance and its importance for the balance of the


Huánuco is a region rich in cultural traditions and festivities. Here you have some of the most
outstanding festivities and dances:

Holy Week: Holy Week in Huánuco is celebrated in a special way, with processions, theatrical
performances and religious activities in honor of the passion and death of Jesus. In the city of
Huánuco, the processions of the Lord of Miracles and the Virgin of Angustias stand out.

Fiesta de San Juan: This festivity is celebrated in the city of Huánuco from June 23 to 24. It
includes dances, music, fairs and fireworks in honor of San Juan Bautista, the patron saint of the

Fiesta de la Virgen del Carmen: It takes place in the province of Pachitea, in honor of the Virgen
del Carmen, from July 15 to 17. During the festival, colorful processions, dances, and cultural
events take place.

Cultural dances:

Huaylash: It is a traditional dance of the region, known for its cheerful rhythm and energetic
movements. The dancers wear colorful costumes and perform choreographies that represent life
in the countryside.

Wititi: Originally from the province of Huamalíes, this dance is recognized as Cultural Heritage of
the Nation. The dancers wear flashy costumes and perform synchronized movements,
accompanied by traditional music.

Cashua: It is a ritual dance that is performed in the province of Pachitea during the festival of the
Virgen del Carmen. The dancers dress in masks and feather costumes, representing the fight
between good and evil.

Negritos: This Afro-Peruvian dance is performed during Christmas and New Years. The dancers
paint their faces black and wear colorful costumes as they perform steps full of energy and joy

Huánuco has a variety of tourist places that offer natural beauty, history and culture. Here are
some of the most outstanding tourist places in Huánuco:

Huánuco Viejo: It is an important archaeological site located in the heights of Huánuco, which
was an ancient Inca citadel. Here you can see the ruins of temples, squares and systems of
agricultural terraces.

Tingo María National Park: It is a natural reserve that houses an exuberant tropical jungle. It has
beautiful waterfalls, such as the Catarata del Velo de la Novia, and offers the possibility of
activities such as hiking, bird watching and boating.

Tantamayo: It is an important pre-Inca archaeological site known for its stone sculptures and its
architectural structures. Here is the Temple of the Crossed Hands, an ancient ceremonial temple.

Huallhua Lagoon: It is a beautiful lagoon located in the province of Lauricocha. It is characterized

by its crystalline waters surrounded by mountains and picturesque landscapes.

Pumahuanca: It is an archaeological complex that contains remains of an Inca citadel and the
pre-Inca Wari culture. Here you can see terraces, platforms and architectural structures.

Kotosh Archaeological Complex: It is one of the oldest archaeological sites in South America and
is located a few kilometers from the city of Huánuco. Here you can see temples, pyramids and
the famous Raimondi Stela.

Plaza de Armas de Huánuco: It is the heart of the city of Huánuco and has beautiful gardens, a
central fountain and the Huánuco Cathedral. It is an ideal place to enjoy the colonial architecture
and local life.

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